May 18, 2014

Fallout Walkthrough

Getting Started

Your Character

This guide really refers only to one type of character, but it is, in my opinion, the character best suited for the completion and enjoyment of the gameWhat I advise you to do:
  • STR: 4
  • END: 5
  • PEC: 7
  • INT: 7
  • CHR: 5
  • AGI: 6
  • LCK: 6

Why I advise you to do this: First of all, the decrease in strength will NOTaffect you in any noticeable way unless you tend towards a melee type character, and in that case you should not read much of my FAQ. I'm a weapons man. But an average strength will not bother you at all; when you get the power armor, your strength will be 10 - and will not be a concern (even for a melee character).  Increased Perception lets you shoot things with guns a long way away with more accuracy. Increased Intelligence lets you gain more skill points per level, and also increases the amount of experience you get from certain tasks. More agility will give you more action points - especially helpful to a sniper (Plus, with 8 PEC and AGI, you'll be able to get the Sniper perk at level 18 - this upgrades all your ranged hits to critical damage. (That's a good thing.) Increased Luck actually helps quite a bit - you're more likely to succeed in using skills, hitting targets, causing critical hits, gambling well, and basically doing anything you want to do a little better. Besides, if you don't have sufficient luck, there's no way you'll be able to find the ULTIMATE WEAPON in Fallout.

My preferred tag skills:

  • Small Guns (recommended above all other skills. Being able to shoot guns well is ESSENTIAL to blazing through Fallout without a whole lot of fuss.)
  • Gambling (get your gambling skills over about 75% with good luck and you 'll never have to worry about money. EVER.)
  • The last is a toss-up between Energy Weapons and Speech. Speech is always good to have, but Energy Weapons is a necessity a lot sooner than you'd think - and a tag helps a LOT to become proficient in their use earlier.
As for Traits - GIFTED IS A MUST. This gives you +1 to ALL attributes and a small penalty in your skills (-10% to all skills, -4 points per level). This is more than worth it. 

As for the other trait, it's best to pick something with little effect - personally, I rarely choose any other Trait except for Bloody Mess ;) DON'T PICK SKILLED. Skilled sucks - having one perk every four levels is not worth it. You can always improve your skills. The name, sex, and age of your character are inconsequential.

  • B. Vault 13 / Shady Sands
  • C.  Vault 15
  • D.  Junktown
  • E.  The Hub
  • F.  Necropolis
  • G.  Vault 13
  • H.  Shady Sands / The Khans
  • I.  The Hub
  • J.  The Glow
  • K.  The Brotherhood
  • L.  Gettin' Stronger
  • M.  The Hub
  • N.  Adytown
  • O.  The Military Base
  • P.  The Brotherhood
  • Q.  The Military Base
  • S.  Gettin' Stronger Still
  • T. The Cathedral
  • U. The End (sorta)


Vault 13 and the area beyond are barely worth mentioning at the moment.Search the corpse next to you, pick up what you want, arm yourself with the10mm, and kill all the rats in the area.  There are 20 of them.  This may not seem like fun, but its 500 experience points (XP from now on), and that 's halfway to the second level. Once you've done this, leave the vault and head for Vault 15, but stop in at the unknown city on the way - Shady Sands.

There are only a few things to do in Shady Sands, but you'll leave with at least one level up for doing them. Talk to Ian in the guardhouse to the east of the gate, and ask him for directions to Junktown and the Hub.  Also ask him to assist you -- you may have to offer a share of the loot a few times, but he SHOULD come with you without won't get mad if you take it.

Talk to Seth, the man by the gate. Get him to take you to the Radscorpion caves, and kill all the scorpions. Take them one at a time, strike from as far away as you can, and let Ian do most of the work.  Once you've killed them all, grab one of their tails and go back to town.

Go to Razlo's hut, give him the tail, and give the antidote he makes to the sick man in the back room. Go to the second part of town to the east, and talk to the farmer out in the garden.  Talk to him about crop rotation for 500 xp (requires good speech and science skills. That's it.  You're done with Shady Sands for now. Leave the way you came, and go over to Vault 15.

C.  VAULT 15

Vault 15 is pretty cut-and-dry. With Ian in tow, of course, go through all three levels of the vault (accessed by going down the ladder in the shed) and kill every single rat and variation of rat that you find. You'll need a rope to go down the elevators, but you'll find another in a locker on level 2 and you should have brought one from Shady Sands to go down the first one.

