Showing posts with label game. Show all posts
Showing posts with label game. Show all posts

February 14, 2025

Fallout Hub Companion - Mini Games Explained in FH Companion App

Fallout Hub Companion App Mini Games

In the Entertainment Hub section of the FH Companion App, you can listen to a few '50s Radio Stations and play mini-games. Since this article focuses on those mini-games, let’s explore each one so you understand what they’re all about. Fallout Hub Companion is currently available in Google Play Store and Amazon App Store.

June 03, 2015

Let's Talk About Fallout 4's Trailer

So after a long long LONG wait, Fallout 4 is finally here! Now we just have to wait to actually PLAY it, but hey, taking pleasure in small victories is how I live my life. The next obvious progression for any Fallout fan is to watch the reveal trailer again and again, finding all manner of tidbits one can find in only 3 minutes of gloriously rendered game hype fuel.

For those of you who haven't actually SEEN the trailer, here you go:


The Opening Song
Critical to any Fallout-related trailer is the old-timey music playing at the start. Once again, the Ink Spots got us covered with "It's All Over but The Crying", a very fitting title considering the context.

Through the trailer, we have brief glimpses of the world before The War. This is especially fascinating to me, as the idea of a tutorial or game sequence in which you experience first hand what life was like before the bombs fell was always something I wanted to experience in the Fallout universe.

The dog that never seems to die while at the same time always dies makes a return of sorts. We have yet another canine companion for the series, and my money's on his name being the same as always.

Both Old and New
If one looks closely at the environment of the house, it seems to imply that this entry in the series doesn't take place very long after the War itself. This is actually evident throughout the trailer, as we follow a young boy running to the Vault in the pre-war sequences, and we then cut to Vault 111 opening with what we can assume is the young boy (The main character) stepping out for the first time. This would mean that the pre-war sequences will probably serve as a tutorial and character design part of the game!

It's Boston!
One can pick out from the various scenes that the game most definitely takes place in Boston, Massachusetts, as so many predicted before. I'm just glad it doesn't look exactly like DC did.

Enemies Returning
We get a few shots of enemies in the trailer, all of which appear revised in a way. There's a brief shot of what I assume are ghouls charging the player, what appears to be a Mirelurk scuttling along the sand, a much improved looking Protectron, and of course, everybody's favorite: The Deathclaw.

Zeppelins and Power Armor
One of the more striking shots of the trailer comes in with an honest to god Zeppelin, decked out all sci-fi-esque, looming over the famous Paul Revere statue in Boston's North End (Further solidifying the location). We also get a few shots of Power Armor clad individuals, but as others have already pointed out, it would seem one can make Power Armor out of spare parts, or even mod your own.

The New Megaton
Several times throughout we get shots of this post-war town, which, based on what one can see in the scenes, is called Diamond City. I would put money on it being the Megaton or New Vegas of Post-War Boston, the central hub for the player to rest in between hours of exploration and adventure.

Found his Words
So everybody's losing their shit over the main character (Or someone who may not even be the main character) speaking at the end of the trailer. While I highly doubt that your character will actually make verbal utterances other than the usual grunts and yells, I think it would be interesting to finally have one. Also, note how the jumpsuit for 111 is more akin to the original tight-fitting jumpsuits in the first 2 games as opposed to the looser baggy ones from Fallout 3 and NV.

There's a ton more little things to pick out from the trailer that I won't go into here, but, needless to say, this alone is a lot to take in. I for one will be watching with eyes glued to the screen for Bethesda's E3 outing, where we will undoubtedly learn more about this triumphant return. Feel free to share your thoughts on Facebook and Google+ post, and remember! War...War never changes.

Article by Henry Lombardi

November 18, 2014

Fallout: Lonestar - Total Game Conversion for Fallout: New Vegas

Visit Fallout: Lonestar Web Page  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  YouTube

Fallout: Lonestar is a fan-made mod currently in development for Fallout: New Vegas. The project came as an idea of Christopher Means, who set out to initially create a mod for the game that was just going to be a single town in his native Texas. When Means attended GDC in Austin, he met Chris Avellone, and pitched his mod idea to the developer. Avellone, who was taken by the idea, convinced Means to broaden the project's scope, and even helped him recruit more Fallout community members to work on the mod. Now we got a total game conversion mod for Fallout: New Vegas, thanks to the Fallout Community, both, fans and devs. This project is still a work in progress, but it sure looks very promising!

