June 29, 2014

Fallout 3 - Cut Content (Part 2)

This article continues from Fallout 3 - Cut Content (Part 1)

Cut raider graffiti


There are also the cut weapons Mason jar mines and Piggy bank grenades that appear only in The Art of Fallout 3. There is no hint of what they might have done or what damage they might have caused, as there is only concept art about them:

Mason jar mine:
The mine itself seems to be a combination of nails, an empty jar, a stick of dynamite and a lit cigarette. The cigarette burns down, and eventually ignites the fuse on the dynamite. When it explodes, it sends the nails flying, due to where the dynamite is placed, it would send the nails in a limited direction. Also this wouldn't be able to function as a mine, due to the fact that cigarettes are not proximity activated. It would instead function like a time bomb.

Piggy bank grenade:
It is a grenade version of the bottlecap mine because, as the name suggests, it would have used currency for shrapnel. Unlike the bottlecap mine or the Nuka-grenade, the piggy bank grenade appears to use a powder fuse rather than an electronic one.

Fired at the player by a trap. There is sufficient evidence to suggest it was a player weapon at one point, including a first person view model and Pip-Boy icon for a cut Throwing skill.

Black Bart's Bane
This weapon's damage, critical damage, and item HP are all double that of a normal BB gun, and its value has been raised accordingly from 36 to 60 caps. In all other aspects it is identical to a normal BB gun. This weapon can not be found anywhere in the game. It is obtainable only via console command on PC or inventory edit on Xbox 360. To get Black Bart's Bane, use the console command: player.additem 6B535 1

Black Bart's Bane

The Breaker is a unique nail board. It can be repaired with nail boards. it differs in that it does more damage, more DPS and more than double the durability. This weapon cannot be found anywhere in the game and can only be obtained via console. To get The Breaker, use the console command: player.additem CB546 1

Clover's Cleaver
Clover's Cleaver is a unique Chinese officer's sword cut from the final release of Fallout 3. It has higher Damage and Damage per second but a Critical Chance .5 lower than that of the normal Chinese officer's sword. It was intended to be used by the non-player character Clover, similar to Butch's Toothpick, which is used by Butch DeLoria. This weapon can only be obtained via console commands. To get Clover's Cleaver, use the console command: player.additem C80B8 1 100

Cryo grenade
The cryo grenade was originally a weapon cut from the final version of Fallout 3. It does not exist in the final version of the game, nor does it exist as an unused item in the G.E.C.K. editor. The mesh and texture are contained within Fallout 3's BSA files, but these files were not used, as new meshes and textures were made to replace them in Mothership Zeta.

Cryo mine
The cryo mine was originally a weapon cut from the final version of Fallout 3 for an unknown reason. It does not exist in the final version of the game, nor does it exist as an unused item in the G.E.C.K. editor. However, the mesh and texture are contained within Fallout 3's BSA files, these files however were not used and new meshes and textures were made to replace them in Mothership Zeta (the original mesh and texture were eventually used in Operation: Anchorage as spider drones).

Its appearance resembles that of the in game homemade weapons, and it was intended as an Energy Weapons dependent homemade weapon. Several junk items possibly related to the Cryolator were also cut; a coolant component (which forms the midsection of the Cryolator) and a liquid nitrogen canister (which was possibly intended as ammunition) are two. Both of these items use the same texture file as the Cryolator. The Cryolator and the possible components mentioned above do not exist in the game (except for the crutch used for the stock and the weapon's base), nor do they exist as unused items in the G.E.C.K. editor. However, the meshes and textures for them and the weapon itself are contained within Fallout 3's BSA files.

Curse Breaker
A unique baseball bat that was cut from Fallout 3. It deals more damage and has a better critical chance (x1.5 compared to x1.0 of a common baseball bat). It can be repaired with baseball bats. This weapon cannot be found anywhere in the game and can only be obtained via console command player.additem C80BB 1.

Discharge hammer
The discharge hammer is a weapon from the Fallout 3 add-on, Broken Steel that exists in the game files, but never used in game. It's a super sledge that does increased electrical damage to robots. This weapon can not be found anywhere in the game. It is obtainable only via console command on PC.