InVault 15, you'll also find a leather jacket and a 10mm SMG, a small machine gun that works wonders with burst mode. When you get to the very end of level 3, you'll get a chunk of xp. After that, clean up the rest of the ratinfestation and go back out the way you came. Next stop: Junktown.


Junktown is a fun place to make your name known -- for good or for evil. Ifyou prefer to take the high moral road, though, you'll find it much easier (and rewarding) in the long haul. Trust me.
Here's what you need to do: the hospital and talk to the midget - he'll tell you about Doc Morbid's rather Nothing much in the first area. Search everything you want, get healed by Doc Morbid if you mind the cost.  (If you want, you can go down the ladder in odd scheme.  You can capitalize on that later, but I just avoid the evil doctor entirely.)

Go north to the second part of the city and go in Darkwater's, the shop to the east.  SAVE YOUR GAME, and then talk to Killian.  After you're done talking to him, Kenji (some guy in red) will attack him; empty a clip into Kenji and end combat.  If Ian happened to get his stupid but in the way of Killian's shots, or you accidentally hit a guard, or something terrible happens and you end up fighting all of Junktown, you'll know why I told you to save beforehand. When Killian asks you to help with the Gizmo problem, say yes, and you'll get a tape recorder and microphone.

Go to the Crash-House Inn and buy one night's sleep.  You'll awake in the night with the landlady screaming at you; save the game and go talk to the crazy guy in the adjacent room.  Be calm and polite to him, keep talking, and eventually tell him he can just leave and won't be bothered.  You'll get 1000xp (and Sinthia will make it worth your while... hee hee).

Go north to the third part of the city and into Gizmo's casino.  At the end of the building, you'll find the big G man himself; talk to him.  Take a hypothetical situation in the conversation, get Gizmo to hire you, and ask what his motive is.  Try not to say anything stupid.  When you've been asked to leave, go back to Killian and play the tape for him.  When he asks you if you want to help take Gizmo down, say yes, and go back to the guard standing just inside the gate to the town, Lars.  Talk to Lars, and go fight Gizmo. What I do here is basically shoot Gizmo in the eyes a few times, and if Izo gives me any trouble I do the same for him too. This fight should end quickly.

Get your reward from Lars and go search Gizmo's place. Find Phil and the troublesome dog in the same area of town as the casino; if you walk up the dog with a leather jacket on, he'll think you're his owner and come with you.  If you don't have a leather jacket, give the dog a piece of meat (you can find one in the casino), and he'll come with you.  Your new friend is Dogmeat, one of the most popular NPCs and allies in Fallout.  He won't last through the whole game, but you'll greatly enjoy the memories you'll share.

Go to the Skum Pitt north of Phil's house and go in around evening. Talk to everybody, and soon one of the Skulz inside will start some trouble with Trish, the waitress, and as a result loose a variety of body parts.  Talk to Trish and ask her about Saul.  Talk to the singing guy, compliment him, and get directions to the Brotherhood and Adytown.  Talk to Tycho, and ask him about the dangers of his travels, how he survived, and about his survival skills. He'll ask if you want to learn a few pointers, agree, and you'll get a boost to your Outdoorsmanship skills.  Then tell him you're cleaning up the Skulz, and ask him to help.  Tycho rocks; you'll wish Ian would just go away after you see how Tycho handles himself.

Go north of the casino and talk to Saul, the boxer.  Talk to him about his family and why he stays in Junktown.  Talk about Trish, and how she feels about him boxing.  This will get you a few hundred xp.

Go in the Skum Pitt and rest till morning.  Take the urn on the bar and go to the Crash-House.  Go in the part that the Skulz are staying in, talk to Vinnie, and ask him if you can join.  Show him the urn, say you have other stuff to do before you kill Neal, and go talk to Lars.

Lars will ask you to help them bust the Skulz; agree and you'll have a good fight.  You have Tycho, Dogmeat, Ian, and about six police officers on your side, though, and it shouldn't be too hard.  When you've won, give Neal the urn back for more xp and that's it.  You're done with Junktown.


The Hub is a really cool place, but you won't be here long on your firstgo-through.  There are only a couple of reasons to go here now. gambling skill is above about 50%, talk to the dealer by the roulette tables Go to the Maltese Falcon bar/casino in the second area of the Hub.  If you and hold down the 1 and 4 buttons on your keyboard for about ten minutes, or weigh them down.  You can start with as little money as 100 caps and when you come back, you should have several tens of thousands.  With gambling really high, it's possible to win thirty thousand caps in a couple of minutes.

