May 16, 2014


Don't Die from Falling
Right before you hit the ground, save. Load that save and you will land lightly on the ground.

Kill Without Gaining Infamy
You need an anti-material rifle with incendiary ammo for this cheat. Equip your rifle and change the ammo type to incendiary. Use VATS on a target and quit the VATS after targeting. Now the target is on fire without you gaining infamy or agroing anyone. You may use this trick several times on stronger targets. Note: This cheat worked before later updates; it may be patched.

Infinite XP
There are several ways to get XP through "devious means," here's a list of some of the most effective methods. Note: These methods are based on game bugs that may not be reproduce-able in every version of the game:
  1. You'll need to have a speech skill level of 50 or higher before attempting this trick. Approach Old Ben who sits by a fire near the King headquarters in Freeside. Persuade him to escort you to the local bar. For beating the Speech Challenge you'll get 61 XP. Follow him back to the bar and let him sit down. Speak to him again and you can do the Speech Challenge infinitely for unlimited XP.
  2. This trick requires 30 Speech skill or the Confirmed Bachelor perk and you must be friendly with NCR. Go to HELIOS One and the woman should automatically talk to you. Once she allows you access to HELIOS One, you should be able to start the "That Lucky Old Sun" mission. Proceed with the mission and talk to Fantastic and Ignacio Rivas. While talking to Rivas, make sure you get him to reveal that he is a Follower of the Apocalypse by using Speech or Confirmed Bachelor and agree with his ideals about peace or say you are neutral. Complete the mission regularly until you get to the point where you activate the Mainframe Terminal. Configure the Power Grid to "5 Full Region (Emergency Output Level)." Finish the mission by hitting the Reflector Control Panel outside on top of the tower. Go back to Ignacio Rivas, and choose the "I overloaded the plant. No one ..." option. That option will never disappear. Keep selecting that option to get 350 XP, 3 Stimpacks, and 2 Doctor's Bags. Submitted by Michael Gernhard
  3. Go to Vault 11 and you will get a small quest to find out what happened there. Once you get the overseer's passcode and enter it into her computer you will be led to the "sacrifical chamber." Use a stealthboy to get past everyone and when the walls on the left open (as you walk in) go into the door and access the computer mainframe. You will be given 3 options, "Override" and "Download" for 2 conversations. Click on the second download and you get 500 XP. DO NOT EXIT THE MAINFRAME. Simply click it again... another 500 XP. You can do this repeatedly to max out your character. Submitted by Mike Avant
  4. You will need a Barter skill of 35 or higher for this. In the southeast corner of the map you will find Cottonwood Cove (alongside the river) you will meet a man named Aurelius of Phoenix (he sometimes wanders off out of the camp). Speak to him and choose to barter with his camp for ammo and supplies. Clicking on this nets you 35 XP but it does not stop conversation and can be continuously clicked for rapid XP gain. Even if you have Vilified yourself with The Legion this exploit still works. Submitted by Sinner.

Achievement / Trophy Hint: Snow Globes
The Globe Trotter Achievement / Trophy requires you to collect seven Snow Globes in New Vegas. Here are the locations of all seven:
  • Mt. Charleston Snow Globe - Jacobstown / In the lodge, search the entrance and reception area. This Snow Globe is sitting on a curved desk by some terminals.
  • Mormon Fort - Old Mormon Fort / Julie Farkas has an office inside a tower at the fort. The Snow Globe is on top of a bookcase here.
  • Test Site - Lucky 38 Casino / Head to the cocktail lounge and look for the cash register. It's across from the entrance. The Snow Globe is behind the register.
  • The Strip - Vault 21 / After you access Sarah's locked bedroom, grab this Snow Globe off of the table between the two beds.
  • Nellis AFB - Nellis Air Force Base / Pete's makeshift museum holds this Snow Globe. It's on a table in the corner under a mural.
  • Hoover Dam - Hoover Dam / Search the visitor center for a terminal near two curved desks. The Snow Globe can be found on a desk here.
  • Goodsprings - Goodsprings Cemetery / Near the water tower is a patch of upturned soil by a small, rectangular grave marker. The Snow Globe is sitting in front of the marker.

