Showing posts with label YouTube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YouTube. Show all posts

April 26, 2016

Realistic Settlements in Fallout 4 by Wasteland Angel (part 2)

In my previous blog post, Realistic Settlements in Fallout 4, where you can see very detailed settlement builds of Red Rocket Truck Stop and Sanctuary Hills (YouTube links), I already introduced you to what realistic settlements are in my game.

A quick reminder of my "problem" with most of the settlement videos over the interweb -- There are many really good videos out there. It's just that most of them are somehow focused on building sizes and wonders, and stuff, rather than being realistic.

Mostly, I think about small details like missing pillars on tall buildings or bridges, or even spamming with duplicated fences, floors, etc.

I, on the other hand, don't build Commonwealth Wonders or big Palaces, and just want to keep my settlements realistically formed and built, like I would do (if I could) in real life. With a post-apocalyptic setting in mind, where building materials are scarce, this time, I'm introducing you the settlements of Greentop Nursery and beautiful Spectacle Island!

March 20, 2016

Realistic Settlements in Fallout 4 by Wasteland Angel

Since Fallout 4 was published, many were focused on just building their settlements. That's fine and up until now, you can find many settlement videos on the interweb. I watched dozens since the launch of Fallout 4, but no matter how big, massive or interesting they are, they usually lacked a dose of realism.

Don't get me wrong, there are many really good settlement videos out there. It's just that most of them are somehow focused on building sizes and stuff, rather than be fully realistic. I'm talking about small details like missing pillars on tall buildings or bridges, or even spamming with duplicated fences, floors, etc. It's fine, this is a game after all.

I finished Fallout 4 couple of times and started focusing on my own settlements in detail. There are few I gave my full devotion. I started from Sanctuary Hills and worked there about a month. Then, to take a break, I switched to Red Rocket Truck Stop. After I finished Red Rocket, I decided to systematically build every settlement slowly, each time a quest sent me to it. We'll be referencing the most complete.

January 29, 2016

Fallout 4 Scavenger Squads by Caedo Genesis

A Series called Scavenger Squad from the passionate Fallout fan and YouTuber, Caedo Genesis, are the closest you will get to watching a CO-OP version of Fallout 4, and learn some new things along the way. I'm sure most of you are familiar by now with Caedo's work, and he was also featured in here a couple of times with coverage of the After War Nevada overhaul mod for Fallout: New Vegas, and a guide to get all the Wasteland Survival Guides in Fallout 4. So what's the deal with Scavenger Squad videos?

First off, the videos in this series are used as a guide to various locations that cover points of interest to the player, valuable loot, features, and even crafting techniques in Fallout 4. Every episode features a new and unique guest who joins Caedo in describing the subjects; the end result is really something worth watching.

January 14, 2016

Get all the Bobbleheads in Fallout 4!

I know many of you have found plenty of Bobbleheads in Fallout 4 on your own, but to find all 20 of them can be a bit frustrating. The idea of the bobbleheads being a piece of exclusive Vault-Tec merchandise is supported by a computer terminal found within Vault-Tec HQ, in Fallout 3. The computer provides a list of 'orderable' merchandise such as clothing and Lunchboxes, but when a bobblehead is requested the terminal reports that they are only available to executive staff.

Listen to this article!

As in Fallout 3, in Fallout 4, each bobblehead increases a corresponding S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stat permanently by one. Bobbleheads that previously increased a skill, now grant a permanent unique perk. Taking a bobblehead while your stat is at 10 allows that stat to increase to 11.

January 08, 2016

This Fallout 4 Parody Music Video Will Make You Cry

Fallout 4 Video that will make you cry

If you're a Fallout fan that loves the Adele, then you just hit the jackpot for today! What you are about to see, is a flawless Fallout 4 Parody Music Video based on Adele's Hello. ArcadeCloud made this epic video featuring awesome Emma Beckett behind the mic. I'm not that into Adele, but this video almost made me cry.

I really don't want to ruin any expectations on the video, so just watch it below! Since I love such mixtures, of Fallout mixed with our pop culture, this was simply something beautiful and worth to be shared.

January 05, 2016

Get all Wasteland Survival Guides in Fallout 4

In the Commonwealth, the Wasteland Survival Guide books come in 9 different issues, and every issue you came across will give you a variety of effects.

Nine Wasteland Survival Guide Books are; Self-Defense Secrets, The Guide to Diamond City, Hunting in the Wastes, The Scrapyard Home Decoration Guide, Water Aerobics for Ghouls, Insect Repellent Special, Commonwealth Coupon Spectacular, The Bright Side of Radiation Poisoning and Farming the Wastes.

Similar to Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor, The Wasteland Survival Guide is a Post-War edition magazine series, written and illustrated with crude pen drawings. For all the effects you will get with each one, and where to find them, check this detailed video guide below, courtesy of Caedo Genesis.

Fallout 4 - Wasteland Survival Guides Guide [Video]

Watch Fallout 4 - Wasteland Survival Guides Guide on YouTube.

I'm sure you found this video very helpful, and you can thank Caedo for that! I highly recommend you to check Caedo Genesis YouTube Channel for more useful guides for Fallout 4. Other than that, you can find various series there, such are Music Videos, Podcasts, Appearances & Collabs, Caedo plays, Stream Archive and, even more, guides for Fallout 3, TESV, Wasteland 2 and then some.

Thanks to Fallout Wiki, we have a map with WSG locations for you;

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. Be sure to let us know below which Wasteland Survival Guides you've come across in the Commonwealth, and which ones you're about, using this guide!