White Rose Concept Art by: Yana Dmitruk

The Story

Fallout: Lonestar takes place in the post-apocalyptic, open-world environment of West Texas. The player assumes the role of the Lonestar Ranger, a special agent of the Confederacy. The Ranger is sent to transfer a prisoner from the Pass to the Confederate capitol of Reunion, but the transfer is ambushed and the prisoner escapes. In tracking down the fugitive, the Ranger becomes embroiled in the fate of Magnifico, a community of tribals who can miraculously grow crops in the toxic desert wasteland. Caught between the desperate Confederacy and the growing Revolution, the Ranger must decide on which side of the Law they stand. One thing is certain, the Ranger won't stand alone. Saving Magnifico will require guns, and slingers to wield them. Finding them won't be easy. The people not taking sides are all outlaws, scoundrels, vigilantes, and other ne'er-do-wells of low bearing and ill repute. They'd sooner zap you into a little pile of dust then look at ya'.

One of the possible companions: a gunslinger, hijacker, bank robber, and all around wanted ghoul, Ebru.
The Bliss Concept Art by Valery Malov
Bellow you can see James Guenthner's orchestral interpretation of Matthew Vince's Fallout: Lonestar original score, set to concept art from Terrorweed! Games' Fallout: Lonestar:

As seen on Fallout: Lonestar's Facebook page - the wall here is an original asset built for the game. Little things like this matter. An environment that feels, at all times, like a new and unique area.
The video bellow is a development diary with the project lead, Christopher Means. He breaks down what makes Fallout: Lonestar so interesting, so take a look on a summary of the Fallout: Lonestar project:

The game takes place 50 years before New Vegas, and it takes you down to Texas, and some of the key features are:
  • A New Environment to Explore - Explore the forgotten sands of the Pass and the ruins of Juarez. Learn the fate of Mexico and the Texas Commonwealth.
  • Companions - Six available companions to help you defend Magnifico.
  • Learn more about the fate of the United States in the years building up to the Great War. Fallout: Lonestar explores events such as: the U.S. Invasion and Occupation of Mexico, the Resource Wars and the New Plague..

..and much more. As development continues, Lonestar team expect to build new perks, weapons, and enemies. They promised to keep us all updated, so don't forget to follow them on social media pages: Facebook and Twitter!

Outside the crumbling facade of the Texas Mechanics & Implementation building, above the long abandoned Vault 50, the monks of the Silent City pay quiet penance for their sins.

October 13, 2014

Fallout 3 Total Conversion - Fallout: Zero

Fallout Zero is a total conversion mod of Fallout 3 game, complete with its own world and backstory set two months after the outbreak of the Great War. The mod includes several new game features such as a reactive people helmet, a drivable metro car, craftable objects, an original basic needs system (hunger, thirst, etc.).

The player is teleported to a Zero world with a level 1 Character, an empty inventory and the possibility to choose their character’s attributes. After completing the story, the player is ‘returned’ to the original world of Fallout 3, retaining the Level and attributes their character had possessed before starting the mod.

By arcoolka | Facebook Page | Nexus Page | Download

The Story

Our hero and his/her father have been living in the basement of their bombarded house for the past two months since the Great War broke out. With supplies running low, their only chance for survival is to find a way inside the city’s Vault. Join our hero and discover a world of survivors crippled by the fatal lack of food and drinking water, ubiquitous radiation, an imminent nuclear winter, and humanity’s inability to come to terms with the consequences of its own deeds. Their fate, along with your own, is in your hands.

The mod focuses on solving different tasks depending on the main character’s (mainly non-combat related) attributes. This mod is not meant for FPS players, although it’s not always possible to avoid combat (however, ammo and decent weapons are hard to come by). Tip: Don’t try to kill your enemies as soon as you lay eyes on them. Your foes are stronger than you right from the start, so you should keep in mind that the enemy of your enemy can offer a much needed helping hand. 

Based on your reaction, the world of Fallout Zero will change as a whole: everything is interconnected. The main storyline will always give you at least two possibilities to choose from, with every one of your decisions leading to a completely different result.

You can see the Fallout Zero intro video below. For all videos about this mod, including walk-through, see VIDEOS page on Nexus.

Note to mod creators: submit your work to us by sending the mod's info and link to the #VTi Facebook page (message), for the monthly mod contests.

Portal Fallout 3  |  Top 10 Fallout 3 Mods of All Time

October 02, 2014

20 Incredibly Great References in Fallout 3

There are about 120 cultural references in Fallout 3. Since we can't cover all of them, we're bringing you the incredibly great ones, like references to great post-apocalyptic movie titles like Mad Max and A Boy and His Dog. This article is two pages long, with 10 references on each.