Free and Unlimited Caps, Items and More
Like Fallout 3, you can use this trading exploit to earn essentially infinite amounts of caps, items, repairs and ammunition. Here's how:
  1. Find any shop-based trader and sell him any stuff in your inventory that you don't need and complete the transaction. This will boost the amount of money he has.
  2. Find something in your inventory that you have two of or something that you and the shop keeper both have. Sell an item or two to the trader so he has two of them.
  3. Check that the two identical items are of different values once they are in the trader's inventory. The bigger the difference in value, the better.
  4. Now buy the cheaper of the two identical items and complete the transaction, but do not leave the trade session. Look for the item in your inventory. The item should have gone up in value dramatically and should be 100% repaired, even though when you sold the item initially it wasn't! If it isn't 100% repaired for whatever reason, sell the item back to him anyway and repeat steps 3-4, trying a different item if necessary.
  5. Now you will be able to sell the same item for a high price and buy it back at a low price until you have drained his money completely. If you want, you can hold onto the item as it will be fully repaired -- simply keep it on the final round which will leave him with a small amount of money. Either sell the item back to him again once he is out of money, or if you are keeping it, sell him something else of high value and he will owe you that amount. The transaction price will go dim and remain at whatever amount of money he has left.
  6. Search through the trader's inventory and find stuff you need. Stimpaks, ammo, miscellaneous item, weapons and armor are all fair game. Eventually, the transaction price will light up again and you may owe him a few caps depending on how much of his stuff you added to the deal. Complete the transaction.
  7. If you wait three days he will have new stock and around 650 caps. The longer you wait, the more robust his inventory will become and the more caps he'll have for you to take when you're ready to do this all over again.
Note: Be sure to save while using this method since the game is prone to crashing during the transaction.

Infinite Magazines
In Freeside, go to the Old Mormon Fort. Seek out Julie Farkes inside the Fort. Choose the dialogue option to help them get medical supplies. Click through the dialogue options to hear one that tells you that she just got a shipment of magazines. After all this you will need to choose the option "I have some medical supplies to drop off." There are three options; choose the Rad-Away as this is the easiest one of the three to find. You only need to leave one thing if you don't care about fame. Every time you give them something you will gain more fame. After you give them the supplies choose the option "I'd like to buy medical supplies." There are a few aid supplies here that you can get if you want although they will not regenerate. In the supply list you can find the Magazines. Buy up what you want and then exit. After that, choose the option to give med supplies again. This time you need not give them anything just choose the "Never mind" option. Go back to "Buy medical supplies" and you can repeat teh process for more magazines. You can do it infinitely as long as you choose to drop off supplies first. You can even come back to at a later time. Here are the magazines you can score:
  • Fix-in' Things - Repair +10
  • Lad's Life - Survival +10
  • Meeting People - Speech +10
  • Programmer's Digest - Science +10
  • Salesman Weekly - Barter +10
  • Today's Physician - Medical -10

Steal All 37 Gold Bars In "Dead Money" (DLC)
Note: You will need a few C4 and a Detonator for this exploit. In the final part of the game you will enter a vault with 37 gold bars weighing 35 pounds each. Each gold bar is worth 10.539 caps. Clearly you can not take them all -- unless you use this exploit.

Enter the vault and the door will seal behind you. Take everything in the room that you want to including the 36 gold bars on the table to your right and the 1 gold bar on the overseers desk. Deactivate the security system and activate the computer on the desk. IMPORTANT: Only read "Vera", DO NOT access the file that shows up after you read it. Elijah will appear on the monitor, convince him to meet you in the vault. When the conversation ends leave the room immediately (it unlocks), and walk to the far right stairway. A blue force field will appear blocking your path, lay your C4 at the bottom of those stairs and then press your body against the blue force field in the doorway. When Elijah finishes speaking, for some reason you and he switch places. (You'll see what I mean) Make sure he is on or very near your C4. Detonate and leave the way you came. Congratulations you now have 37 Gold Bars worth a total of 389.943 Caps.

Fallout: New Vegas Hints & Tricks, feel free to add your in comments.

Fallout 5, Fallout 76, Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout Shelter Online, Fallout Amazon, TV Show, Fallout Series, S1, S2, News, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout: Tactics