July 04, 2014

Fallout: New Vegas - Cut Content (Part 2)

This article continues from Fallout: New Vegas - Cut Content (Part 1)


Armored Vault 21 jumpsuit
The armored Vault 21 jumpsuit is a Vault 21 jumpsuit which has been modified to add additional protection in certain key spots on the suit to help brave the wastes outside of the vault. This item was unintentionally cut from the final version of the game and can only be obtained through console commands. Even though it was cut, it is worn by the Courier during the end game cinematic. In the Fallout: New Vegas game manual, under the section about stealth, the Courier is ducking behind a car, also wearing the armored Vault 21 jumpsuit.

Remnants Tesla armor
Given their non-appearance during the events of Fallout 2 between 2241 and 2242 and its greater rarity and less resistance compared to the advanced power armor, it was possibly a prototype during this period before the complete destruction of Navarro by the NCR. The Remnants Tesla armor is a piece of power armor which was cut from the final version of Fallout: New Vegas.

Repconn jumpsuit
Repconn jumpsuit
This clothing item is a pale blue jumpsuit with a black "REPCONN" logo on the back. It provides no Damage Threshold, but provides a bonus of +5 to Repair and can be repaired with RobCo jumpsuits. Despite the letters of REPCONN being normally capitalized it appears with a capital "R" and lowercase letters afterwords on the Pip-Boy 3000 screen.

Vault 24 jumpsuit
These vault jumpsuits were originally worn by the inhabitants of Vault 24. They were cut from the game along with Vault 24.

Papa Khan armor
The Papa Khan armor has a mesh but no default texture. It provides a Damage Threshold of 8 with or without the helmet; the armor can be repaired with Great Khan armor. The helmet is a pickelhaube with 2 horns attached to the back, and has red glasses attached to the face. The helmet provides no Damage Threshold and cannot be repaired with other items. This armor is found on an unused clone of Papa Khan and so can only be obtained through console commands. In the Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide it lists the Papa Khan helmet as obtainable when in fact it has been cut from the game.

White mask
The white mask is headwear that is found in the game files of Fallout: New Vegas, but not used in the actual game. It seems to be a placeholder for the White Glove Society mask. It is only obtained through the console commands.

Scorched Sierra power armor
Unused resources exist for a matching helmet to go with the Scorched Sierra power armor, notably featuring a green glow coming from the visor area. The mesh and corresponding textures are fully complete, but were not incorporated into any armor or other console-obtainable item. The armor was inspired by a mod made for the PC version of New Vegas. In an interview, Chris Avellone said "The armor was something one of the staff members saw, and we thought it would be the coolest thing to put in one of the last add-ons for Vegas."

Enclave Shocktrooper armor
Enclave Shocktrooper armor and the matching Enclave Shocktrooper helmet are a suit of power armor which, although present in the game files of Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, were not used in the final game. In Fallout: New Vegas, if obtained by using console commands, it has a DT of 35, the helmet has a DT of 6, the armor set has the highest DT in-game.


Big Boomer texture
The Big Boomer is a unique weapon in Fallout: New Vegas. Within the games files exists an unused texture for the Big Boomer. It uses the Fallout 3 model and only differs from that in the color of the wood and the words Big Boomer written down the side of the handgrip.

Deathclaw gauntlet
Deathclaw gauntlet
The deathclaw gauntlet is the hand of a deathclaw strapped to the user's arm. It ignores enemy armor, as did the version in Fallout 3, and looks identical. Although the standard deathclaw gauntlet is cut content, the Fist of Rawr, a unique version of the gauntlet, appears in the Lonesome Road add-on.

Debug megapistol
The debug megapistol is a debug weapon in Fallout: New Vegas. It is identical in appearance to the 9mm pistol, but deals tremendous damage. This means, much like The Disintegrator laser rifle and The Faderator, it was most likely a developmental tool and never intended for use in normal gameplay. It is only available through the use of console commands.

The Disintegrator
The Disintegrator is a debug test weapon in Fallout: New Vegas. With over 3800 DPS and 1000 damage per shot, this laser weapon will destroy anything in your way. If that's not enough, this weapon always gives critical hits for an extra 22 damage, a negligible addition to the already massive damage but also ensuring that your target will be reduced to a pile of ash. The Disintegrator can only be obtained via console commands. Once added to the game, this weapon may show up in dead enemy inventories.

