January 29, 2016

Fallout 4 Scavenger Squads by Caedo Genesis

A Series called Scavenger Squad from the passionate Fallout fan and YouTuber, Caedo Genesis, are the closest you will get to watching a CO-OP version of Fallout 4, and learn some new things along the way. I'm sure most of you are familiar by now with Caedo's work, and he was also featured in here a couple of times with coverage of the After War Nevada overhaul mod for Fallout: New Vegas, and a guide to get all the Wasteland Survival Guides in Fallout 4. So what's the deal with Scavenger Squad videos?

First off, the videos in this series are used as a guide to various locations that cover points of interest to the player, valuable loot, features, and even crafting techniques in Fallout 4. Every episode features a new and unique guest who joins Caedo in describing the subjects; the end result is really something worth watching.

That's why I was so thrilled when asked to be a part of it. In the 7th episode of Scavenger Squad, you can join us on our little adventure through the township of Concord! It was a big challenge for me since I'm not native to speaking English. I'm sure it was a big challenge for Caedo as well, but he was professional about it, and the end result is pretty remarkable!

"After the Wazer Wifle collab exploded a year ago, I figured it was time again to see how many other creators I could get on board with Scavenger Squad to both promote their own content, and bring some decent guides to fellow gamers in the process. I love having the opportunity to work with others in this great community, and hope to even more in the years to come!" ~ Caedo Genesis

Fallout 4 - Spoils of Concord Ft. Wasteland Angel

Although the Concord is the first stop for every player that follows the story, it has so much more to offer than you might think. I have three characters on three different story routes, and I still missed a lot in the township of Concord. I'm telling you, it feels almost like a CO-OP, so take a look at the video below. If you like the video, there is a playlist of all the Fallout 4 Guides from Caedo, that features all the Scavenger Squad Videos as well.

I find Scavenger Squad to be a very awesome and unique way of discovering stuff in detail for everyone! Concord is such an awesome example - there is no way for anyone who has played Fallout 4 to have missed Concord, but I sure hope some of you found a little extra in what Concord has to offer!

Once more, a big shout to Caedo - it's been a blast working with you! If you're still not subscribed to Caedo's YouTube Channel, you're missing out big time! You can find various video series there, such are music videos, podcasts, other collaborations, let’s plays, streaming, and, even more, guides for Fallout 3, TESV, Wasteland 2 and then some. I'll leave you with the special quote from Caedo;

"After finding the niche for the Caedo Genesis channel, it’s become my mission to bring quality, no-nonsense guides to my fellow players. Fallout has garnered a vast and diverse community, as well as numerous fans like myself that enjoy covering the games in their own way." ~ Caedo Genesis

Unrelated image by Vault-Tec Inc. - Commonwealth paradise, the Spectacle Island

Despite my enthusiasm for working with Caedo, what are your thoughts about the Scavenger Squad Guide series? Oh, and since I touched the CO-OP for a bit, how would you feel about a CO-OP DLC in Fallout 4? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Fallout 5, Fallout 76, Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout Shelter Online, Fallout Amazon, TV Show, Fallout Series, S1, S2, News, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout: Tactics