Showing posts with label armor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label armor. Show all posts

September 26, 2015

Experience Fallout 4 in GTA 5

Since I love creating this kind of videos, the ones that include scripting, moding, acting and a lots of editing, I had to share this little (but great) thing with you! If you love GTA and Fallout series, this you'll enjoy as much as I am!

The YouTube user Mitch L crafted an amazing GTA 5 video using the Power Armor mod from Mitch described the video as his shitty version of V.A.T.S. and the Power Armor mod, but I can assure you it's nothing like he said. He made this since the hype for Fallout 4 is so big these days.

Take a look and see it for yourself in this awesome video below;


Besides the Power Armor mod, there are a few more mods for GTA 5, like the Laser Rifle but this one is also worth of mention - The GTA 5 Fallout 4 RPG Mod. It's actually a combination of mods such are GTA 5 RPG Mod, Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Mod and some others.You can loot, craft and complete quest in the GTA 5 RPG Mod witch also includes a working Pip boy and some other Fallout 4 themes.  Since this is not a GTA fan site, I'll not cover them all, but just this video of a nice and fun attempt of getting into a Fallout world trough the GTA 5, which is, well, worth of mention.

You can see the GTA 5 Fallout 4 RPG Mod in video below;

Video Link

And of course, the Fallout BoS Power Armor Mod for GTA 5 video showcase:

Video link | Mod link

Don't forget to check the freshly updated Fallout 4 Portal for all the latest Fallout 4 news, as the latest article about Character System (S.P.E.C.I.A.L. & Perks)! Fan of GTA? Share some thoughts below!

June 17, 2014

Most Popular Fallout: New Vegas Armor Mods

Reinforced Chinese Stealth Suit - NV by gaijune

"RCSS" adds a reinforced version of the Chinese Stealth Suit to the Mojave Wasteland. This mod implements a powered-up version of the Latexy Chinese Stealth Suit that resembles the likes of a popular futuristic Ninja. Peruse the images tab for a visual reference. East of the Abandoned Brotherhood of Steel Bunker, on the far east side of the map, and south of the Hoover Dam, you'll find a "Mysterious Nook" near a cache of Lakelurk eggs. Upon entering the Nook, you'll trigger a small quest that will lead you to a terminal. Check various logs in the terminal to find clues related to the location of several RCSS items.

For a detailed description/spoiler of where to find the items, check below. Alternatively, use the following codes with the console (XX represents the Mod Index number, found next to the File category in FOMM). See more >>

Spice of Life - Variety Armor and Clothing Robert Breeze Type3 by Nivea

I was always put off by the fact that 90% of the population seemed to wear the exact same armor/clothing with the exact same hat as everyone else, the end of the world may have happened but that doesn't mean everyone found and wears the exact same piece of clothing.

This mod aims to try and lessen this issue by adding more clothing/armor variety into the wasteland through the use of level lists. This mod includes:
  • Backpacks: 11
  • Gloves: 21
  • Headgear: 64
  • Armors/Clothing: 32
  • Poncho: 9

Advanced Recon Stealth Armor by Gopher

This mod adds several sets of stealth armor. Some of these are disguised so as not to be quite so obvious from a distance. Now you can choose your look and still be a ghost. Almost all the models are styled in the manner of existing FalloutNV and Fallout3 models, especially BrotherHood of Steel look and feel, with a touch of the Chinese armor style creeping in.
  • Advanced Recon Armor : This is hi-tec adaptation of the Brotherhood of Steel recon armor. It provides far greater protection whilst also incorporating stealth technology to give a stealth field when sneaking, with no weapon drawn and stationary. This means you rely on your skill when moving or in combat, but you get the chance to become literally invisible when you stand still, adding a new dimension to the stealth experience. **HINT** Go into sneak before fast travelling, and you will arrive at your destination with stealth field intact. Same for activating doors/gates. Stop for a second before activating gate and when you enter the new zone, you will be invisible.
  • Advanced Recon Armor (Battle Worn): A battle worn version of the above (see images).
  • Recon Ranger armor: A version of the NCR Ranger combat armor with its high DT plus all the functionality of the recon stealth armor.
  • Recon Ranger Armor (Black) :A black version of the above (see images).
  • Advanced Regulator Recon Duster : As above but disguised to blend in the wasteland better. Sometimes it is not a good idea to wander about the wasteland always looking like a hi-tec commando. This armor is disguised to look similar to the regulator duster. Up close it will not fool anyone, but at a distance it might.
  • Advanced Recon Death Walker Duster : As above but in black leather.
  • Advanced Recon Trenchcoat : As above but disguised to look like a military trenchcoat. A little smarter than the regulator recon duster. 
  • Advanced Recon Black Ops Coat : As above but dark grey/black.

Caesars New Regime - Legion Overhaul by dragbody, weijiesen, scottmack

When I played New Vegas for the first time, I was left with the distinct impression that the Legion should have been much more fierce. I was able to kill Vulpes and his buddies in Nipton the first time I saw them; I was able to march into the Fort and kill everyone; I was able to kill the Legate with a single head shot. All of these things made them seem like quite weak enemies, and that's before you look at their gear!