Double-barrel shotgun
The double-barrel shotgun was slated for inclusion in Fallout: New Vegas at some point during development. While it was either removed prior to the release of the game or never implemented to begin with, a number of resources remain in the game's files for the weapon, including the weapon model and firing sounds, as well as an unused Form List, RepairNVDoubleBarrelShotgun. The weapon model and associated animations are identical to those found in Point Lookout, meaning the weapon lacks iron sights and the multi-step reload sound effect used for compatibility with the Rapid Reload perk. Despite this, sufficient resources exist for the weapon to be fully implemented within the game, leaving the ultimate reason for its exclusion unclear.

Gas grenade
This is a non-lethal thrown weapon that produces a gas/smoke like substance on detonation. It cannot be placed in containers or picked up if dropped. This item only exists in the game files, and cannot be obtained without console commands.

GP machine gun
The specifics of the GP machine gun are unknown. The weapon was at least planned at some point during development, but never made it into the final release of the game. The only remaining resource tied to the weapon is a single, unused, and empty Form List, RepairNVGPMachineGun.

Heavy rail cannon
This weapon does not exist in the game files except for a mention in a script. The Heavy rail cannon was a weapon cut from Fallout: New Vegas before the game's release.

Heavy riveter
The specifics of the heavy riveter are unknown. The weapon was at least planned at some point during development, but never made it into the final release of the game. The only remaining resource tied to the weapon is a single, unused, empty Form List, RepairNVHeavyRiveter.

Light rail cannon
These weapons show up referenced but uncommented in the "NVMissFortuneGunScript" script (which is also unused), no other mention of the weapon exists.

Multiplas rifle
Multiplas rifle
Within the game world object files, the rifle's model is labelled as "unique". There also exists an unused "non-unique model", which suggests that the weapon was originally intended as a unique variant of a usable standard version within the game.

Plasma rifle always crit
Plasma rifle always crit is a debug weapon in Fallout: New Vegas. It is a plasma weapon which looks like a plasma rifle, but is actually a "shotgun" variant of the plasma rifle, firing 5 rounds of plasma similar to the multiplas rifle. If that's not enough, this weapon always deals a Critical Hit, ensuring that your target will be reduced to a pile of goo. It is quite obvious the plasma rifle always crit was a test weapon like The Disintegrator, most likely used for testing the critical process in energy weapons and their animation upon death. The plasma rifle always crit can only be obtained via console commands.

Plasma rifle weak
As the name suggests, the damage caused by this plasma rifle is extremely weak. Judging by the damage and name, this was most likely a developmental weapon. The plasma rifle weak can only be obtained via console commands. It cannot be picked up again once dropped out of the inventory, due to a game engine setting that disallows pickup by the Courier.

Poisoned Shishkebab
Poisoned Shishkebab
This weapon is very powerful in combination with the Pyromaniac perk and any other melee specific Perks, especially because of the dark datura Poison effect it has, resulting in -2 Intelligence and -58 HP for 1 second.

R9000 camera
Used like a weapon, it is an exact replica of the Codac R9000 (shown by the fact that it has 'Codac' written on the back). It uses energy cells as 'ammunition'.

Stun grenade
This is a non-lethal thrown weapon, dealing 100 Fatigue damage along with 15 damage to an enemy's HP. The stun grenade is not found in the game, and it can only be obtained via console commands.

Slave's Burden
Slave's Burden resembles a large backpack with 4 smaller containers attached to it. Going by the name, appearance and the fact that it is classified as a weapon, it was to be worn by slaves and contains flamer fuel packages. The Pip-Boy icon displays the flamethrower icon.


NV Survivalist
A Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics perk and a cut perk in Fallout: New Vegas. This perk doesn't exist in the G.E.C.K. but an image of a Vault Boy named "perk_survivalist" can be found in the game files and proves that the perk was planned. Otherwise, benefit, prerequisites and description are unknown.

Deathclaw Omelet
It was to be given by the Courier to make deathclaw omelets. The perk was cut, however. This recipe allows you to make Rose's famous deathclaw omelet.

Spicy Casserole
It was to be given by the Courier to make spicy casseroles, similar to Ruby Nash's casserole. The perk was cut, however.

Companion suite
Unknown atributes

Child at Heart
The Child at Heart perk greatly improves your interactions with children, some adults and a robot, usually in the form of unique dialogue choices. Child at Heart is a Fallout 3 perk and a cut perk in Fallout: New Vegas.


The 2EOCasLoHotelLobby is a test cell in the game files of Fallout: New Vegas. This test cell is a simple hotel lobby that consists of an open foyer area with adjoining toilets, staircase and corridors. To the rear is another large open room, with a staircase leading down towards the entrance of Vault 3. 2EOCasLoHotelLobby appears in the game files of Fallout: New Vegas but should not be considered canon because it is a test cell.