The baseball bat is a common melee weapon found in the Wasteland. The United States was stereotyped as a patriotic country, so it's very logical to find them everywhere. While useful for close combat with raiders, they are not particularly effective against the more durable foes found throughout the Wasteland.

An equippable, non-damaging pair of fists, equivalent to being completely unarmed, except not eliciting a reaction from any NPCs whatsoever. It is coded as part of the game engine rather than being pulled from external asset files like all other weapons.

Frag mine
The internal name of this weapon associates it with the Tranquility Lane portion of the main quest, but there are no mines used there in-game. This was probably intended as an alternate method for murdering Mabel Henderson at Betty's command. This version inflicts 300x as much damage, is much more valuable (3900 vs. 25 caps), and oddly weighs twice as much.

Gauss rifle (Beta)
The beta Gauss rifle is a beta version of the scoped Gauss rifle that uses the model of a laser rifle and features a five round magazine. It only does about 25% of the damage of the final version, but has a 100% knock-down chance. It is only obtainable through console commands. It can only be found in DLC05TestPhil cell with many other cut items from Operation Anchorage, like the Peepers. The beta version is especially interesting because, when fired, it shows the true trajectory of the Gauss rifle's shots, where as the "official" version of the weapon shows a misleading visual representation of the bullet trajectory. When firing the beta version, the round clearly fires quite a ways up and to the right of the center of the scope. For some reason this off-center trajectory remained unchanged in the "official" version, leading many players to confusing missed shots, because visually the round appears to be dead-center despite the fact that the actual coded path for the round remains up and to the right. A side-by-side comparison of both Gauss rifles, the beta and the "official", tested on multiple targets from multiple angles seems to confirm this.

Gauss rifle (Beta)
Grenade launcher
A cut content weapon in the Broken Steel add-on for Fallout 3. The grenade launcher is listed in the G.E.C.K., but was not placed in game. It's a modified combat shotgun that shoots grenades instead of shotgun shells. This weapon was created during one of Bethesda's tutorials on how to use the GECK and appears to be left in the game.

Laser rifle (demo)
A weaker version of the laser rifle, seemingly used for a demonstration, with lower crit damage (10 vs. 22).

Law Dog
A unique .32 pistol with slightly increased damage and increased value. Although it is a light weapon, it pales against the N99 10mm pistol in terms of rate of fire and damage. It can, however, be fired quite fast if the player can get a rhythm down. The Law Dog does not appear in anywhere in the game, it can only be obtained by using the console command: player.additem 6B532 1 100

Lightning gun
The lightning gun is a weapon from Broken Steel that is listed in the G.E.C.K., but it was not placed in game. It is a unique AER9 laser rifle. The lightning gun fires, essentially, a basic laser rifle's laser. At the point of impact it generates a natural gas cloud. After a moment, a second laser flies in (horizontally, from a seemingly arbitrary location) towards the gas cloud to ignite it. The secondary laser might not be able to reach the gas cloud (blocked by terrain/objects) in which case the gas cloud can be ignited manually by firing another shot into it (with the lightning gun or any other weapon that can ignite natural gas).

Love Tap
A unique variant of brass knuckles. Love Tap boasts slightly higher Damage than their common counterparts, a Critical Multiplier of 2 as opposed to 1 for the regular brass knuckles. They also deal more Critical Damage than common brass knuckles. In addition, they require 3 fewer Action Points per attack in V.A.T.S.. However, Love Tap is hindered by only having 100 item HP, half as much as regular brass knuckles. This weapon cannot be found anywhere in the game. It is obtainable only via console commands. To get Love Tap, use the console command: player.additem C80B9 1

Mirelurk bait grenade
A special frag grenade, which, based on the name, would have acted as bait to attract or lure away mirelurks. It is unimplemented: it is impossible to obtain without using the console, and it does not work, as mirelurks simply ignore them. It uses the frag grenade's world model and explosion effect but does zero damage, though it still causes the concussive effects if the player stands too close to the explosion. They were intended for the Wasteland Survival Guide, when Moira Brown sends the player into the Anchorage Memorial, and are mentioned in the script for the quest. This weapon can not be found anywhere in the game. It is obtainable only via console command on PC. To get a mirelurk bait grenade, use the console command: player.additem 30664 1.