Once you have enough money, go to the library in the same part of town and buy as many books you need to get your skills in the related areas about 91%; books can't increase skills beyond that percentage unless you're playing on an easier difficulty setting.  If you run out of money, go gamble some more until you have enough.

Once your skills are raised enough, take another chunk of change from the casino and go buy some stimpaks and whatever else you want from the midget in the convenience store.  Then go take one more chunk of money and go to the part of town to the east, Oldtown.  In one of the buildings there you'll find a weapons dealer; buy some combat armor, a sniper rifle, some .233 ammo for the rifle, and if you want, a combat shotgun for Tycho and maybe a .44 for Ian. (To equip them, just steal from them, plant the weapons and ammo in their inventory, and tell them to draw their best weapons next time they're in combat.)

That's all for now -- you have great armor, a great weapon, an infinite sourceof money, and the ability to lay down some serious smack.  Time to swing byNecropolis.


Necropolis is a rather large and complex town with several rather simple tasksto perform.
  1. First area : kill all ghouls standing in the street.  Find the sewer andcover descend.
  2. Sewers below first area:  kill all rats, find path to sewer below secondarea (it's in the north).
  3. Sewers below second area:  talk to ghouls and agree to help them fix thewater pump.  Kill all rats, find ladder to above-ground second area.
  4. Second area:  kill everybody and everything.(Okay, that one warrants some explaining.  There are a LOT of ghouls here, andthey're all evil.  They're begging for you to kill them in their own evil way.First, kill every ghoul you find on the street and in the small buildings nearthe sewer cover.  Next, there's a church to the north here, and inside is theghoul leader, Set, and his minions.  A full frontal assault will usually beVERY difficult and get your companions killed, so do this: Go to the north side of the church ON THE OUTSIDE, stand in front of a windowinto one of the side rooms, and snipe everybody inside in the eyes.  They won'tretaliate.  Repeat at the other two rooms.  Then go to the other side of thechurch and repeat.  Once you've killed all the ghouls you can snipe, go in thefront and take out the remainders.  It shouldn't be too hard.  Grab some stufffrom the corpses and environment.)
  5. Now that you've killed all the ghouls in the central part of town, go backdown into the sewers and find the path leading to the third area north of yourcurrent position.  Climb up the ladder, kill the ghouls you find, and save yourgame.
  6. There are six mutants in this part of town -- some are pansies, one is meanand has a laser rifle, and one is a wuss but has a flamer (which is BAD news tosomebody at a low level.)  Kill the first mutant you see from a distance.  Thenext mutant is in the water shed to the north; snipe at him from the window tothe rear of the building.  He shouldn't be a problem; keep sniping through thatwindow if the other three in the hall attack.  The rest shouldn't be a problemeither.  There's one more in the small building to the east of where you are(roughly); kill him two.
  7. Go down the sewer cover, kill the rats, grab the junk you'll find downthere.
  8. Go back to the peaceful ghouls in the sewer; they'll give you some books ifyour repair skill is too low.
  9. Go back to the watershed (where the mutants were), find the pump, and usethe parts on it until they work.
  10. Go south in that same building, lockpick the jail cell if you can and talkto the ghoul there for 500 xp.
  11. Find the sewer cover in the room by the jail cells, go down.  Kill allghouls you find on all three levels of the vault down there, find the workingwater computer on level 3 and search it to find the Water Chip.
And that's it.  Take the chip back to Vault 13 and you will have completed yourfirst major quest in the game.


There aren't many things to do in Vault 13, but nonetheless you'll leave with aLOT more xp than you came with.  Listed below are some things to do in yourbrief stay:
  1. On the second level of the vault (the living quarters), find the red-hairedlady in the room to the north and talk to her about the Overseer's concern forthe vault.  This'll get you about 700 xp.
  2. On the third level, talk to the guy in front of the storage rooms, and findout about the water thief.  Go in the room adjacent to the storage room andhide, then rest until midnight.  You'll see a vault dweller go through the hallsoon after; wait until he's looked in a box in the storage room, then confronthim.  Threaten him if you need to, but look in his pockets.  You'll get 1000xpfor solving this quest.
  3. On the third level, find the Overseer and talk to him (you'll have to standdirectly in front of him to do so.)  You'll get 7,500xp.
  4. If your character is old enough, you can use one of the computers in thelibrary for a few hundred xp.
  5. Go back and talk to the Overseer again, then leave the vault and head backto shady sands.