A dimly lit hotel lobby, with the same layout as 2EOCasLoHotelLobby. It consists of an open foyer area with adjoining toilets, staircase and corridors. To the rear is another large open room, with a staircase leading down towards the entrance of Vault 3. In the foyer, there is a pack of hostile coyotes located near the entrance. There is also a group of non-hostile non-player characters in the corner, made up of Mojave inhabitants and NCR troopers.

Barracks01Int Template
A set of barracks in a L-shape layout, the barracks consists of five bunk beds and a set of toilets in the rear. The majority of the containers are empty. However, there is some random ammunition in a footlocker, and some chems in the first aid box located at the rear of the barracks.

Barracks02Int Template
A set of barracks, it has six bunk beds and a set of toilets to the rear. Barracks02Int Template appears in the game files of Fallout: New Vegas but should not be considered canon because it is a test cell.

Cell for Dead "Void Creatures"
A simple empty metal room with no doors or lighting. There are four other identical rooms which must be no-clipped into to access, and one larger, equally empty room. Another room has 3 NPCs, which could be Lily Bowen, when she was a human, and her two grandchildren, Becky and Jimmy.

Cottonwood Cove Building 01
A simple dwelling consisting of a few rooms with various items scattered around. All items are marked as own by Caesar's Legion. Cottonwood Cove Building 01 appears only in the game files of Fallout: New Vegas, but should not be considered canon because it is a test cell.

Craftsman Home 01 Template
A dirty, dimly lit replica of Doc Mitchell's house. The player character is spawned on top of the house.

Dummy Cell for Scripted XMarkers
A simple hotel lobby. It consists of a open foyer area with adjoining toilets, staircase and corridors. To the rear is another large open room, with a staircase leading down towards the entrance of Vault 3. It has an identical layout to 2EOCasLoHotelLobby.

Dummy Cell VES VEFR Encounters
A simple hotel lobby with the same layout as 2EOCasLoHotelLobby. In addition, it is populated with one naked NCR Ranger, 5 hostile NCR Rangers troopers and a single nightkin on the far side of the room. In the rear room, there is also a disguised Frumentarius.

While not exactly a cut location, it is nonetheless inaccessible during normal gameplay. It exists as a single room; one wall has been removed and replaced with a screen. There is also a single door that leads to nowhere. If the player character travels here before the ending is finalized, the player will be shown only two slides, after which the game will end. Ron the Narrator can be found by walking through the wall.

Freeside NPC dump
This cell consists of four discrete rooms all separated from each other and suspended in a void. The rooms are all identical, with two doorways without doors in them. There is no way to travel between rooms without using the console. A static NCR guard dog is also present where the player character spawns.

FFE vendor chests
Storage space for New Vegas's random encounters, of which there are very few. Inhabitants include Malcolm Holmes and the sentry bot toy. There is also the vendor inventory for an NPC named Felicia, who does not exist in the game, and is associated with the Sunset Sarsaparilla headquarters. When accessed in-game, there is nothing but an endless void.

Hoover Dam battle spawner
The Hoover Dam battle spawner is a test cell in the game files of Fallout: New Vegas. A small square empty room with very little light.

Hoover Dam checkpoint
A simple room with two doors, a control panel, and a concrete barrier. The two doors both open into nothing. The control panel will spawn a NCR trooper behind the cover of the concrete barrier, and a recruit legionary at the far end. Once spawned they will ignore the player character and attack each other. The control panel can only be used once to spawn the non-player characters.

Hoover Dam global dummy cell
A single room with all three versions of ED-E (standard, Brotherhood of Steel upgrade, Followers of the Apocalypse upgrade) and a female Powder Ganger. The room contents also vary depending on what update is installed.

Gomorrah 3rd floor
A third floor to the Gomorrah exists within the game, but its option in the elevator menu is disabled. This floor houses the non-penthouse rooms available at the Gomorrah, as well as a small janitorial room. There are no non-player characters on this floor and there is no notable loot.

Mentats Test Level
Mentats Test Level
A vault like room similar to most vault common areas, with two giant rats, two giant mantises (one regular, one nymph), three different Powder Gangers, and eight brahmin uniquely named as "Brahmin WaterSkins". The Powder Gangers will not fight back when attacked, and instead will simply flee. The giant rats will likely begin combat with the giant mantises as soon as the player character spawns in the room. There are several tables located in one corner of the room. On the tables, there are various weapons and a lit, non-interactable piece of dynamite.

Mentats Test Level
It simply consists of a roulette table floating in a void.

