Showing posts with label Model. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Model. Show all posts

June 19, 2014

The Most Popular Fallout 3 Model and Texture Mods

NMCs_Texture_Pack_for_FO3 by NeilMc_NMC

What This Mod Does: It changes the vast majority of in-game graphics. The DLC is not re-textured with this mod, it covers Fallout 3. It still works if you have the DLC installed but the textures in the DLC will be the ones that shipped with the original game (unless textures in the DLC are re-used from the Fallout game).

This was a years worth of work, all textures were made individually by 1 person alone, and took a great deal of effort. What graphics does this mod change?

Roads, Landscape, Trees, Rocks, Vehicles- Cars/ Motorbikes/ Boats etc. Buildings- Litter & most paper scraps. Interiors- all aspects, walls ceilings floors etc. Medium to large sized objects (eg. toolboxes, Nuka cola vendors, chairs, cupboards etc).
This encompasses the bulk of the in-game visuals, what I consider the vast majority of the graphics. What graphics does this mod NOT change?
  • Sky, Water, Small clutter objects (eg bottles, cans, books etc). NPC's (in game characters), Bodies/ faces, Clothing etc. Weapons, Effects. Mutants and other wasteland creatures. UI elements, Loading Screens, PipBoy.

Enhanced Night Sky by CptJoker

This mod is a high-resolution replacement for the default night sky. Taken from real-life star field photography, it's been carefully crafted to enhance your night-time viewing experience. (Note: the stars do not correspond to their accurate celestial positions - such is beyond my means to produce). Enjoy your nights of stargazing! No video available for this mod.
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Terrain pack by NeilMc_NMC

Replaces landscape/ terrain textures and bump maps for FALLOUT 3.
The default game textures and bump maps and have a typical resolution of 512x512 pixels. These textures have all been replaced with real-world photograph-based equivalent textures, and you can choose 3 different resolutions to suit your PC.
  • 2048x2048 pixels (400% larger, Most detailed)
  • 1024x1024 pixels (200% larger, Detailed) 
  • 512x512 pixels (same resolution as original textures)

The higher resolution packs may cause increased VRAM usage and therefore page-file swapping/ hard drive 'texture thrashing' and (due to increased memory usage) may cause some in-game stuttering/ lag or slow-downs. This will depend on your PC, CPU, RAM and graphics card. (None of this will harm your PC, just make it sweat a bit!) See more >>

Enhanced Blood Textures v2_22b by dDefinder

Increases the resolution size from 256 to 1024 and created new textures for screen, world, wounds and static blood decals. Esps are used to increase the size appearance of the blood, adjustments for screenblood, add more giblets and new wounds related to the weapon type. ini will change max amount and lifetime for blood that is in the world space. No video available for this mod. See more >>

Hi-Res Weapons v3 by the a - burns

For various rifles & pistols / merely enhancing standard textures. No new textures this time, only some improvements over the original ones and replacement of the 3rd person texture (small) by the larger 1st person texture. Doubled resolution for 3rd person textures (may impact performance). Tweaked textures:
  • Combat Shotgun, Hunting Rifle, Laser Rifle, Lincoln Rifle, 10mm Pistol, 10mm SMG, Laserpistol, .44 Magnum, Bottlecap Mine, Frag Mine, Frag Grenade, Gatling Laser, Minigun, RockIt Launcher, Flamethrower, Fatman, Missilelauncher, Railwayrifle, Sniperrifle, Plasmarifle, Chinese Officersword, Shishkebab, Supersledge, Baseballbat, Mesmetron and Sawedoff Shotgun.
No video available for this mod. See more >>

Which one (if any) of those incredible mods have you tried? Share us some thoughts.

June 07, 2014

The best Model and Texture mods for Fallout: New Vegas

Wasteland Flora Overhaul by vurt

A much more varied Wasteland. 101 different trees and plants are carefully placed throughout the wasteland. You'll encounter cacti, ancient bristlecone pines, dead trees, desert sunflowers, desert candle flowers, lupins, reeds, a variety of different junipers, pines and shrubs. Most of the default trees are replaced with higher detailed models and textures.
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NMCs_Texture_Pack_For_New_Vegas by NeilMc_NMC and EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements by weijiesen and jonnyeah are on 10 best Fo:NV mods of all time list, see them here.

Official Pipboy Readius - New Vegas Edition by AlexScoprion and Brianide

This is the official port of the Pipboy Readius mod from Fallout 3. It replaces the regular ingame Pipboy with a handheld Readius-like device. It also removes the default Pipboy from the player's arm, as well as the accompanying glove.Controllers work. This is something we received a lot of complaints about in Fallout 3. Credit for this is mostly due to Vivanto, so you should all express your gratitude by appropriating him his deserved kudos (see Credits section at bottom for link). The Pip-Boy light is no longer remapped. There is now an Aid item "[Pip-Boy Readius Options]" which can be used to access the uninstallation menu, should the need arise. 
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Enhanced Blood Textures for NV v2_22c by dDefinder

Increases the resolution size from 256 to 1024 and created new textures for screen, world, wounds, static blood decals and gore. Esps are used to increase the size appearance of the blood. Adjustments for screenblood, added more giblets and new wound textures related to the weapon type. Ini will change max amount and lifetime for blood that is in the world space. More creatures can now cause wounds where before they didn't. No video available for this mod.
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Monster Mod by Dogtown1

Adds many new creatures to the game integrated through the spawn levelled lists. Now I dont mean red, blue, and orange versions of the default creatures, I mean theres 130 creatures that you have never seen before or they have a new model and texture making them unique, including their stats. What this means is you will always get something to spawn, just not 20 of them. I did this for a reason, its still a challenge with the spawn chance maxed instead of your computer trying to proccess a spawn count so high it blows up your computer. I also set the the respawn time to 2 days instead of 3.
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Which one (if any) of those incredible mods have you tried? Share us some thoughts.

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