June 11, 2015

Vault-Tec Inc. is Hosting the E3 Online Radio Show

You all know by now that we got a huge weekend ahead of us, and because of that, your Vault-Tec Inc. Promotional Department is hosting an E3 Online Radio Show! While listening to the tracks from Fallout games, the admins from your Vault-Tec Inc. will be discussing the Bethesda Press Conference this Sunday/Monday (depends on your time zone) from 10 PM - 12 AM EST / 3 - 5 AM UTC over the Hive365 Online Radio Station. All you must do on that glorious day (at least Fallout fans) is to tune in and prepare for the future!

#BE3 #Fallout4 #LetsGoPal #E32015

E3 Online Radio Show Info

You can find more details, subscribe, or even ask questions about the show on Vault-Tec Inc. Promotional Department events on Facebook and Google+ Social media pages.

To tune in on your Computer, go to Hive365 website, or you can listen to the show via Windows Vista, 7, and 8 sidebar gadgets:

If you are on mobile, download the Tunein Radio app and Search Hive365! App links:

Please share this event with your Fallout friends and Prepare for the Future!

Your Vault-Tec Inc. Crew

Fallout 5, Fallout 76, Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout Shelter Online, Fallout Amazon, TV Show, Fallout Series, S1, S2, News, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout: Tactics