An empty metal room, with nothing in it, not even lights. There are five other identical rooms which must be noclipped into to access, and one larger, equally empty room.

An empty metal room, with nothing in it, not even lights. There are five other identical rooms which must be noclipped into to access, and one larger, equally empty room.

Ruined store
A simple room with two doors, two trip wire traps and several recruit legionaries. The two doors both open into nothing. The recruit legionaries will remain non-hostile until attacked. Killing them will result in loss of Legion fame.

Sample bathrooms of all sizes
A long hallway, with doors on either side leading to copies of every bathroom used in the game.

Test cell for traps
A small room that contains many of the traps that appear in the game Fallout: New Vegas. Traps are located on the east, west, and south side of the room and a reloading bench is located on the north side. A ruler also appears on the west side of the room on the floor beside several traps. The room also contains two open doorways on the west and south ends. Walking through these doorways will result in the player falling through the map and respawning back in the test room.

The room has the same layout as the test cell for traps; but instead of traps, they have been replaced with "testing dummies" (raiders) standing at various distances. There is a ruler lain flat on the floor measuring the distance in game units, which is equivalent to approximately 33 yards. Each "testing dummy" is rooted in place and can not move, although they are turned hostile if close enough to the player character, in which they will begin attacking the player character by punching. Each "testing dummy" has raider armor with a DT of 4 and 95 Hit Points.

A huge map area consisting of various props located in the game and some random non-player characters, spread over a vast area. The map contains many items from Fallout 3, such as nukalurk meat and a sweetroll. There are other rare items from Fallout: New Vegas such as the wasteland omelet, a fire ant egg, and the brahmin Wellington. TestMap01 appears only in the game files of Fallout: New Vegas, but should not be considered canon because it is a test cell.

Usonianhome01Int Template
It contains templates for generic houses, similar to those found in Nipton. Usonianhome01Int Template appears in the game files of Fallout: New Vegas but should not be considered canon because it is a test cell.

Usonianhome02Int Template
It contains templates for generic houses, similar to those found in Nipton.

Other Maps containing nothing but void
These are all valid maps but there's nothing to see there except for endless black or gray voids:
  • DevArmory: "Armory"
  • GreenRoom: (no name)
  • HooverDamExt: "Hoover Dam Exterior Dummy Cell"
  • HooverDamInt: "Hoover Dam Interior Dummy Cell"
  • HooverDamIntPowerPlant: "Hoover Dam Interior Dummy Cell"
  • HooverDamIntArizonaSpillway: "Arizona Spillway Tunnel"
  • NorthVegasGenericHouse01 (+02, 03, 04): "North Vegas House"
  • NVVendorChestsCell "New Vegas Buried Vendor Chests"
  • NVWildWastelandCell "New Vegas Buried Vendor Chests"
  • TheFortSum "TheFortSummitDummy"


Chip Provenance
Very little is known about this quest's purpose. Its internal name is "VChipHistory", indicating it may have something to do with the casino chips or the platinum chip.

Jailhouse Rock
A named NCR MP, Les Fretwell, with some partially complete dialog lines, he is placed behind the NCR Embassy, along with trooper Willis and two unnamed NCR troopers.

A quest associated with Test Man.

Underpass Water Purifier
The purifier, which according to its cellname was to be near Carlyle St. Clair's house, would provide clean water to Underpass if it were functional. Whoever assembled it had no idea what they were doing - many parts are connected incorrectly or hooked up backwards. Someone with the proper knowledge could easily get the purifier operational.

Viva Las Vegas!
This is an unused stage of the main quest. There's not enough information to know anything about it. It shares a name with The King's unique clothing.

World Changes Post-Endgame
There is no post-endgame, the game just ends. Also, "Freeside Post-Endgame Content Quest". The infected brahmin meat the player can find in the kitchens of the Ultra-Luxe had an implied use which never made it into the game. Unused pop-up messages exist for poisoning the Legion's stew, but the scripts attached to the message are nonfunctional.

Meat of Champions
There is a perk with the same name, achieved by cannibalizing certain named non-player characters. Alternatively, at one point in development, the Courier would be assigned the task of cannibalizing them by another non-player character.

Welcome to Fabulous New Vegas
The only objective is "Kill the Raiders". Welcome to Fabulous New Vegas includes an alternate opening in which Jessup pistol whips the Courier and Benny shoots them in the head twice, much like The Forecaster said.

There is plenty of cut content from the Fallout: New Vegas, and those described in part one and two are just the most interesting ones, not all of it. For more cut content visit Fallout wiki, which was the source of this article.

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