H.  SHADY SANDS (again)

Things have gotten a little bad in Shady Sands since your last visit.  TheKhans have kidnapped Tandi, and everybody's pissed.  So go to the raider's campand find Garl, their leader.  You can either fight him hand to hand forTandi's release, or you can threaten him with powers you can't explain -- he'lllet her go if you do.  Return Tandi to her town, talk to Aradesh for yourreward, then return to the Khan's camp and kill every last one of 'em (exceptfor the slaves).  This should be no problem with your Sniper rifle and combatarmor and with Tycho beside you toting a combat shotgun, so I won't go intodetail.  When you've wiped them out, go back to the Hub.

I.  THE HUB  (for the second time)

As said before, there are a lot of things to do in the Hub, but yet again I'madvising you to stop in only for some money (if you need any) and someanti-radiation chems this time.  To get the chems, you can talk to Vander --he's a peddler living in Old Town on the far east side.  Just ask him to sellto you and buy some Rad-Aways (about four) and some Rad-X (about four).  Onceyou have those (and a rope), you'll be heading out towards the Glow.  Also, itwould be quite a good idea to get at least about 25,000 caps before leaving --that won't take you too long.


The Glow may not be on your map at this point in the game.  It's easy to find,however.  Just head South-East from the Hub and keep going that way until yousee a big crater on the map with one of those green circles around it (thatmeans it's a location you can explore in detail.)  Stop at a square adjacent tothe crater on the map and double-click your location to go to the close-upscreen. Take two Rad-Xs, then go to the glow.  For now, you only have twotasks here.
  1. Use the rope on the beam hanging over the crater to create a way down.Climb down the rope.
  2. Run around the first level searching all the bodies.  You'll find a yellowkey card that you should hang onto, and also a holotape that you can use inyour inventory for 100 xp.  Once you have the tape, you can leave the Glow andhead towards the Brotherhood.
(If you find later on that you have been radiated, just take a Rad-away andyour problem should be solved.)


The Brotherhood is a GREAT place to improve upon your character.  Here's whatyou need to do:
  1. Talk to the door guard and ask him if you can join, then find out about thequest.  You've actually already done this; the tape from the Glow was the relicyou needed to find.  Talk to the guard again and give him the tape.He'll open the door for you.
  2. On the first level, find the gym in the east room and stand by the mat andlisten to the instructor.  If you listen to the whole course, you'll get 500xpand a boost to your unarmed and melee skills.
  3. Talk to Talus in the gym to learn about the trapped initiate.
  4. Talk to Michael by the gym to get some good stuff.  Don't ask for powerarmor, though -- you can get it somewhere else in this building.
  5. On the second level, you'll find the scribes.  Talk to Vree about usingcomputers, weapon designs, basically everything available.  When she directsyou to the computer terminal, use it.  Talk to Sophia about the history of theBrotherhood and you'll get a holotape.  (Every time you get one of these, useit in your inventory to learn its contents -- they'll appear of the status menuon your PipBoy.)
  6. Also on the 2 (or perhaps 3rd, I'm not sure) level, you'll find the doctor. She'll cure your radiation poisoning at any time, as well as heal you, forfree.  Also, if you ask her about the operations, you can boost each availablestat one point, one time, for a few thousand caps.  Do this for all availablestats.
  7. On level 3, you'll find the workshop in the eastern corner, where a suit ofpower armor is waiting to be repaired.  Talk to the mechanic in there, then gotalk to Michael.  Tell him you need a systolic motivator, but you don't havethe papers, although it's imperative.  Then beg.  He'll give you the part; gotake it to the mechanic again.  Use the repair skill on the suit, and put thatbad boy on.  You're now just one step below the best armor in the game.
For now, you're done with the Brotherhood.  Leave now, for it's time to buildyour character into the most lethal man/woman on the planet.


This part is slightly boring, but you'll be VERY happy you do it later on.What you need to do, basically, is wander around the map.  Wander anywhereexcept the North-west and South-east; the South-east is radioactive in the areaaround the Glow, and the North-west is full of really tough guys with minigunsand the like.  You might not fare well at this point against those behemoths.But anyway, you need to just wander, kill all hostiles you find in the randomencounters, and keep your eyes open for special encounters. This is whatyou're looking for:

A crashed UFO with two aliens alongside it.  On the body of one you'll find theAlien Blaster, a small pistol.  THIS IS THE BEST WEAPON IN THE GAME.DON'T LET ANYBODY TELL YOU OTHERWISE.It holds 35 shots of Small Energy Cells, which are lightweight anyway. The gunweighs very little (as compared to the larger energy weapons and their ammo). It only costs four AP to shoot. And it does 40-70HP worth of damage WITH EACHSHOT! No other gun in the game does this. If you find this gun and yourenergy guns skill is at 100% or around there, USE IT NOW AND NEVER STOP.  Ifyour energy guns skill is lacking, BUILD IT UP EVERY CHANCE YOU GET. When youget the ability to choose these perks, GET THEM IMMEDIATELY: Action Boy (one rank) Bonus Rate of Fire (one rank).