 1. A Boy And His Dog

To me, A Boy and His Dog inspired Fallout on many levels, including Fallout 3. Dogmeat, the vaults, the blending of 1950s America with futuristic horror, and the glowing ones. They are all allude to Harlan Ellison's book A Boy and His Dog which got the film adaptation later on, A Boy and His Dog (1975 film). Also, In Oasis, the man encased in a tree calls the tree "Herbert" because he thinks it's funny and it annoys the tree. In A Boy and His Dog the dog Blood, often calls his boy, Vic,"Albert". Blood finds this funny, while Vic is annoyed by it.

 2. Mad Max

The Mad Max movies, starring Mel Gibson as a post-apocalyptic warrior, are also a pervasive influence on the Fallout series. The design of the leather armor in all four Fallout games is based on Mel Gibson's armor in the Mad Max series, particularly the single-sleeved armor in The Road Warrior. A picture of the main character walking beside Dogmeat that is featured on the back of the packaging and in every ending is an homage to the image of Max walking beside his dog from The Road Warrior. Fallout 3's Dogmeat is a Blue Heeler, the same breed as Max's dog in The Road Warrior.

One of the Little Lamplight children uses the word humongous incorrectly, saying "humungus." Though it appears incorrect, it is actually a reference to Lord Humungus, the leader of the antagonizing gang in The Road Warrior. Upon meeting Harkness one of his replies might be "Oh yeah? And I'm a fairy princess." this is a reference to an utterance made by Mad Max when he talks to MasterBlaster in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. The raiders' style of dressing is similar to that of the various raider and biker gangs in the Mad Max films. Medical braces are similar to those that Max wears on his left leg in the films. The arena in The Pitt resembles the Thunderdome.

The raider blastmaster helmet resembles the helmet worn by Blaster, the "muscle" of Bartertown in Beyond Thunderdome. The scoped .44 magnum/Blackhawk resembles the gun used by the Lord Humungus in The Road Warrior, which was a scoped Smith & Wesson Model 29. The outfit worn by Mayor Macready of Little Lamplight is identical to the costume worn by Jedediah the pilot's son in Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome - a pith helmet, goggles, and a jacket one size too big. The image for the perk Pitt Fighter depicts Vault Boy wearing armor identical to Blaster's armor in the film Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome.

There is a random encounter with a character named Mel, who wears a leather jacket and sports a sawed-off shotgun. High Perception grants the information that the shotgun is unloaded. In The Road Warrior, Max threatens the Gyrocaptain with his shotgun, even though it wasn't loaded. The outfits worn by slaves in The Pitt resemble those worn by the slaves in Beyond Thunderdome.

 3. The Road

A 2006 novel by Cormac McCarthy. This post-apocalyptic story also influenced Bethesda Softworks (as mentioned by Todd Howard in interview) in their work on Fallout 3. The most overt references to the book are the hunters who peddle "strange meat" (human flesh) and the cannibals in the town of Andale.

 4. Dracula

Just above the entrance, you can see a damaged traffic sign that should read "CAREFUL," but on which the 'C' and 'L' have faded away to display "AREFU". Arefu is a "real life" small village in Romania, most well known for its proximity to the former castle of Vlad III, the prince of Wallachia, who is also known as "Dracula" and "Vlad the Impaler." And the quest "Blood Ties" only confirms that reference. Lucy West, the woman who kicks off the Blood Ties quest, is a reference to Lucy Westenra, Mina Murray's friend in Bram Stoker's Dracula. They both have connections to vampires, and they were the first victims of a chain of unfortunate events that affect their loved ones.

 5. Interplay

The monument is located in Chevy Chase, just outside the Tenleytown / Friendship station. There's a small square with a monument that is a reference to Interplay. The bronze Earth with a circling rocket appeared prominently when launching Fallout 1 and 2. Chevy Chase is also a real-life neighborhood in Washington, D.C.

 6. Black Isle Studios

Inside the Museum of Technology, a plaque describes the fate of the USS Ebon Atoll, a missile destroyer that was torpedoed by a US submarine, USS Interference, off the coast of Alaska. "Ebon" is short for "Ebony", a word for black, and "atoll" is another word for island, or isle. The fate of the boat is also similar to Black Isle's, having been "torpedoed" by their parent company, Interplay. Also, in the Point Lookout add-on, the loading screens and several terminals mention Isla Negra Holdings, the company that built the Pilgrim's Landing boardwalk. "Isla Negra" is Spanish for Black Isle.

