Showing posts with label Abernathy Metro station. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abernathy Metro station. Show all posts

September 21, 2014

Fallout 3 - Top Unmarked Locations

Unmarked locations are the ones which do not appear on the map on your Pip-Boy. There are about 80 unmarked locations in Fallout 3, and I'm bringing you the ones that I've personally discovered, that are somehow interesting. However, some of them are not on this list. There are 45 locations included, 9 pages total.

   1. Alien crash site

Roughly twenty meters behind the house lies the wrecked recon craft. It is badly damaged and leaking an unspecified radioactive liquid (giving about 4 rad/sec). The only point of interest is at the front of the ship, the side opposite the ruined house. If the player is at the MDPL-13 power station south of the crash site, it can be found by following the power cables north until you come across the alien distress beacon. The signal is called the "Recon Craft Theta Signal" on the player's Pip-Boy 3000. The player can follow this to the site as it gets louder and clearer as one gets closer, and they will start to become irradiated. At the front of the ship, the cockpit dome is shattered. The pilot's body lies outside against a pile of rocks with the powerful alien blaster in his hand. About 120 alien power cells are scattered around. The trail from the house to the ship is full of debris from the crash, most of this cannot be picked up or moved.

After completion of the Mothership Zeta add-on, an alien homing beacon takes the place of the crashed craft, allowing the player to teleport to Mothership Zeta and back at will. It will also have a map marker for easy fast travel.

  2. Abernathy Metro station

An unmarked metro station on the White Line under the Capital Wasteland. Before the war, it was a Metro station used by the citizens of D.C. It is entered through Becton Metro station, entered by the Vernon East/Takoma Park Metro station and is used to get into Takoma Park. The area is infested with irradiated water and mirelurks, as well as many ghouls and various mutated creatures. The status board says it is still in working condition by 2277, but clearly the defilement about the station says otherwise.

  3. Arlington sewer

The sewer is a small underground area located to the south-east of the Arlington Library and is divided into three levels, with two guard rooms and a locked storage room on the bottom level. The storage room can be accessed by a terminal and contains a safe, an armor crate and two ammunition boxes. The sewer also contains several hostile raiders of varying levels.

Southwest of the sewer, there is a Talon Company outpost with a Stealth Boy and a Nikola Tesla and You book on a table, near a bunk bed, on the top floor.

   4. Bethesda underworks

The main entrance is via a metro station entrance located northeast of Bethesda office east. Uncharacteristically, this station doesn't have an obelisk marking its location. Inside the station, the mezzanine and platform are relatively intact. The subway tunnels are partially destroyed, with access being limited to the tunnel openings, and the subway tracks run north to south. Located off one of the destroyed subway tunnels is a service tunnel which leads to a sewer grating ladder. This sewer grating is located south of Bethesda offices west. This station is irradiated by barrels of radioactive waste, with the largest concentrations being located on the platform, the pile of barrels near the service tunnel, and near the sewer grating ladder.

The underworks is populated by feral ghouls, and it is not uncommon to see a glowing one or a feral ghoul reaver (if Broken Steel is installed) here amongst the other types of ghouls. Upon entering, the Lone Wanderer may be swarmed by all of the nearby ghouls at once, forcing the them into a fight with around 6 ghouls of varying difficulty.

  5. Calverton

The church is easily spotted from the southwest. To the right of the church is a small graveyard fenced off by a broken white picket fence. In the church entrance is a trip wire, which triggers a shotgun trap, and in the back is a grenade trap triggered by a pressure plate. There is also a podium, some barrels, and a few beds. There is a captive to the left of the bed.

The town consists of three buildings; a diner, Gold Ribbon Grocers, and after Broken Steel is installed, Hank's Electrical Supply. Calverton exists as a real town in both Virginia and Maryland, but due to the condensed location format of the game map, it is not possible to tell if the game designers were trying specifically to reference either.


Fallout 5, Fallout 76, Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout Shelter Online, Fallout Amazon, TV Show, Fallout Series, S1, S2, News, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout: Tactics