With one rank of Action Boy, you can fire one targeted shot and one untargetedshot with the Alien Blaster each turn. (BTW, a critical hit in the eyes withthe Alien Blaster does 150-350HP. I've killed DeathClaws with one shot beforewith this gun.) With the Bonus Rate of Fire Perk, you can fire THREEuntargeted shots each round (each doing 40-70HP of damage!). With this gun andthese perks, NOTHING CAN STAND IN YOUR WAY. Obviously, don't stop looking until you've found this gun. Once you have it,start stocking up on Small Energy Cells.

Also, look for the lone traveler in the mountains, and when you find him makesure you talk to him about singing and ask about the Celtic song.  This willboost your charisma by a point -- you can do this nowhere else in the game.

And that's it.  This 'Gettin Stronger' section isn't really about levels, it'sabout getting the Alien Blaster - the Ultimate Weapon in Fallout.  Once youhave it, you'll find yourself grinning with contempt every time some two-bitraider tries to attack you with a 10mm gun -- and when you have the two Perksmentioned above, you can kill three hostiles every turn.  This is a HIGHLYIMPORTANT step to mastering Fallout.

M.   THE HUB  (time to do some stuff now)

Okay, you have the second best armor in the game.  You have the best weapon inthe game.  You have buttloads of money and an itchy trigger finger.Hopefully, you have a high karma and the will to make it even higher.  The Hubis definitely the place to be.  Here's what you can do:
  1. Buy whatever you want first.  The Hub is the best place in the game to findmost everything you could want.
  2. Find the poor farmer in the south-west corner of Downtown, the one who'sresting in the ruins of a building.  Get him to tell you about his problems andoffer to help.  He'll take you to the farm he was kicked out of; just kill allthe raiders inside.  The best way to do this is to open the door, then move tothe side and let them come to you one by one.  It really shouldn't matter,though -- you can easily vaporize them with the Alien Blaster.  When you'redone, leave.  You'll appear back in Downtown near Ivan; he'll give you asawed-off .233 rifle, one of the most powerful non-energy pistols in the game.If Ian's still alive at this point,(which he never seems to be when playingwith me) give him that pistol if he doesn't have something better already.
  3. Go in the Maltese Falcon and talk to Kane, the guy in black standing by thebar.  He'll offer you a job, agree to hear about it and you'll find yourselftalking to Decker.  When Decker asks if you want the job, say no and leave.(You can say yes and get 500 caps from Kane, but when you double-crossDecker later the quest will stay on your PipBoy screen, and that's justannoying to me.)  Go to the Police Station and tell Sheriff Green Decker triedto hire you to kill Hightower.  Agree to come with the fuzz and you'll end upfighting Decker and his merry bunch.This is sorta tough, just because of Kane.  Kane is the resident bad-@$$ of theHub -- he can kill you QUICK unless you have some GOOD armor and still he canbe a pain.  What's even more frightening about him, aside from the obsceneamount of damage he can absorb, is he fights so well with only his FISTS.Anyway, Kane should be your first and foremost priority.  There's a guy with asledgehammer in the room, but you shouldn't take hardly any damage from himwith the power armor.  Shoot Kane repeatedly in the eyes if you can, justanywhere if you can't.  With the Blaster, you shouldn't waste more than threeor four turns on him anyway.  Then kill Decker, and the rest of his posse willsurrender.  After you get your reward from the sheriff, you can go back downthere and loot the corpses (there's a staircase in the room behind where Kanewas).
  4. Go talk to Butch in the Far-Go Traders office and he'll offer you the jobof finding the missing caravans.  (Butch is an idiot.)  After you've talked tohim and Rutger, his assistant, go find Beth in her weapons shop just to thesouth a little ways.  Talk to her about the deathclaw and the only person who'sseen it.  Then go find Uncle Slappy in OldTown; talk to him about thedeathclaw. He'll tell you to talk to Harold, who's in the building rightbehind him.  Talk to Harold, then go talk to Slappy again and get him to takeyou to see the deathclaw.  Go into the caves a short distance and you'll findthe deathclaw. The deathclaw is a mean SOB.  The instant you even CROSS his line of sight, nomatter how far away you are, he'll be off after you.  He's fast.  He hits hard. He hits often.  He has about 250+ HP.But, with the Alien Blaster, you can kill him in two turns, one if you'relucky, a couple more if you're not.  Shoot at the eyes when you can, and he'lldie soon enough.When he's dead, talk to the mutant, and you'll get a holotape.  (Don't' forgetto read it.)Take the holotape to Butch, tell him your story, then tell Rutger the samestory and you'll get your reward for solving the quest.
  5. Go to OldTown again.  In the building directly to the south of the entrancegrid, you'll see a building with some tough, mean guards.  These are the guysholding the Brotherhood initiate captive.  Just walk up to the window, fire afew blasts into the eyes of the people nearest you, kill those who come runningout to fight, and lockpick the door to the back room to free the initiate.
  6. If you want, you can find the stairway leading down in OldTown and climbdown it to find the Thieves' Den.  Lockpick all the doors, avoid the traps (orjust run through them like I do), and talk to the thieves.  You can ask to jointhem if you want, in which case you'll have to steal the necklace fromHightower (everybody hates this guy, apparently).  That's easy enough.  Go tothe Heights (west of Downtown) at midnight, sneak into Hightower's house whenthe door guard walks away, find his footlocker, lockpick it and avoid the trap,grab the necklace, and bring it back to the Den.
And that's it for now.  Later, the Hub becomes a good place to gain experiencethrough the Crimson Caravan, but for now you have more important things to do.Leave the Hub and head to Adytown (which was formerly Los Angeles; you can seeby the map at the entry screen.)