 7. The Bible

The Lone Wanderer's birth date, 7/13/2258, is a Biblical reference to Micah 7:13, which reads: "And the earth will become desolate because of her inhabitants, on account of the fruit of their deeds." This aptly describes the whole Fallout series.

 8. American Civil War

Hannibal Hamlin was the name of Abraham Lincolns's first vice president, a staunch abolitionist. Leroy Walker is named after LeRoy Pope Walker, the first Confederate States Secretary of War who issued the orders for the firing on Fort Sumter, which began the American Civil War. Bill Seward is named after William H. Seward, Lincoln's Secretary of State from 1861-69. Caleb Smith is named after Caleb B. Smith, Lincoln's Secretary of Interior from 1861-62. Simone Cameron is named after Simon Cameron, Lincoln's Secretary of War from 1861-62.

 9. Beneath the Planet of the Apes

In Megaton, the undetonated atomic bomb and the Children of Atom are a reference to the film Beneath the Planet of the Apes (a 1970 American science fiction film directed by Ted Post and written by Paul Dehn), in which a cult worships an intact nuclear ICBM (An intercontinental ballistic missile).

 10. Star Trek (original)

During the first fade-to-white in the opening character creation, The Overseer says, "Dammit! We need a doctor, not a scientist", a reference to lines in the original Star Trek in which Leonard McCoy says to Captain Kirk, "Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a [profession that isn't medical]". Dr. Preston in Rivet City will say "I'm a doctor, not a dealer!" when asked about purchasing chems.

The Adventures of Captain Cosmos takes its inspiration from Star Trek. Captain Cosmos is known to have aired at 8:00 P.M. on Thursdays (the timeslot that Star Trek filled during its first two seasons in the real world). In the Mothership Zeta add-on, the Lone Wanderer and Sally (who is a fan of Captain Cosmos) take a diverse crew into ship-to-ship combat against another alien mothership.

October 01, 2014

Fallout: New Vegas DLC Stories

In case you've missed some of them, the stories that fuel each DLC of Fallout: New Vegas. These add-ons are Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, Lonesome Road, Courier's Stash and Gun Runners' Arsenal. The last two add-ons are only item packs, so we will not focus on them at this point. Each pack adds new quests, items, perks, achievements and other content to Fallout: New Vegas. The Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition, includes all add-ons packs. This article is divided on total of two pages. First page include Dead Money and Honest Hearts DLC, and the second page include Old World Blues and Lonesome Road DLC stories. Enjoy!

1. Dead Money

The first add-on for Fallout: New Vegas, developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Bethesda Softworks. Dead Money is set in the Sierra Madre, an opulent and extravagant resort that was to be the greatest casino in the west, except that it never opened. The bombs fell before the grand opening, and the Sierra Madre froze in time, its state of the art security system locking the place up tight. And so the Sierra Madre faded from memory, only occasionally being seen in posters across the wastes, until it took on mythic ghost story status, a supposed "City of Gold" in the Wasteland where all the treasures of the Old World were rumored to be held.

The Sierra Madre is a mythical place in the wastes, with travelers risking their lives to find it. Only one man truly "found" it and lived. After the fall of HELIOS One, Father Elijah of the Mojave Brotherhood of Steel set out to find new weapons to eradicate the NCR, and in the process he found the Sierra Madre. Upon waking in, the courier will find they have been stripped of all useful armor, weapons and aid. The player is greeted by Father Elijah's hologram, which explains that the Courier has been fitted with an explosive collar and that he, Father Elijah, demands the player to recruit three companions in order to carry out a heist for the centuries upon the casino.

As the victim of a raw deal you must work alongside three other captured wastelanders to recover the legendary treasure of the Sierra Madre Casino. In Dead Money, your life hangs in the balance. It is up to you how you play your cards in the quest to survive.

2. Honest Hearts

The second add-on for Fallout: New Vegas, developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Bethesda Softworks. As a punishment for failed him in a  first battle of Hoover Dam, Caesar sentenced Joshua Graham (the Burned Man) to a gruesome death: covered in pitch, lit on fire and tossed off the cliffs of the Grand Canyon. Rumors around the desert indicated that he somehow survived this brutal treatment, but nothing ever came of it. Caesar then sent Ulysses to the Great Salt Lake to rally the White Legs to destroy New Canaan. With his help, the White Legs found a large supply of weapons. The White Legs then destroyed New Canaan, sending Joshua Graham, and the New Canaanites to Zion Canyon, where the Dead Horses stand with them against Caesar.