Let's face it--the Legion just doesn't look tough running around in skirts, football pads, and ugly helmets (with or without the feathers). However, the Legion almost defeated the NCR at the first battle for Hoover Dam, and they've got everyone on the west side of the Colorado scared they'll finish the job the second time. But how? As they are, they're target practice for NCR rangers and snipers. The Legion needed a new look. That's why I created this file.

What this mod does: It replaces all vanilla Legion armors, creates a few new classes, edits some weapon lists, adds a voiced companion--Achilles--in the Legion safe house, alters the faces of some prominent Legion NPCs, turns some Legion NPCs into mini-bosses (Otho, Alexus, Dead Sea), and adds some extra unique gear. The armors of Aurelius and Silus are now unique, for example. What this mod does not do: It doesn't add many Legion NPCs and it doesn't account for other mods such as AWOP that introduce new Legion classes. See more >>

Which one (if any) of those incredible mods have you tried? Share us some thoughts.

June 16, 2014

The Most Popular Fallout 3 Armor Mods

Dragonskin Tactical Outfit by Antistar

The Dragonskin Tactical Outfit mod actually adds a selection of the titular outfits - in different colours and camo patterns - to the Wasteland. It is loosely based on the real Dragon Skin body armour apparently in use today by SWAT teams, Secret Service and other elite military personnel. During testing this armour withstood multiple assault rifle bullet impacts and even point-blank hand grenade blasts. The mod also adds matching 'Dragon' Combat Helmets, plus M40 Gas Masks (that provide some radiation resistance to the wearer), Combat Backpacks, Tactical Goggles and Balaclavas to complete the look.

The player will not need to find (or purchase) more than one outfit to be able to use it in different camo configurations: much cheaper and lighter 'camo packages' containing different 'covers' for the armour and helmets will allow the player to swap the camo type used by the outfit whenever they wish. The outfits themselves are quite expensive, but offer fantastic protection: they are intended to be amongst the best armour available in-game; before stepping up to power armour, that is. The outfits also increase the maximum weight the player can carry, and offer mild bonuses to the Small Guns and Sneak skills. Outfit and Helmet Camo Types:
  • Black, Desert, Urban, Winter and Woodland
Backpack Camo Types:
  • Black, Brown, Desert, Grey, Olive Drab, Tan, Urban, White, Winter, Woodland

Reinforced Chinese Stealth Suit by Shake

*Requires Operation Anchorage. This adds four armored variations of the Chinese Stealth Suit to the Wasteland called Dragoon Assault Armor, Dragoon Light Armor, Dragoon Imperial Armor, and Dragoon Swordmaster Armor. Also included are optional "Addon" items for Night Vision, increased Carry Capacity, and other various things. The set is a WIP, so expect changes or additions in the near future.

Warhammer 40k Space Marine armor by cerberos008

Become the Space Marine you've always wanted to be! With a complete redesign of the vanilla Power Armor, you can look exactly like the Emperor's finest. The sets of armor can be found inside three metal boxes in Underworld Concourse, within the 2nd floor room that's furthest from the city entrance. The boxes are right beside the mattress bed. Alternatively, when in-game, open up your game console and type in the bottom codes without the quotes to add the items into your inventory. See more >>

Advanced Recon Stealth Armor by Gopher

This mod adds several sets of stealth armor. Some of these are disguised so as not to be quite so obvious from a distance. Now you can choose your look and still be a ghost. Almost all the models are styled in the manner of existing FalloutNV and Fallout3 models, especially BrotherHood of Steel look and feel, with a touch of the Chinese armor style creeping in. Please note that the headgear and helmets designed to go with this armor are now found here: Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision.
  • Advanced Recon Armor - This is hi-tec adaptation of the Brotherhood of Steel recon armor. It provides far greater protection whilst also incorporating stealth technology to give a stealth field when sneaking, with no weapon drawn and stationary. This means you rely on your skill when moving or in combat, but you get the chance to become literally invisible when you stand still, adding a new dimension to the stealth experience. **HINT** Go into sneak before fast travelling, and you will arrive at your destination with stealth field intact. Same for activating doors/gates. Stop for a second before activating gate and when you enter the new zone, you will be invisible.
  • Advanced Recon Armor (Battle Worn) - A battle worn version of the above.
  • Advanced Regulator Recon Duster : As above but disguised to blend in the wasteland better. Sometimes it is not a good idea to wander about the wasteland always looking like a hi-tec commando. This armor is disguised to look similar to the regulator duster. Up close it will not fool anyone, but at a distance it might.
  • Advanced Recon Death Walker Duster : As above but in black leather.
  • Advanced Recon Trenchcoat : As above but disguised to look like a military trenchcoat. A little smarter than the regulator recon duster. 
  • Advanced Recon Black Ops Coat : As above but dark grey/black.

Which one (if any) of those incredible mods have you tried? Share us some thoughts.

Fallout 5, Fallout 76, Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout Shelter Online, Fallout Amazon, TV Show, Fallout Series, S1, S2, News, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout: Tactics