O'Grady's Peacemaker
An unique police baton. It can be repaired with other police batons. There was to be a guard called O'Grady who would carry this weapon, but he was cut from the final version. This weapon cannot be found anywhere in the game and can only be obtained via console command player.additem 7843D 1

Pa's Fishing Aid
A unique version of the double-barrel shotgun added to Fallout 3 with the Point Lookout add-on, but was essentially cut post-production. It looks identical to its regular version, the double-barrel shotgun, but differs in damage, price and other characteristics. It can only be repaired with combat shotguns.

Smoke grenade
The smoke grenade was formally cut from Operation: Anchorage, but much like the Tesla cannon (Beta), can be reached out of the normal map boundaries.

Sonora Cruz's 10mm pistol
Sonora Cruz's unique 10mm pistol inflicts 100 damage per hit. It is flagged as unplayable, it will not show up in her inventory and cannot be pickpocketed. As she is programmed to flee instead of fight, she will never use it, effectively making it unused.

The spanner was cut from the final version of the add-on and can only be retrieved from the object database through the use of console commands. The spanner is a wrench - with a value and weight higher than that of other wrenches - equippable as a weapon, and the only one of its kind. As it was cut from the game, it was left unfinished; it is held in a strange manner (upside down and against the player's arm). It will knock down enemies on critical hits.

Tesla cannon (Beta)
This Tesla cannon is a developer test weapon, presumably an early developmental version of the Tesla cannon. It is aesthetically identical to a missile launcher and uses missiles as its ammunition source. It can be obtained via a glitch or console commands. It fires the same blast of electricity as the normal Tesla cannon. This Tesla cannon (it is just called "Tesla cannon" in the game) delivers less damage than the actual cannon, and uses up more A.P. per shot, but it can actually be repaired by ordinary missile launchers (but not vice versa). This means that unlike the regular Tesla cannon, the test version can be repaired to 100% indefinitely (assuming the player's repair skill is high enough). One copy of this weapon can be found outside the map boundaries at satellite relay station. It is obtainable via some rather tricky jumping, building an ammunition staircase, using Dogmeat, or console commands.

Tesla cannon (Beta)

Wanda is a unique R91 assault rifle found in the object database. In-game, it is functionally the same as the Xuanlong, with the exception of being more easily repaired. It can be repaired with other R91 assault rifles. This weapon exists in the game files, and can only be obtained through console commands on the PC version. The gun is inside the mailbox marked "weapons" within the testing hall that is accessible with console commands (coc TestQAItems).


Ant resin
Ant resin is an amorphous mixture of carboxylic acids that are obtained directly from giant ants. It is yellowish-green in color and is shiny and/or iridescent. The editor ID for this item in the GECK is "MS02AntResin." MS02 is the ID for The Superhuman Gambit quest, indicating that it was most likely related to the AntAgonizer, but was cut from the final version of the game. Though it serves no purpose in either game, this item is found in the game files for both Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.

Big Book of Science
An oversized copy of the science skill book. Its internal prefix associates it with the quest Wasteland Survival Guide. It weighs five Fallout pounds.

Unused. Its internal name prefix associates it with the quest Tranquility Lane. There in fact is a chandelier in the simulation which can be used to commit and assigned act of murder, but it is a world object, not an item.

Computer Password Module
Related to the quest "Stealing Independence".

Constitution of the United States
One of many cut documents related to Stealing Independence, as are the others: Emancipation Proclamation, Monroe Doctrine, Museum Token, U.S. Declaration of War on China and U.S. Declaration of War on Germany.

Control Collar
Called RRControlCollar internally. The 'RR' prefix is used exclusively for Reilly's Rangers.

Empty Sap Container
Quest item related to "Oasis". The player might have been supposed to show this to Father Birch after completing the quest for his side as proof.