The Courier then arrives in the Zion Canyon with the Happy Trails Trading Group Caravan. Things go horribly wrong when your caravan is ambushed by a White Legs raiding band. As you try to find a way back to the Mojave, you meet the Burned Man, Joshua Graham, who is surprised that it is a different Courier than Ulysses that came to him, as he had figured Ulysses would come to murder him.

The Courier becomes embroiled in a war between tribes and a conflict between a New Canaanite missionary and the mysterious Burned Man. It's a familiar formula of exploration, choice, murder and a decent (but not entirely gripping) storyline. The decisions the player character makes will determine the fate of Zion.

September 29, 2014

Should Fallout 4 Be A Prequel To Original Fallout?


What exactly would be a prequel to original Fallout game? Since Fallout take place in the year 2161 on the West Coast of what used to be the United States, California, the most logical would be for a prequel to be set at least somewhere in the US, before 2160. Not Canada, or whatever, but US! I can't really imagine that "fallout feel" somewhere outside the US. But how far in the "past" should it go?! I don't believe that any future Fallout game will ever be set during the Great War, or even before, no matter how "awesome" that would be. Maybe in a form of DLC. Then again, moments after the war, the game setting would be too dark, so that's also a no from me. The best time-frame for a Fallout prequel, for me, would be somewhere between 2127(9) and 2142(9). Can you see where I'm going?! No?!?

The thing is, the US government (Enclave), and Vault-Tec, never really believed an actual nuclear war would occur and the real reason for the existence of vaults was to run social experiments on pre-selected segments of the population to see how they react to the stresses of isolation and how successfully they would recolonize Earth after the vault opens. Vault-Tec was commissioned to build only 122 such vaults. The Enclave, responsible for the experiment (officially known as the "Societal Preservation Program"), considered themselves prime candidates for recolonizing the world after a nuclear holocaust and to this end commissioned the construction of their own shelters, isolated from the vault network. The purpose of the vault experiments was to help prepare the Enclave for either re-colonizing Earth or colonizing another planet if Earth turned out to be uninhabitable. Despite all of this, the experiment may be considered a success in terms of the data collected - data that was much more important to the Vault-Tec and Enclave scientists than a few hundred thousand lives, most of whom would have died anyway if not for the vaults.

Now let's focus on specific time frame the new Fallout game could take place. I will go in order from the first Vault openings after the great war:
  • Vault 12 - In order to study the effects of radiation on the selected population, the vault door was designed not to close properly. This is the Necropolis vault and a large population of ghouls was the result. Interesting, but not so much for a game to be based on.
  • Vault 8 - a control vault located in West Nevada. It was designed to re-colonize the surface after 10 years. It opened as intended after receiving the all-clear signal, and its residents emerged to begin rebuilding civilization (with G.E.C.K.). Vault City was the result. And that's a no from me, for a game prequel plot.
  • Vault 70 - first mentioned in the Fallout Bible and was going to be mentioned in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 project where the Vault opened in 2190, and its inhabitants founded the town of New Jerusalem. Yeah, that's also not an awesome prequel game plot idea..
  • Vault 15 - (there are few vaults that may been opened before vault 15, but I really want to shorten this article.) Intended to stay closed for 50 years and include people of radically diverse ideologies. The birthplace of three raider groups and Shady Sands (later to become the NCR). This could build an awesome prequel story, and this one in my opinion, is the best story "base" for a Fallout prequel. We even made a comic series - Fallout: Origins. Feel free to check it out, although it includes only the first part of the series.
On the other hand, another great story for a prequel would be the Enclave themselves (something like Fallout: BoS). Enclave is present in every Fallout game so far, but you couldn't actually side with them as a faction member. Relatively early in the fateful year of 2077, with the planet ultimately headed directly for nuclear devastation, the President of the United States and various other members of the continuity of government fell back to multiple secretive, and heavily fortified locations all around the continent. When the bombs began to drop, they lost communications with the main group that was to be headquartered at the Poseidon Oil Rig in the Pacific Ocean.

For a long time after the Great War, the Enclave sat quietly in its oil rig, consolidating its forces and working on gaining a technological edge over anyone on the mainland. Eventually, when they felt it would be safe, they decided it was time to move out and start working towards the rebirth of America. And pretty much here starts original Fallout game. To me, Oil Rig is not an option for a prequel (yes for DLC later on), but rather some of those secretive, and heavily fortified, shelter locations that lost communications with the Poseidon Oil Rig. With so much options here, it makes sense for a prequel to be built. 