Adytum is a seemingly nice city at first, but one you talk to people and digup some dirt, you'll find that it's got some rather terrible problems that arejust begging for you to eradicate.  Do this:
  1. Talk to Zimmerman in the second building to the south-west of your entry.He's allegedly the 'mayor' of the town, but you'll soon learn he's not theauthority in Adytown.  He'll tell you to help him get revenge for the death ofhis son -- agree.
  2. Find Chuck the fortune teller to the far south-east of the city and keeptalking to him, being polite of course, until you find that your Luck hasimproved by one point.
  3. Go north to the next area in the town, where the Blades reside.  Find theleader of the Blades and tell her you've come to pay her back for killingZimmerman's son.  She'll start cussing a lot, and tell you about theRegulator's evil deeds.  Agree to help her by giving the disk to Zimmerman andalso getting help from the Gunrunners, and she'll give you a holotape.
  4. Here, you have two choices:  a.  help the Blades by getting the Gunrunner's aide  b.  help the Blades by single-handedly taking on every single Regulator inAdytown. I MUCH prefer the second choice.  It's a lot easier, IMHO, and you have no riskof losing Smitty and Miles, the blacksmith and chemist, which is likely if youhelp the gunrunners now.  So, if you want the easy road, chose the second. Here's what you do.  Take the disk to Zimmerman.  He'll get mad, then dead.Kill the Regulators you see, then go through town killing the rest.  The gamewon't tell you when you've gotten them all, but the townspeople will be sayingthings like 'Now we can start a new life' and 'This town is better with theRegulators gone.'  It's pretty self-explanatory.
  5. With the Regulators gone, go talk to the leader of the Blades again to getthe xp for the quest.  Also talk to the Scottish guy in front of the Blade'sbuilding and get him to teach you some hand-to-hand skills.
  6. Go east of the Blade's area of town to find the Warehouse, where aboutthree or four DEATHCLAWS are just walking around.  Kill 'em.  It may beslightly difficult, but far from impossible.  When they're dead, find the deadguy to the east, and search him to find some junk. Then find the stairs in thewarehouse, go down them, kill the Mother Deathclaw and her eggs. (You canleave them alive if you want to, and keep killing the respawning deathclaws forxp, but the battles are tough and there are easier ways to get xp, so I chooseto kill them all quick.)
  7. Go east of the warehouse to find the gunrunner's fortress. Go in, talk totheir leader, tell them the deathclaws are dead, and you'll have free access tothe hordes of weapons that they have (although that's rather pointless at thispart of the game; you have the UTLIMATE WEAPON, remember?)
  8. Take the junk you found in the warehouse back to Miles, the chemist inAdytown, and he'll tell you to take them to Smitty. Do that, then take themback, and you'll get some xp.  Also, if you talk to Miles again, he'll tell youabout the chemical hardening process for your power armor - agree to help him,go to the Hub again, talk to the librarian, get the journals, and take themback to Miles to upgrade your armor into the Hardened Power Armor, the bestarmor in the game.
And that's the end of that.  If you want, you can get another ally from the Followers of the Apocalypse to the west of the Blades, Katja, but I think she sucks anyway, and my companions have a bad habit of dying, so I don't.  Your next stop is ... THE MUTANT BASE!!!