Also, check the latest, or visit our Fallout 4 Portal;

January 04, 2016

Fallout 4 - Top 10 Powerful, Unique & Rare Weapons

A YouTuber TwoDynamic made an interesting video compilation of his top 10 unique weapons, including their locations, in Fallout 4.

The video includes detailed information about The Gainer, Prototype UP77 "Limitless Potential", Spray n' Pray, Alien Blaster, Shishkebab, Grognak's Axe, Railway Rifle, Overseer's Guardian, Justice, Kremvh's Tooth, Le Fusil Terribles and Reba II Sniper Rifle, and how / where to get them.

If you're all about exploration and finding things on your own, then this video is not for you. Otherwise, it has all of my recommendations to be watched!

Fallout 4 Rare Weapons - Top 10 Powerful Secret & Unique Weapons [VIDEO]

Watch Fallout 4 Rare Weapons Video on YouTube.

Be sure to let us know below which rare, unique weapons have you come across in the Commonwealth, and which one you will, using this guide!

Also, check the latest, or visit our Fallout 4 Portal;

December 21, 2015

Claim the Post-Apocalyptic Paradise in Fallout 4

This beautiful post-apocalyptic paradise in Fallout 4 can be all yours to enjoy and take a break from an everyday struggle in the Commonwealth. It is very simple to get there -- just swim your way from the Castle, but all the simplicity ends here.

As you explore the island, you will notice it was sometimes populated. There are few buildings, shacks, corpses, various loot and there is also the Workshop for you to use if you want to build a settlement. There is a catch of course.

You must activate the Workshop first, and you will need to do a few things prior. Since I made this and used my voice for the first time ever on a video, I highly recommend you to watch it below!

Fallout 4 -- Claim the Spectacle Island! [Video]

Hope the video helped you to claim the only island paradise in Fallout series! Also, any kind of (constructive) feedback is very much appreciated. If you liked the video, consider to share it with someone who might also appreciate it, and comment your thoughts here or on the YouTube video! That way, You help me directly to improve myself for future projects.

Thank you for reading / watching, cheers!

November 11, 2015

Let's Play Fallout 4!

We are more than thrilled that from now on, the Vault-Tec Inc. will be publishing the Let's Play Fallout 4 episodes on a daily basis!

From the time when bombs fell, all the way until the end, and even beyond -- we will play Fallout 4 just for you!

See more info along with our first episode below and even better -- join us on our YouTube Channel and play with us!

Let's Play Fallout 4 Info

One of our admins, Ralph Streb (known us ~ Charlie on Vault-Tec Inc. Facebook page), was kind enough to record his very first playthrough of Fallout 4 just for you. Ralph was already very helpful with our (never finished) Fallout: Diaspora series, where he gave his voice to a few characters from the videos. He is also known as Coolguy around the web, and The Gaming Corner is the gaming community he created some time ago.

For Let's Play Fallout 4, Ralph uses an Open Broadcast System, and for editing, he use a program called Sony Vegas Pro 13. At the beginning of the series, Ralph named his character Bearington and that's pretty much all you need to know for now. Check his work in his very first episode of Let's Play Fallout 4 below, and subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more!

Let's Play Fallout 4 Playlist

Below you can see an embedded Let's Play Fallout 4 Playlist which you can follow on YouTube.

Thank you for watching, we do this for you. Share some thoughts about the video below - it helps us grow in every way!

November 08, 2015

Watch the Fallout 4 Intro Cinematic Trailer

Unlike the Video Gameplay, that has been leaked to Vidme few days ago, and removed quickly due to a copyright claim, or for violating the terms of use, the Cinematic Intro from Fallout 4 actually made it to YouTube, and who knows for how long it will be there so share it quickly! The video is courtesy of Zirkky.

Update: that video is taken down by ZeniMax Media Inc due to a copyright claim, so we added ours instead.

Be warned as this Intro Cinematic Trailer may contain spoilers!

Fallout 4 Cinematic Intro [Video]

Watch the Fallout 4 Intro Cinematic Trailer on YouTube.

I must say, this intro gave me chills! I totally understand if you don't want to spoil your game early, but I highly recommend it to everyone who doesn't mind it and want every single bit of new Fallout 4 info just before the game launch.

For those who watched, drop in some thoughts about the whole "leak", and until 11-10, meet me on the Vault-Tec Inc. Facebook page! If you want some more early sneak-peak into Fallout 4, stay tuned or even better -- Subscribe!

Also, here's the beautiful Fallout 4 Music Theme which is a must see;

June 28, 2015

Todd Howard and his Team Talk about Fallout 4 Details

Fallout 4's new color theme, where do the bombs fall in Boston? Can Dogmeat die? Voice actors... Since the great E3 Showcase (#BE3), revealing the Fallout 4 Gameplay and some of the game features, Todd Howard talked more detailed about the game. We recorded the most interesting interviews with Todd, and you can find them all below. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more interesting, fun, and engaging videos! Also, check the awesome Welcome to Boston Theme [VTi Mix].

Bethesda Twitch Interview [VIDEO]

Interview with Todd Howard about Fallout 4, where he talks about the game setting, features and much more. The interview was showcased on the 14th of June 2015 in the Bethesda's twitch stream.

Todd Howard YouTube Live at E3 Interview [VIDEO]

Here you will see Todd answering some of the questions such are; Why they decided to wait so long for Fallout 4 reveal, Voiced Characters, Single player exclusive, Mods and even more.

Todd Howard and Fallout 4 team Interview [VIDEO]

Todd Howard and his team members, including the main voice Actors are giving more details on Fallout 4 at E3 2015. See more information on the YouTube Video.

Fallout 5, Fallout 76, Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout Shelter Online, Fallout Amazon, TV Show, Fallout Series, S1, S2, News, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout: Tactics