With all those ideas listed above, I'm not saying that next Fallout game SHOULD be a prequel, I'm just focusing my thoughts on IF next installment will be a prequel. I didn't go so much into details, as this article would be then five times bigger. You can share us your thoughts on #VTi Facebook or Google+ post. Thank you for reading, share it with your Fallout friends!

September 19, 2014

Wasteland 2 - The Apocalypse Is Now


26 years is a hell of a long time to wait for a sequel, though it's arguable that Wasteland 2 is as much an alternate Fallout 3 as it is the continuation of the original post-apocalyptic role-playing game. I can hardly believe that it has been two and half years since the Wasteland 2 Campaign started by Brian Fargo. Developed by inXile and funded by the fans, on March 13, 2012, first Kickstarter Update showed a great start, and now more than two years later, Wasteland 2 is finally out! It is already reviewed by most of the gaming sites, with high reviewing points, and you can read the Eurogamer's review here, where he got 8/10.

You can read the last Kickstarter Update #56, from the official Wasteland 2 campaign here, And you can watch Wasteland 2 Launch trailer bellow.

Wasteland 2 is a great sequel. It's very clearly made with love to be true to the original game while still learning from the games that followed. Computer RPG fans haven't had it this good in ages. Now a question for all of the backers - what is your take-on Wasteland 2? Share us your thoughts #VTi Facebook or Google+ post.

September 12, 2014

After War Nevada - Complete Overhaul for Fallout: New Vegas


AWN - After War Nevada - Complete Overhaul Mod by Jodwig

After War: Nevada is a complete overhaul for Fallout: New Vegas and is a summary of 2 years of hard work by Jodwig himself. It's enormous mod, which aim was to change and re balance every single aspect of the game. See detailed description bellow, along with the video review by Caedo Genesis.


All items have been carefully balanced, including vanilla weapons and new ones as well. Few vanilla weapon models have been swapped and few unique weapons have been added. In all cases new items were added as well.

More than 250 carefully balanced weapons in total; about 35 Pistols, 60 Rifles (including automatic ones), 10 Submachine Guns, 20 Shotguns, 30 Heavy Guns, 25 Explosives, 45 Melee and 20 Unarmed.

More than 80 balanced armors, all with the new resistance system (Normal, Laser, Plasma, Fire, Electrical, Radiation). About 45 Light, 20 Medium, 10 Heavy and 10 Power.

More than 50 balanced helmets. About 20 Light, 15 Medium, 10 Heavy and 10 Power.

More than 110 ammo types, from classic HP and AP to depleted uranium. Hollow Point ammo massacres unarmored targets, while armor piercing is a must against armored targets.

Weapon Mods
Weapon mods have been changed into 3 tiers for every mod type (3 tiers of damage mods, 3 tiers of speed, ammo, accuracy and so on) in order to increase the chance of players getting a mod and to allow players to use it for different weapons as well.

More than 30 implants with the new implant system. They can increase your stats, resistances, speed, AP regen, healing rate or even give you nightvision.

Food, Chems & Scavenged Items
More than 230 balanced items, from food and drinks to drugs and scavenged from plants and creatures items.

All misc items (like empty bottles, syringes, scissors etc.) have had their value and weight altered, so the player is now allowed to loot them in order to earn some caps.


All old perks and traits have been changed (some were balanced, some removed and many new ones added). 

There are around 250 balanced perks in total, most with their own unique icons. The player gets 1 perk every 2 levels, with so many perks and being able to pick only a few perks (15 perks at lvl 30) each player's build is more unique, allowing him to customize his character as he wants; he can specialize solely in stealth and silent killing, be it with melee weapons or guns, or go with sniper depending on critical hits, or with a jack of all trades build etc. There are also perks for skills, tags, karma perks which require good/neutral/evil karma in order to work, mastery perks, which require 10 of one of the stats, but give big bonuses etc.

As in vanilla, player chooses up to 2 traits at the beginning, there are around 30 balanced traits to allow the player to further customize his play style.


Alternate Start & Classes
Player chooses on the beginning one of the 30 classes with alternate starting locations, perks, factions and so on. He also chooses his own gear, limited to each class.

Old Fallout resistances are back! Creatures and armors have resistances now. You can check armor's resistances in pipboy, next to the armor's name, in brackets - (Normal, Laser, Plasma, Fire, Electrical, Radiation).