Okay, this one's really only a "Okay, I'm here, time to go" deal.  Head north-west, a VERY long way, until you find a new location. You may encounter some patrols on the way - save often, because miniguns with critical hits kill you nearly every time, but besides that the patrols should give you no trouble. When you find the base, enter it, then go back to the Brotherhood.  Now is notthe time...

Q.  THE BROTHERHOOD  (one last time)

This stop is purely for xp.  Go to the fourth level, find General Maxson, tell him what you saw up at the base.  Argue that a counter-strike is needed.  Then go to the meeting room and argue with the elders there.  They'll agree to send out a force to help you, and you'll get some xp. That's it. You can also tell Talus, who's in the gym, about your rescue of the initiate. Time to go to the Military Base again - this time you're going as the HABRINGER OF DOOM.


Okay, this is fun.  MUTIES MUST DIE is really your main priority here. There ARE ways to go about this in a stealthy, sneaky sort of way, but this is the EXPERT'S guide to Fallout - which means I want you to go in with gun blazing. It's worth more xp and it's much more fun.Here's how it goes:
  1. At the entrance, kill the four or five guards you find.  What with the Paladins helping and everything, this should just be gory, not difficult. Search the remains of the guards and you'll find a bunch of radios (take one) and a holotape (read it).  Use the radio and tell the base there's a bunch of hostile humans attacking, requesting back-up at the location to the south.
  2. Open the door and go in.  You can bypass any GREEN force field in the building by using the repair skill on the generator by the field, and you can just run through a red field, but you take damage.  Kill everybody on this level. (Good advice for fighting mutants -- fire at them from a doorway, then move and let them come to you one at a time. Standing in the midst of a crowd is begging for trouble.)
  3. On the eastern side of level 1, you'll find a computer along the wall that's labeled just 'computer', not 'Mach IV computer'. Use your science skill on it to earn some experience points.
  4. Find another computer labeled like that and use your science skills on it, then just use it to gain an interface. You can adjust the movement parameters on the pest control to nothing to make the sentry robots not move, but don't adjust any other parameters.
  5. Go to level 2 and kill everybody.  Search the lockers for good stuff.
  6. Go to level 3 and kill everybody.  Find the elevator to level 4.
  7. On level 4, kill the muties most immediate your position, repair the Mr. Handy, and tell him to complete his task. Kill everybody else - make sure you save before fighting the Lieutenant of the Master's Army - he's a tough one. (And his death is spectacularly nasty -- you might want to watch it again and again.)
  8. When you've looted all you want and you're tired of the military base, go to the vat control room on the fourth floor, laugh at the funny exploding people, hack into the computer, and set the base on the three minute silent self destruct mode.  Then RUN RUN RUN out of the place, and don't stop until you're on the world map again.  You'll see some pretty fireworks, and if you go back to the base you'll see the destruction you've cause, and 10,000 more xp on your character.


Well, you've crippled the Master's army, you've stopped production of mutantreinforcements, you've rid every city you've stopped in of its seedy underbellyof crime and hatred and apathy, evil across the face of the world fears you,and you have impenetrable armor and the most lethal weapon ever to grace thesurface of your world.  What now?

You need to be stronger.  At this time, you most likely won't have much troubleat all with the final quest in the game, but nonetheless it's really cool tohave a level 21 character -- and it's quite easy to get one.

There are two ways.  One is the easy way, one is the easier but slower way.
The easier but slower way is the Crimson Caravan, whose office is in thedowntown area of the Hub.  There are caravans leaving the Hub every 3rd and17th day of every month; just talk to the lady in the Crimson Caravan officeand tell her where you want to go.  Touring with the caravans will present youwith huge crowds of raiders, large swarms of manti, a few hostile ghouls, andthe occasional deathclaw.  More importantly, you can always get a handful ofstimpaks from a tour with the caravans, and the fights (even the ones whereyou're mobbed by twenty raiders at once) are VERY easy to somebody of yourabilities and armament.  Just keep going back and forth with the caravans,resting between to pass the time between journeys, and you'll gain a level uppretty frequently.  You'll also end up with a lot of stimpaks.

