Showing posts with label AWN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AWN. Show all posts

September 12, 2014

After War Nevada - Complete Overhaul for Fallout: New Vegas


AWN - After War Nevada - Complete Overhaul Mod by Jodwig

After War: Nevada is a complete overhaul for Fallout: New Vegas and is a summary of 2 years of hard work by Jodwig himself. It's enormous mod, which aim was to change and re balance every single aspect of the game. See detailed description bellow, along with the video review by Caedo Genesis.


All items have been carefully balanced, including vanilla weapons and new ones as well. Few vanilla weapon models have been swapped and few unique weapons have been added. In all cases new items were added as well.

More than 250 carefully balanced weapons in total; about 35 Pistols, 60 Rifles (including automatic ones), 10 Submachine Guns, 20 Shotguns, 30 Heavy Guns, 25 Explosives, 45 Melee and 20 Unarmed.

More than 80 balanced armors, all with the new resistance system (Normal, Laser, Plasma, Fire, Electrical, Radiation). About 45 Light, 20 Medium, 10 Heavy and 10 Power.

More than 50 balanced helmets. About 20 Light, 15 Medium, 10 Heavy and 10 Power.

More than 110 ammo types, from classic HP and AP to depleted uranium. Hollow Point ammo massacres unarmored targets, while armor piercing is a must against armored targets.

Weapon Mods
Weapon mods have been changed into 3 tiers for every mod type (3 tiers of damage mods, 3 tiers of speed, ammo, accuracy and so on) in order to increase the chance of players getting a mod and to allow players to use it for different weapons as well.

More than 30 implants with the new implant system. They can increase your stats, resistances, speed, AP regen, healing rate or even give you nightvision.

Food, Chems & Scavenged Items
More than 230 balanced items, from food and drinks to drugs and scavenged from plants and creatures items.

All misc items (like empty bottles, syringes, scissors etc.) have had their value and weight altered, so the player is now allowed to loot them in order to earn some caps.


All old perks and traits have been changed (some were balanced, some removed and many new ones added). 

There are around 250 balanced perks in total, most with their own unique icons. The player gets 1 perk every 2 levels, with so many perks and being able to pick only a few perks (15 perks at lvl 30) each player's build is more unique, allowing him to customize his character as he wants; he can specialize solely in stealth and silent killing, be it with melee weapons or guns, or go with sniper depending on critical hits, or with a jack of all trades build etc. There are also perks for skills, tags, karma perks which require good/neutral/evil karma in order to work, mastery perks, which require 10 of one of the stats, but give big bonuses etc.

As in vanilla, player chooses up to 2 traits at the beginning, there are around 30 balanced traits to allow the player to further customize his play style.


Alternate Start & Classes
Player chooses on the beginning one of the 30 classes with alternate starting locations, perks, factions and so on. He also chooses his own gear, limited to each class.

Old Fallout resistances are back! Creatures and armors have resistances now. You can check armor's resistances in pipboy, next to the armor's name, in brackets - (Normal, Laser, Plasma, Fire, Electrical, Radiation).

Weight has been changed from pounds (lb) to kilograms (kg), together with ALL items in the game.

Recoil & Accuracy
All Guns, Explosives and Energy Weapons have recoil. The stronger and heavier weapon is, the higher is recoil. Also, with low weapon skill your hands will sway, moving will increase recoil and make them sway even more, crouching and aiming down the ironsights helps a lot. Crouching also increases chance to hit in VATS. While in interiors, players get penalties to recoil and accuracy with bigger weapons. Smaller weapons like pistols, SMGs, shotguns and carbines have no penalties at all.

Crippled Limbs
Crippled limbs were rebalanced, crippling head will lower your perception to 1, thus making you unable to shoot anything from range, while crippled arms greatly increase weapon swaying and crippled legs greatly reduce movement speed and prevents you from using sprint. Same goes for enemies as well. Info about currently crippled limbs can be read in effects tab in pipboy.

