Fallout 4 Reveal At E3 This Year?!

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Fallout: Lanius - A Fallout Fan Film
Fallout: Lanius is the blood soaked origin story of Legate Lanius, the primary antagonist from 2010's Fallout: New Vegas. On the brink of ruin, the Hidebark people are about to be wiped out by the slaving organisation, Caesar's Legion. However, their most ruthless warrior would prefer death to dishonour. "Fallout: Lanius" will recount how a single man brings ruin to his people due to his lust for bloodshed and victory.
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Fallout: Nuka Break - Fan Film & Series
Fallout: Nuka Break is a non-profit fan film created by Wayside Creations . It takes place somewhere in the NCR. The film centers around three protagonists: Twig (Zack Finfrock), Ben (Aaron Giles), and Scarlett (Tybee Diskin). Fallout: Nuka Break also made into a web series by Wayside Creations.
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The electric lights above the bed crackled and seemed to shift in place. Alex laid awake, fully dressed with his eyes staring blankly into the common room's corner. The last commoner to make his way back from the Saloon had been in a drunken slumber for the last twenty minutes. Alex grabbed the satchel laying at his side and silently scrambled out of his bunk. He stopped at a nearby storage locker, checking around him to make sure everyone was fast asleep. He crouched and rummaged into the space blindly while keeping watch. He found another man's ration of Purified Water and began soundlessly putting them in his bag.
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ZeniMax file lawsuit against Oculus VR
Earlier this month, ZeniMax, owner of id Software and John Carmack’s former employer, sent a formal notice to Oculus claiming that technology that its virtual reality headset relies on was developed by John Carmack while he was still employed by ZeniMax. ZeniMax claimed that only with its help, Oculus founder Palmer Luckey “was able to transform his garage-based pipe dream into a working reality," and it wanted compensation. Today, the company officially filed suit.
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Wasteland 2 gets in late August
After 26 years of waiting, Wasteland fans will finally get their hands on the sequel, Wasteland 2, in late August, developer InXile Entertainment announced today. Back in 2012, InXile hoped to raise $900,000 through Kickstarter in order to develop a sequel to classic RPG Wasteland. The project became one of the highest-funded the crowdfunding site had seen up to that point, raising more than $2.9 million. That sum caused its initial release target of October 2013 to get pushed back as the scope of the game was increased.
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Fallout New Vegas 2 Coming From Obsidian Entertainment?
Fallout: New Vegas developer Obsidian Entertainment would love to do a follow-up to its 2010 RPG. Studio CEO Feargus Urquhart has discussed what his dream pitch for Fallout: New Vegas 2 would be like in a new interview.
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Other interestig stories: Fallout Games History Overview
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