April 06, 2015

If Fallout Was Real - Social Experiment Results (2/2)

2. What Would be Your First Crafted Weapon Choice?

After taking baby steps into a post-apocalyptic world, we were wondering what would be your first choice for crafting a weapon. As mentioned on a previous page, you didn't have much of imagination with this one, which makes it the second worst post in the series.

Post reach: 11800
Comments: 124

Comments on Google+ Page:

Good / most common answers;
Gabe Rance: a gun, that shoots, and kills.., Cody Linzmeier: Knife for close quarters for stealth and bow especially a very easy to build easy to maintain and the arrows can be made of wood so good supply of arrows and if you know where to aim the enemy won't even know what hit them, Alex Song: bow and arrows!

Funny comments;
Dick Dickerson: I can make a gun cuz I'm a gun Blacksmith and I make guns for breakfast. But I don't eat them. I would die and I would be able to in the first place. It wouldn't fit., Danny OhSoWhite: I'd turn a waffle maker into a flamer?., Sgt. Alistair: Shishkabob! Stab-n-Eat convenience!

Bad comments;
Brandon Eberhart: Pool cue?, Damian Sampel: Flaming Powered deathclaw machete fists.

See Google+ Post.

Comments on Facebook Page:

Good / most common answers;
Al Potenciano: I would Duct Tape the handles of kitchen knives to a broomstick like with the Knife Spear in Dead Money., Zeth Roberts: I would make a flame thrower out of a squirt gun, body spray, and a lighter, Chris Mims: Baseball bat with nails, Josh Wagner: Bow and a lot, A LOT, of arrows.

Funny comments;
Kyle Ashby: A car lol, a deadly car!

Bad comments;
Jagat Syalumana Igusti: Knife, Connor Kaplan: Nothing, because I'd be dead

See Facebook Post.

3. How Would You Spend Your First Night Out?

So, you crafted your weapon and now the dark is coming, what do you do?

Post reach: 30800
Comments: 278

Comments on Google+ Page:

Good / most common answers;
Goshen Nazo (Crimson Death): Find a naturally fortified area and build a small hot fire for light and to cook with, Nattalie Moyer: gathering supplies in a gas mask scrambling for spare filters, John Mahler: Hiding., Lunar Sol - Nights Eye: Hunt a few animals, build a fire and cook the food then put it out so as not to give away my position. I would scout within a mile radius of my camp to ensure no threats will attack, and I would hopefully be able to position my camp to where I'll see threats before they see me.

Funny comments;
Jimmy Summerlin: Find a secure vault and gain admission lol., Mr.Chose's World: A dirty NukeCola Pary with a few radioactive ghoul bitches..., Zach Olmstead: With my luck, get jumped by a gang of death claws.

Bad comments;
Little Rooty: Megaton., Daniel Cathey: Probably die horrifically somehow., orion zamparell: In the enclave.

See Google+ Post.

Comments on Facebook Page:

Good / most common answers;
Tim Jackson: Go find a suitable shelter.I'm in Canada. So our nights get very cold., KG Junior: find a hole to hide in until morning... then stay there., Ryley Pineda I would find the most defensible position that is low-key and out of the way of any major path fortified the best I can and hunker down for the night, Petar Ždravac: Hide in some ruins hoping I will live to see morning after sleep, Davy De Los Santos: Myself and some friends were planning to go out in a boat and survive on it for a little while.

Funny comments;
Seth Nix: Crying under a bridge, Walter Skyler Gates: Sleep in a mailbox, Tanner Shadow-wolf Smith: I'm sorry that information is classified to the vault tec scientists.

Bad comments;
Fernando Cardozo: Dead, most likely. Jake Williams: Eat people, that's it, just eat people., Dominick Corette: Megaton.

See Facebook Post.

4. Would You Build Your Own Shack?

You have survived the first week of a real Fallout (somehow), and now you began to think about longer terms. First thing that comes in mind is a place where you will stash all of your belongings and sleep with ease, that will shelter you from various storms, cold and unwanted guests.

As mentioned on a previous page, you didn't have much imagination when it comes to building your own shack, which make this the worst post in the series.

Post reach: 3600
Comments: 51

Comments on Google+ / Facebook Page:

Insufficient data. See Google+ Post. See Facebook Post.

5. What Would You do For a Living?

You avoided (survived) all the horrors Fallout has to offer for a month, and now you're getting used to it. We saved the most important question for the end.

Post reach: 23700
Comments: 283

Comments on Google+ Page:

Good / most common answers;
Carter Baht: Farmer., Shawn Michael: Raider/Scavenger/Trader, ninetolook: Prospector merchant and everything else in between., Jack Hammar: Part-time bounty hunter, part-time mercenary, scavenger for the most part., Nattalie Moyer: there would be no economic pressure of getting a job and being a wealthy millionaire. so I would trade and adventure for my living., papadoc711: I would attempt to start my own caravan company.

Funny comments;
Kris Kiley: I'm a mechanic in real life I'd just be an apocalypse mechanic haha, Jim Moreno: My G.O.A.T. said 'hairdresser'. Who'd a thunk it?, papadoc711: Or I'd probably be a hoarder....yeah i have some issues.

Bad comments;
Zach Olmstead: Live, Brandon Elliott: Id be a badass, Lucas A.: Kick ass and take names.

See Google+ Post.

Comments on Facebook Page:

Good / most common answers;
Christiban Foss: Mushroom farmer., Julian Vargas: Hunter, Nicholas Ward: Bounty hunter, Josh Bolen Exploring, hunting, and taking bounties., Nemo Tollins: Caravan guard, Andrew Big-Mac Cook: Start another radio station for everyone to enjoy., Taylor Kopeikin: Same thing I do right now Security, Petar Ždravac: I would wander around the wastes, hoard technology and knowledge., James Morgan I'd make and sell bows and arrows. And teach how to use them.

Funny comments;
Gary Howe: Write a survival guide hehe.., Matthew Smith: Run a fisto brothel., Mike Guthrie: Lie, cheat, steal, kill, and help people that pay me. So I guess I'd be a politician., Andrew John Dean Golden: I'd just be one of those NPCs walking around doing nothing., Michael Alexander Coon: radroach extermination., Erik Alsman Real estate agent.

Bad comments;
Jake Moxhay: Become a human version of F.I.S.T.O, Dustin White: Achieve my life goal of becoming the brightest glowing one, Nick Cicchinelli Be a bent tin can., Sam Lilley Adventurer, seems cool.

See Facebook Post.

Experiment Closure

We then posted on both, Google+ and Facebook page, posts where we summed up all the posts in one, and you can find some pretty good comments there.

Anyways, I really hope you've enjoyed this whole "experiment" as much as I did. This was by far the biggest one we ever did so far, and I hope we will do some more in the near future. It was not easy to read trough more than 1100 comments, and read all the other data, but I enjoyed every second of it! I would appreciate it very much if you would share your thoughts about the whole If Fallout Was Real experiment on Google+ and Facebook post.

Thank you again for being such a lovely test subjects, Vault-Tec inc. couldn't be more proud about their fans! Cheers!

Fallout 5, Fallout 76, Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout Shelter Online, Fallout Amazon, TV Show, Fallout Series, S1, S2, News, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout: Tactics