Weight has been changed from pounds (lb) to kilograms (kg), together with ALL items in the game.

Recoil & Accuracy
All Guns, Explosives and Energy Weapons have recoil. The stronger and heavier weapon is, the higher is recoil. Also, with low weapon skill your hands will sway, moving will increase recoil and make them sway even more, crouching and aiming down the ironsights helps a lot. Crouching also increases chance to hit in VATS. While in interiors, players get penalties to recoil and accuracy with bigger weapons. Smaller weapons like pistols, SMGs, shotguns and carbines have no penalties at all.

Crippled Limbs
Crippled limbs were rebalanced, crippling head will lower your perception to 1, thus making you unable to shoot anything from range, while crippled arms greatly increase weapon swaying and crippled legs greatly reduce movement speed and prevents you from using sprint. Same goes for enemies as well. Info about currently crippled limbs can be read in effects tab in pipboy.

Hardcore Mode
On HC mode ammo has weight, companions can die and you have to eat, drink and sleep. I recommend playing on HC mode, I rebalanced game for both types of game mode, with HC on and off, but HC mode turned off will still make game easier and make it less survival-oriented.

Loot of all NPCs from all factions have been rebalanced. They are more deadly, accurate and tougher. They use newly added weapons as well AND they use special ammo types now, meaning that you can meet raider with assault rifle loaded with armor piercing bullets, so your armor can go to hell with that - no more ramboing in power armor. Their accuracy lowers radically the later it gets, so player is no longer at disadvantage during night, but it's still a double-edged sword.

As mentioned earlier, creatures are resistant to various types of damage, they are also faster, tougher, stronger AND every creature gives different amounts of XP, so player is rewarded for killing stronger creatures, just as it should be.

SPECIAL Stats & Skills
The 7 primary stats and skills have been rebalanced and made equally important. You need high strength if you want to do damage with melee weapons or use heavy weapons; perception for shooting and using VATS at long ranges; endurance for health, resistances, implants, drugs, alcohol etc.

Poison resistance is much more important, because creatures' poison is much deadlier now. Player will be able to catch Diseases in the future.

In vanilla, there was hardly any radiation and no need for Rad-Xs nor Rad Aways, so instead of adding radiation to random places and altering all current zones of radiation (it would take me years to do that), I increased radiation on food AND added radioactive auras and attacks to many creatures. Radiation has never been deadlier.

Primary Needs
Hunger. thirst, sleep and radiation thresholds for penalties start at 200 and change every 66/67 points, e.g. 200, 266. 333. 400, 466 etc., up to 1000 which ends with death. Hardcore Mode only (except for radiation). At night and in interiors dehydration rate is 50% slower, while during combat all Primary Needs are 100% faster.

There are 2 new companions - Sunny Smiles and Jacobstown Marcus. Also, all companions got some love. You can recruit 1 companion per every 2 points of Charisma, up to 5 companions with 10 points, and up to 7 with perks. Every companion uses ammo, has their favorite weapon, tags, starting perks/traits, abilities and unique SPECIAL stats, which matter and make a difference. Everything can be checked in the pipboy in perks tab.

Sprint & Bullet Time
Well known by everyone Sprint and Bullet Time are here! They both use action points in addition to VATS or as an alternative for people not using VATS at all. Sprinting can help you run from ferocious creatures or help melee character get near their victims and to try knocking them down, while Bullet Time slows down the time, allowing you to aim more precisely.

Dodge Chance
Players have dodge chance modified by agility, perks, moving, sprinting or even by unarmed and melee skills. Dodge chance is capped at 90% and ignores damage on a successful roll.

Playable Races
Playable races are unlocked, meaning you can play as ghouls (comes with bonuses and penalties), raiders or old ones.

Vendors & Economy
Traders have cutthroat prices. Selling items doesn't give much money and buying is expensive, but traders are stocked with goods, meaning that you can usually get what you need as long as you have money. The better stuff the trader has, the more he charges for something, while poor traders and small shops will offer better prices, but they will have less money and worse stuff to sell. 

Many locations got repopulated or fortified, like Crimson Caravan, Goodsprings, Gun Runners, Jacobstown and NCR Correctional Facility etc. There are even more, If you are using the Mini DLC Plugin.

Spawns have been altered. Player can meet stronger enemies at the beginning, while on the higher levels his chance of meeting stronger enemies increases, but he can still meet weaker enemies.

Check this mod on Nexus.

