September 23, 2014

Fallout 3 DLC Stories (Page 2/2)


  3. Broken Steel

Broken Steel is the third add-on for Fallout 3, and it's quest line is of the same length as the ones of Operation: Anchorage and The Pitt. Unlike these add-ons, in order to access the new story content from Broken Steel, the main storyline from the base game has to be finished. Broken Steel alters the ending of the original Fallout 3 to allow continued play after the end of the main quest line. When the player reaches the final point of the quest "Take it Back!", new options are given to allow specific followers to enter the reactor, but the original options still remain viable.

Regardless of what is chosen, however, the player will wake up two weeks later at the Citadel (unless they allow the Purifier to explode, which automatically ends the game), having been knocked unconscious by an unknown energy spike. Sarah Lyons will also be in a coma, unless she activated the purifier in which case she will have died. In those two weeks, the Brotherhood has been using the now-reactivated Liberty Prime to root out the remaining Enclave presence in the Capital Wasteland. The player joins them, only to watch Liberty Prime be destroyed by a devastating orbital strike. Taking out this new threat becomes the top priority. A short side-mission is arranged to equip the player with the powerful Tesla Cannon, after which they move on the Enclave's massive Mobile Crawler base, located outside of the Wasteland at Adams Air Force Base. After fighting through the base personnel, a control station at the top can be used to call an orbital strike on the base itself, destroying it. Alternatively, the Citadel can be destroyed, marking the player a traitor to the Brotherhood of Steel.

The third add-on for Fallout 3 adds new enemies including albino radscorpions, feral ghoul reavers, super mutant overlords, and Enclave Hellfire troopers. These are equipped with new armor and weaponry that the player can acquire. Broken Steel also adds several new perks to cover the additional 10 levels as well as some new encounters.

  4. Point Lookout

Point Lookout is the fourth add-on for Fallout 3 and  like all add-ons (except for Broken Steel), is playable at any time during the main storyline; the player could travel there immediately after exiting Vault 101. Once the content is loaded, you receive a message on-screen that initially starts the quest The Local Flavor. Unlike other add-ons, the player doesn't need to complete the main quest in order to travel back to the Capital Wasteland. Provided they can pay the ticket cost, the Duchess Gambit will travel back and forth anytime. It takes a month (30 days) of game time to travel to Point Lookout. As with previous add-ons, the main quest line is said to add about three to four hours worth of game time.

Point Lookout, unlike the other pieces of downloadable content, does not have a specific goal. Rather, it adds a large area for the player to explore, with new enemies and items to find. One major quest line focuses on the rivalry between Desmond Lockheart and Professor Calvert, two scientists who have been feuding since before the Great War. Desmond has survived as a ghoul, while Calvert became a living brain in a jar. The feud can be ended by the player in either Desmond's or Calvert's favor. Other quests include following the trail of a long-dead Chinese spy and discovering the mystery of the Lovecraftian tome known as the Krivbeknih.

  5. Mothership Zeta

Mothership Zeta is the fifth and final add-on for Fallout 3 where an alien mothership abducts the player, making the whole add-on take place onboard the alien ship in orbit around Earth. The player character is able to return to the ship and use it as a "home-base" of sorts once the main quest is completed, although most of the ship will become inaccessible.

After being beamed aboard, the Lone Wanderer is subjected to an alien medical experiment. In the cutscene, the player character passes out during the procedure and awakes in a cell with another abductee named Somah. She explains that all of their equipment has been taken. She comes up with a plan of escape - staging a fistfight so that the alien guards will intervene, then overpowering them. They soon come across Sally, a little girl who was abducted soon after the Great War, who asks them to help her escape by destroying the reactor in the room. After freeing her, she says that she knows a lot about the ship and will provide aid in turn.

Sally leads the Lone Wanderer to a room with several cryo-tubes, to acquire a spacesuit from one of the frozen abductees, an astronaut (who, unfortunately, does not survive the "thawing" procedure). The suit is needed for a spacewalk outside the ship to access a teleporter; first, however, the generators in three other areas of the ship must be destroyed in order to provide a distraction. Three of the abductees will offer to assist in each of the generator areas: Elliott Tercorien will help with the Cryo Labs, Somah will aid traversing the Robotics Factory, and Paulson will aid with the Hangar.

After enabling the teleporter, the survivors are beamed to the upper section of the Mothership, where they witness a demonstration of the ship's Death Ray as a threat to scare them into surrendering. The player character must then fight through several portions of the second section which consists of a weapons laboratory, biological experimentation lab, and Biological Research. At the conclusion of this journey, all surviving companions can again join the Lone Wanderer by means of the transporter from the Observation Deck. After fighting through to the Death Ray control center, then the living quarters, the bridge is finally accessible. There, all of the abductees must defend the bridge from aliens attempting to re-take it, while at the same time using the ship's weapons to defeat an attacking alien vessel similar to their own.

Upon defeating the ship, the abductees celebrate and Sally or Elliott (whichever gets to the player first) reports that in the midst of all of the chaos on the bridge, Elliott and/or Sally pushed a button which dropped a beacon on the surface near the Recon Craft Theta crash site. This beacon allows the Lone Wanderer to return to the Capital Wasteland or teleport from there to the Mothership (though most of the ship is now inaccessible).


I was wondering, now that we covered all of the Fallout 3 DLCs, which one did you like the most? I could easily say that every DLC is unique in every way (new world to explore, items, etc..), but the stories that fuels them are at the top of the list! Agree?! You can share us your thoughts on Facebook or Google+ post. Also, share this with your Fallout friends.

See also: Fallout: New Vegas DLC Stories

Fallout 5, Fallout 76, Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout Shelter Online, Fallout Amazon, TV Show, Fallout Series, S1, S2, News, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout: Tactics