The other option is to keep finding random encounters up by the military base.Each patrol you decimate will give you 1,000 to 2,000 xp, and unless you happento get torn to shreds by a lucky minigun blast, these aren't too hard.Hit the centaurs first if there are any, then mutants with miniguns or flamers,then floaters, then the rest.  Don't worry about the wusses punching you whileyou do this.

Doing either of these things will get your levels up pretty quick if you justspend enough time doing them.

If you want, you can also take a trip to the Glow -- bring Rad-X and Rad-aways,then find the keycards to the elevators and explore the place.  The robotsyou'll find can (and should) be killed while inactive, you'll get the sameamount of xp and they won't attack back.  You can repair the generator on level6, and on all levels there are lockers and safes in the wall providing tons ofammo and also lots of information on the FEV virus.  It's worth the trip.
Another way to get a high level is to clear out the Cathedral, home of theMaster of the mutant army....


This is the birthplace of all the evil conspiracies in the Fallout world... acreepy, disturbing place. Fun, too, and a good source of xp. Here's what you need to do:
  1. Upon entering the cathedral, I advise you not to kill just whomever you want.  I know they're all a bunch of annoying idiots, but killing these people will decrease your karma -- and that's just a personal thing, but I like my karma and rarely do anything in the game to lower it.  Kill if you want, don't kill if you don't.
  2. In the cathedral interior, find and talk to Lasher -- the angry guy to the north-west.  If you convince him you need to talk to Morpheus, the leader of the Children, he'll give you a badge that will unlock the doors in here.  Or you can kill him and take it.  Your choice.
  3. Find the locked door to the north-east and either use the badge on it or lockpick it.  Go up the stairs to each successive level of the cathedral, killing all the Nightkin (they're really just mutants with StealthBoys, not ghosts), and when you get to Morpheus . . . kill him too.  Now go back down the stairs, go to the left a little ways, and you'll find another flight of stairs going down.  Go down, walk to the end of the basement at the right corner, and wait for the secret door to open.  Kill the guy who comes out, then proceed beyond the door, killing everything and everybody that comes between you and progress.  Repeat on the first floor.  If you hack into one of the computers in the medical room, you can get some xp.
  4. On the second floor, kill all the muties and scientists.  Free the prisoners by using the terminal on the wall ... poor prisoners.  Talk to the crazy people in the room to the north-west, and ask them about the weird things they talk about, then ask them about nullification to get a psychic nullifier. This REALLY comes in handy when you fight the Master.
  5. On the third floor, just kill everybody.  If you proceed through the door on the east side of the floor, you'll see a nasty hall - this leads to the Master.
What I do is go in, kill all the muties and crazies in the Vault under theCathedral, and leave.  You get a lot of xp, and you won't finish the game.(Killing the Master ends the game.)  When you're ready, you can finish him, butthat level 21 character is still waiting to be achieved...

If you want to kill the Master now, it's quite easy.  Just walk up to him andstart shooting him in the eyeballs when you're done talking.  He'll shoot youback, of course, but all he has is a dual-laser chaingun, and those thingsdon't do diddly squat.  Mutants will spawn in the chamber behind you, but if you SAVE YOUR GAME IN COMBAT AND LOAD IT BACK, THEY'LL BE GONE! I don't know if anybody else has discovered that, but it'll keep the room clear while you'rekilling the Master. When he dies, just run out of the place onto the world mapbefore the explosion starts, and the game's over.

If you got the tape from Vree concerning the mutant's sterility, you can alsoconvince him to commit suicide - but that's no fun... Anyway, that's the end of the cathedral.


Basically, that's everything worth doing in Fallout. Getting a level 21 character is really the final quest, in my opinion. You have the best armor, best weapons, and everything else that anybody could want in the game -- just have fun killing evil people over and over again. I take much joy in wiping villainous scum from the face of the earth in this game, and having them not be able to even hurt you makes it even more fun -- if you've worked long and hard to achieve that invincibility. (Cheating sux, BTW). Fun things to do at this point include experimenting with different weapons (you should be proficient in all weapon use at this point), taking on hordes of raiders with your bare hands, or trying to wade through a murderous crowd with a super-sledge hammer or flamer. Or, if you're so inclined, you could try killing every person in every town. But regardless, I hoped you enjoyed my guide, and I hope it helped.

Copyrighted by Cole Simmons, A.K.A. Kazorky Pantz

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