Showing posts with label GoG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GoG. Show all posts

March 10, 2015

Fallout: Tactics Multiplayer Events Every Sunday

Some of you know by now that Vault-Tec inc. is hosting multiplayer events of Fallout: Tactics every Sunday. Here you will find everything you need to know about the event; needed mods and some rules if you want to join fellow tactical forces in Fallout: Tactics Multiplayer, and be victorious in game types like Skirmish, Assault, Capture the Flag, and Scavenger! For starters, you need a copy of Fallout: Tactics and GameRanger. Although, the Steam version will not work, the GoG version and old CD copy will work just fine. The game should be patched to 1.27 version, and we recommend a hi-res patch as well. Here are the links for everything needed in order to join us:

Future Events

The main events are up on every Sunday at 10 PM UTC+01:00 (easily calculate your local time), @ GameRanger:
  • Room: Fallout Tactics
  • Description: Vault-Tec inc - Sunday Event [8PM UTC]
  • Hosted by Wasteland Angel
and occasional "test runs" are held daily @ GameRanger under the Vault-Tec inc. - Test Run. When we collect enough regular players, there will be more events and even tournament events. Every event is and will be recorded in HD, and the best moments will be up on Vault-Tec inc. YouTube Channel. You can find all event questions, answers and comments at our Steam Community Group (ironically).


As Raj from The Big Bang Theory would say "there are no rules in hell!". Well, there are no rules like in Fallout Tactics Gathering events, however, there is few to keep in mind:
  • No cheating! If you cheat on ANY level, you can say goodbye to any future event (thanks Vaultdvella for testing and pointing this feature out).
  • We don't play with just one character for this is a squad tactical game, and you can play with your friends PvP at any time or join FoT Gathering events.
  • Other than that, we strictly arrange game options with other fans (we just prefer real-time combat over turn-based).
  • You don't need to create your own character, there is a bunch to choose from. Some would say they "suck", but I would say that is more important to develop your strategy than a character. As mentioned, you don't need to create your character(s), but feel free to do so if you want (again, no cheating).

That's about it. This is all relatively new, and we really try to help as much as we can to any new player that join us. If you have a friend that owns Fallout: Tactics, feel free to share this with him/her, we need as many Warriors as we can get, in order to have even more fun in Multiplayer events! Oh, and while you're waiting for the next event, why don't you check our Fallout 4 Wishlist?! Also, to get a little bit of multiplayer feel of Fallout: Tactics, below is a random test-run. Cheers!

+Vault-Tec inc.

Fallout 5, Fallout 76, Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout Shelter Online, Fallout Amazon, TV Show, Fallout Series, S1, S2, News, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout: Tactics