Motivational Secrets of the Stars
Preliminary version of the speech skill book. Uses the world mesh of the green pre-war book. Unlike the used skill books, it weighs three nonspecific weight units.

(Pre-War Book)
There are seven unused pre-War books skins. None of them have names. The skins were later used in Fallout: New Vegas for junk items.

Survival Guide Manuscript
An item from a cut segment of the quest The Wasteland Survival Guide. At one point you were given a manuscript and had to go to Hubris Comics to print out copies. In the final game however, the location is not connected to any quest.

The Great House of Lod
A miscellaneous item which was cut from the final version of the Fallout 3 add-on, Point Lookout. It uses the junk item icon in the Pip-Boy, and the world model of a ruined book. It has a script attached which seems to imply that it was used for LOD (Level of Detail) testing.

Wasteland Survival Guide
Finalized version of the Wasteland Survival Guide. Classified as a book, rather than a miscellaneous item like the one accessible in game.

An item version of the book You're SPECIAL!, which is used to allocate stat points in Fallout 3.

Actor effects

This is an unused critical kill effect for weapons that fire mini-nukes, much like disintegration or gooification. The victim is engulfed in a sparkling bright lime green particle effect. The corpse is strangely rendered transparent afterwards with a mild radioactive glow, possibly due to a missing texture.

Better Rivet City Prices
Related to the quest The Wasteland Survival Guide. Increases barter by 15, regardless of location.

EMP Disable
Has the effect of a Pulse grenade on susceptible targets. The weapons in-game use the EMP object effect, which is effectively the same thing.

The same trait from Fallout 1 and 2. Increases AP by 10 and reduces DR by 20. Fallout 3 doesn't have traits, so it would have been a perk instead.

Life Giver
There are effects for unused second and third ranks for this perk.

Called "DeathClawPoison" internally. Deathclaws cannot inflict poison in the final game.

Rad Poisoning
Called "NukalurkAttack" internally.

RL3 Survive
Increased DR by 10, three stages.

Stealth Shield
Called "EnclaveInfiltratorStealth" internally. Runs a stealth boy script on the actor.

Base effects

Ant Vision
Ant Vision
Calls a script which was to be activated after consuming Ant Nectar.

Cure Addiction
Meant to cure a particular Addiction, or all.

Damage Chest
The only "damage body part" effects which are used are damage legs, used by the Dart gun. Including effects: Damage Left Arm, Damage Right Arm.

Other cutted base effects (not much known about)
Attack Health, Cripple Be Gone Effect, Damage Radiation Resistance, Flamer Burn, Flamer Smoke Effect, Frost Damage (This was possibly used later in Mothership Zeta), Generic Debug Effect, Glowing One Rad B Self Effect, Glowing One Rad Burst, (no name) (Gooification Effect Shader), Increased Agility - Jet, Increased Agility - Psycho, Increased Damage Resistance - Med-X, Increased Endurance - Med-X, Increased Perception - Jet, Increased Strength - Jet, Increased Strength - Med-X, Increased Confidence, Increased Speed Multiplier, Reduce Charisma (Mentat Addiction), Reduce Charisma (Psycho Addiction), Reduce Charisma (Buffout Addiction), Reduce Intelligence (Psycho Addiction), Reduce Intelligence - Psycho+, Reduced Action Points, Reduced Carry Weight, Reduced Health, Reduced Luck, Reduced Poison Resistance, Reduced Radiation Resistance, Script Effect, Shock Damage

Vault Boy stat images

You can see some of the unused Vault Boy graphics, such as - Light Step perk graphic, similar to the one used in the first two Fallout games. The version in Fallout 3 uses landmines instead of beartraps. Healing rate. The player character cannot heal at all in Fallout 3 without using items, resting, or having specific perks. Action Points. There is no method for the player character to actually see their derived statistics.

As you can see there is plenty of cutted content from the Fallout 3 game, and those above are just the most interesting ones, not all of it. For more cut content visit Fallout wiki, which was the source of this article.

Fallout 5, Fallout 76, Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout Shelter Online, Fallout Amazon, TV Show, Fallout Series, S1, S2, News, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout: Tactics