Hardcore Mode
On HC mode ammo has weight, companions can die and you have to eat, drink and sleep. I recommend playing on HC mode, I rebalanced game for both types of game mode, with HC on and off, but HC mode turned off will still make game easier and make it less survival-oriented.

Loot of all NPCs from all factions have been rebalanced. They are more deadly, accurate and tougher. They use newly added weapons as well AND they use special ammo types now, meaning that you can meet raider with assault rifle loaded with armor piercing bullets, so your armor can go to hell with that - no more ramboing in power armor. Their accuracy lowers radically the later it gets, so player is no longer at disadvantage during night, but it's still a double-edged sword.

As mentioned earlier, creatures are resistant to various types of damage, they are also faster, tougher, stronger AND every creature gives different amounts of XP, so player is rewarded for killing stronger creatures, just as it should be.

SPECIAL Stats & Skills
The 7 primary stats and skills have been rebalanced and made equally important. You need high strength if you want to do damage with melee weapons or use heavy weapons; perception for shooting and using VATS at long ranges; endurance for health, resistances, implants, drugs, alcohol etc.

Poison resistance is much more important, because creatures' poison is much deadlier now. Player will be able to catch Diseases in the future.

In vanilla, there was hardly any radiation and no need for Rad-Xs nor Rad Aways, so instead of adding radiation to random places and altering all current zones of radiation (it would take me years to do that), I increased radiation on food AND added radioactive auras and attacks to many creatures. Radiation has never been deadlier.

Primary Needs
Hunger. thirst, sleep and radiation thresholds for penalties start at 200 and change every 66/67 points, e.g. 200, 266. 333. 400, 466 etc., up to 1000 which ends with death. Hardcore Mode only (except for radiation). At night and in interiors dehydration rate is 50% slower, while during combat all Primary Needs are 100% faster.

There are 2 new companions - Sunny Smiles and Jacobstown Marcus. Also, all companions got some love. You can recruit 1 companion per every 2 points of Charisma, up to 5 companions with 10 points, and up to 7 with perks. Every companion uses ammo, has their favorite weapon, tags, starting perks/traits, abilities and unique SPECIAL stats, which matter and make a difference. Everything can be checked in the pipboy in perks tab.

Sprint & Bullet Time
Well known by everyone Sprint and Bullet Time are here! They both use action points in addition to VATS or as an alternative for people not using VATS at all. Sprinting can help you run from ferocious creatures or help melee character get near their victims and to try knocking them down, while Bullet Time slows down the time, allowing you to aim more precisely.

Dodge Chance
Players have dodge chance modified by agility, perks, moving, sprinting or even by unarmed and melee skills. Dodge chance is capped at 90% and ignores damage on a successful roll.

Playable Races
Playable races are unlocked, meaning you can play as ghouls (comes with bonuses and penalties), raiders or old ones.

Vendors & Economy
Traders have cutthroat prices. Selling items doesn't give much money and buying is expensive, but traders are stocked with goods, meaning that you can usually get what you need as long as you have money. The better stuff the trader has, the more he charges for something, while poor traders and small shops will offer better prices, but they will have less money and worse stuff to sell. 

Many locations got repopulated or fortified, like Crimson Caravan, Goodsprings, Gun Runners, Jacobstown and NCR Correctional Facility etc. There are even more, If you are using the Mini DLC Plugin.

Spawns have been altered. Player can meet stronger enemies at the beginning, while on the higher levels his chance of meeting stronger enemies increases, but he can still meet weaker enemies.

Check this mod on Nexus.

Caedo Genesis made a 3 minute long review of After War Nevada mod, check it bellow:

Anyways, Fallout fans are the best, and this mod proves that! Jodwig alone almost made Fallout 4 (or New Vegas 2, if you want) in two years, what do you think about that? Share this epic work with your Fallout friends and for more awesome projects like this one, check the links bellow.

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