Caedo Genesis made a 3 minute long review of After War Nevada mod, check it bellow:

Anyways, Fallout fans are the best, and this mod proves that! Jodwig alone almost made Fallout 4 (or New Vegas 2, if you want) in two years, what do you think about that? Share this epic work with your Fallout friends and for more awesome projects like this one, check the links bellow.

Check other Community projects:

August 16, 2014

Let's Talk About Fallout: Van Buren

Author's Note: It's been awhile, I know. Real life really shook me up this Summer, but I'm not gonna ask for pity or offer petty excuses. I need structure in my life, and writing these articles about my favorite series in fiction really helps with that. So without further ado....

The mini-minigun that Paladin has just kills me.

So, by now I assume you're familiar with the story of Fallout: Van Buren. After the critical success of 2, Black Isle Studios wasted no time crafting a sequel. It was given a codename: Van Buren (This being an Interplay thing of coding projects as the names of USA Presidents.), and fans were led to believe this was going to be the best Fallout yet. Now of course the idea of making a sequel better than Fallout 2 is daunting, but that's not what ended up happening. If you've read my other articles (And I wish you would), you are well aware of Interplay's sketchy and downright baffling business decisions at the time. Their desperate attempt to stay afloat ultimately failed, the company was bought up, and Bethesda acquired the rights to make Fallout games, with the exception that Interplay be allowed to make a Fallout MMO. More on that later, but what this whole debacle meant was that Van Buren, The Fallout 3 we were meant to have, was canned when it was very near completion. This has left alot of old and new fans alike wondering, "What would Fallout be like now if Van Buren was actually made?"

No wonder it took so long! Look at all that!

So check it out. 95% of the engine was complete. 75% of the maps was complete, and half the maps were finished. Sounds like alot to see, right? Well not really at all. Information on this game is reduced to an extremely glitchy demo from E3 and all that you can find on old websites from interviews. I really wouldn't advise the demo either; If it doesn't glitch to shit, it will just crash nonstop. Believe me, I tried. From what you CAN play, it's a turn based strategy game like the previous Fallout games, and that's about all I can say about it.

As for the written information, well...The story for this thing is mind numbingly stupid. Maybe with good writing to back it up it would make sense, but as it stands I'm almost glad the game wasn't made. Basically, the story revolved around your character, a Convict (Yes, an RPG other than The Elder Scrolls that has you start as a prisoner.), trying to figure out how his prison was destroyed, or something like that. The key things you need to remember are that alot of the stories plot elements were repurposed into Fallout: New Vegas. Caesar's Legion, Ulysses, The Burned Man, New Canaan, Powder Gangers, and a corrupt NCR all featured prominently in Van Buren's plot, so if you think about it, New Vegas is the spiritual offspring of VB, with all the stupid cut out.

The bad parts come in with the central antagonist, a scientist named Presper. He inexplicably comes across an advanced satellite designed to nuke a large portion of an area in the event of an outbreak of New Plague, that disease FEV was invented to stop. He infected a large enough amount of people, placed them in a prison, then promptly broke them out of the prison, so that the satellite would then launch, and he would control it to launch nukes where he so chose...What the fuck? How? Why? What?

I don't give a shit how corrupt the American government was back in the day. There's no fucking way you can sell me this bullshit that they had NUCLEAR BOMBARDMENT OF THEIR OWN LAND as a contingency plan for a fucking virus. And seriously! Why does the big baddie in every Fallout game (Except New Vegas) have a genocidal agenda?! The Master, The Enclave, The Calculator, fucking ATTIS from Brotherhood of Steel, The Enclave AGAIN, and now this asshole? Come on, guys...There's also the supposed ending, which, if I'm reading correctly, forces you to pick areas to destroy, leading me to believe that this would be the last possible Fallout game in the Core Region, because it would be back to square goddamn one. AGAIN.


Ultimately, I'm glad Van Buren didn't see the light of day, with a story like this. Black Isle made one of the best goddamn stories in an RPG ever, so what the hell were they smoking when they came up with this? If you are really damn curious, track down a site where you can download the barely functioning demo. I don't know what's sadder: The fact that all that time and buildup was leading to shit OR the fact that Black Isle's last game wasn't even a proper sendoff to the developer. At least we have New Vegas, right? Okay, fine, I'll stop kissing NV's ass. Join the talk below.

More Let's Talk About:

Fallout 5, Fallout 76, Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout Shelter Online, Fallout Amazon, TV Show, Fallout Series, S1, S2, News, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout: Tactics