January 13, 2025

The 10 Most Intriguing Pieces of Cut Content from Fallout 4

Fallout 4 Red Rocket

Fallout 4 offered players a vast post-apocalyptic world to explore, filled with rich narratives and engaging gameplay. However, like any grand project, not all planned content made it into the final version. Here are ten of the most fascinating pieces of content that were cut from Fallout 4.

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1. Vault 120 - "20 Leagues Under the Sea"

One of the most imaginative cuts was Vault 120, which was to be an underwater facility, akin to a nuclear-powered Rapture from BioShock. Players would have used the Yangtze submarine to explore this submerged vault, fighting off a colossal mutated squid in the quest "20 Leagues Under the Sea." This would have significantly expanded the underwater exploration aspect of the game.

2. The May-Pole Ghoul

Concept artist Jonah Lobe envisioned a 300-foot-tall ghoul named May-Pole, who would have been a mobile, regenerating spawn point for smaller ghouls in the Glowing Sea. Encountering such a massive creature would have been a thrilling and terrifying experience, highlighting the bizarre mutations possible in the Fallout universe.

3. Centaurs

Returning from earlier Fallout games, Centaurs were planned with a gruesome redesign, featuring multiple heads and limbs. Their absence was felt by fans who appreciated the horror element these creatures brought to the wasteland, showcasing the horrors of FEV (Forced Evolutionary Virus) experiments.

4. The Combat Zone

Originally, the Combat Zone was meant to be more than just a static location with raiders. Players were supposed to engage in gladiatorial combat, betting on fights, or even participating as fighters. This missed opportunity would have made the location a dynamic hub for entertainment and interaction in the wasteland.

Fallout 4 Cut Content

5. Quantum Deathclaws

Found in the files for the Nuka-World DLC, Quantum Deathclaws were meant to be a vibrant, glowing variant of the iconic creature. Not only would they have been visually striking, but they could have introduced new combat mechanics or environmental hazards.

6. Brotherhood of Steel Uniforms and Perks

Several unique Brotherhood outfits like Kells' coat and Maxson's cape were cut, along with a "Paladin" perk that would regenerate health while in power armor. These elements would have deepened player immersion with the Brotherhood, offering both style and strategic advantages.

7. Additional Vaults and Quests

Vaults like 113, 117, and 17 were conceptualized but never realized. These could have added layers to the game's exploration and storytelling. Quests such as "The Replacement" with the Institute or a mysterious one involving an aged male Sole Survivor were also on the cutting room floor, suggesting deeper narrative paths.

8. HalluciGen Gas

There was supposed to be more interaction with HalluciGen Gas. Players could have experienced or used it in creative ways, perhaps in traps or as weapons, adding a layer of tactical gameplay involving psychological warfare.

9. Croup Manor

While Croup Manor exists in the game, it was meant to be a more significant location with a unique questline involving a haunting or possession storyline. This would have been a nod to the horror elements often found in the Fallout series, expanding on the lore of the supernatural in the post-apocalypse.

10. The Mechanist's Robot Army

In the "Automatron" DLC, the Mechanist was supposed to have a larger, more varied robot army. This would have not only increased the challenge but also the diversity of enemies, potentially leading to more complex combat scenarios and strategic considerations.

Fallout 4 Cut Content - Harpoon Gun

There is so much more miscellaneous cut content from Fallout 4 worth mentioning like:
  • Harpoon gun: A roughly textured model similar to the Syringer and using parts of the assault rifle for the magazine, irons sights and bolt,
  • an untextured, high-poly model that resembles the Chinese assault rifle featured in Fallout 3,
  • Pipe shotgun, an untextured shotgun receiver for the pipe weapons,
  • Mounted minigun that can be spawned by console command. Requires a settler to be assigned to it and then generates a Defense value of 10,
  • Ben Gibson, an old friend of Preston Garvey who can be convinced to rejoin the Minutemen. Has a fully scripted and voice-acted random encounter which is possibly bugged and only very rarely works,
  • the city of Danvers; was originally going to appear in Fallout 4, but as the game's world became more and more compressed, Danvers was eventually merged into Salem, as the two were right next to each other,
plus a large variety of items, armor and clothing, weapons, weapon mods, ammunition, quests, perks, locations, characters, and even music, that it wouldn't fit into two more pages. So I gathered the most Intriguing ones for your viewing.

The cut content from Fallout 4 provides a glimpse into the vast, creative world that Bethesda envisioned. While these elements didn't make it into the final release, they've fueled fan creativity through mods and discussions, showcasing the limitless potential of the Fallout universe. These ideas remind us of the depth and breadth of content that could expand future Fallout games, keeping the community engaged with both what was and what could have been.

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1 comment:

  1. I love Fallout 4 even after almost 10 years ! The game just keeps on giving. I have more than 100+ mods installed and still enjoying it more than Fallout 76.


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