Showing posts with label House. Show all posts
Showing posts with label House. Show all posts

September 24, 2014

Fallout: New Vegas - Top Unmarked Locations

Unmarked locations are the ones which do not appear on the map on your Pip-Boy. There are about 63 unmarked locations in Fallout: New Vegas, but I'm bringing you the ones that I've personally discovered, that are somehow interesting. However, some of them are not on this list. There are 30 unmarked locations included, on 6 pages total.

   1. Abandoned warehouse

The abandoned warehouse is located directly east of the Allied Technologies offices. The warehouse is a single room, with half an open space with several file cabinets and desks; the other half is a maze of metal containers stacked high. There are stairs which lead to an empty catwalk on the western side of the room. Before the quest Birds of a Feather, it is apparent that the area is set up in advance, including three brahmin and the containers and about 8 troopers. After the quest Birds of a Feather, the three Legion soldiers that were unconscious before will be standing around, if they were not killed during the quest.

   2. Abandoned shack

It is situated a little north-northwest of Yangtze Memorial. The building is made out of an airplane fuselage piece, and the sign above the door reads as "The Hornets Nest 588". Inside is a usable bed, a reloading bench and a heavily irradiated sink and toilet. There is random loot scattered about the benches and the floor. There is an overturned table placed in an odd location in the middle of the room. Oddly, there is a fire burning in the empty barrel in this shack, even though it is abandoned.

   3. Bootjack Cavern

It is located east of the wrecked Highwayman. From there, head due east (toward Lucky Jim Mine) until you reach the cliff face, then head north along the cliff. The cavern entrance faces west, towards the road. The Pip-Boy display is deceptive because it displays the quest marker on the east-facing side of the mesa, in the cave's interior. Players having difficulty finding the location would be well-advised to begin at the road and head east, rather than beginning at Lucky Jim Mine and heading west. The cavern is a small cave consisting of three sections which are populated by fire geckos. There is a deposit of sulfur and potassium almost identical to the deposit in the sulfur caves, only smaller and not explosive.

   4. Boulder City train station

A building in the northern outskirts of Boulder City. When crossing the rails to the north of the trainstation, there's a cement factory. The rails leaving the station to the east are shattered and spread out. Inside you will find bark scorpions, a Nuka-Cola vending machine, a Hard locked safe, and a Sunset Sarsaparilla vending machine. The cement factory may make the noise of iron settling when you approach it. Up the ramp on the refinery is a duffle bag which contains two trail mixes.

   5. Camp Guardian caves

The Camp Guardian caves is a large network of tunnels and a few large open areas, with its main entrance being at Camp Guardian Peak, directly north of the tent. There are also two additional exits toward the southern end of the cave. The first comes out on a ledge over top of the pathway you took up, just past the Camp Guardian sign. The second is located in an underwater passage at the southern most point of the cave and comes out in Lake Mead, a short walk south of the Camp Guardian sign. The cave is inhabited with 15 to 20 lakelurks and a lakelurk king.

There is also a related quest - Help for Halford. Halford is the only remaining soldier in the platoon that used to be stationed at Camp Guardian, and is now a broken man found crippled within the local cave system. With a doctor's bag or Medicine skill 50+, one can heal his leg and help him escape.


Fallout 5, Fallout 76, Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout Shelter Online, Fallout Amazon, TV Show, Fallout Series, S1, S2, News, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout: Tactics