February 05, 2025
I Asked AI About the Fundamentals of the Fallout, and You'll Be Surprised!
January 10, 2025
FH Companion - a New App for Android and iOS for all things Fallout!
FH Companion: The Ultimate Hub of Fallout Fandom!
FH Companion isn't just an app; it's a portal to the Wasteland crafted by fans for fans. This unofficial, fan-made treasure trove brings together everything a Vault Dweller could dream of:
VIDEOS: Dive into our Fallout curated section of new videos, bringing you the latest trailers, gameplay highlights, and fan creations that capture the essence of the Wasteland.
COMMUNITY: Connect with fellow Vault Dwellers in the FH Discord Server. Share your adventures, get survival tips, or just geek out over your favorite factions and characters. The community aspect turns solitary exploration into a shared journey.
RADIO: With an integrated radio player, you can listen to your favorite 50s tunes while checking the memes, reading the news, playing your favorite games, or even chatting with the AI Wiki!
GAMES: Explore a few mini-games that will get you good! These quick, engaging challenges are designed to test your skills, reflexes, and strategic thinking, perfect for a fun break or to sharpen your edge in gaming. See the Mini-Games Explained for more info about each game.
AI WIKI: Navigate the lore with an AI-powered Wikipedia that helps you understand the complex history and intricate details of the Fallout world. Whether you're clarifying the timeline or looking for hidden Easter eggs, FH Companion's Wiki is your guide.
SHOP: Browse through a curated selection of Fallout merchandise, from apparel to collectibles. Support fellow fans by buying unique, community-created items or snag official gear to show your allegiance to the Brotherhood, the Minutemen, or any other faction.
FH Companion, crafted by Angelyze, is more than just an app; it's your personal Fallout Hub in the palm of your hand. For more details, check out https://linktr.ee/Angelyze.
Join the adventure, survive the wasteland, and celebrate the world of Fallout like never before! Check the FH Companion app in Google Play and Apple App Stores and share your feedback in the Fallout Hub's Discord Server!
DISCLAIMER: Please note that Fallout is a trademark and copyright of Bethesda Softworks and ZeniMax Media Inc. All rights reserved. This content is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Bethesda Softworks or ZeniMax Media Inc.
Oh, and P.S.: if the app is not available in some stores, it's available in the Google Play Store, Amazon App Store, as the Web App version, or you can download it from my Google Disk (Android version only, for now). Download the Amazon App Store on Android device.
To experience everything the app has to offer, see the video of FH Companion App Overview:
For more Fallout content check the VTi Fallout Blog!
November 05, 2015
Fallout 4 Launch Trailer and Apps
Now, the trailer doesn't reveal the game story itself, but some of the aspects and game settings. If you ask me, I would watch it anyway, it is that good! Watch it, yeah. Below.
Fallout 4 Launch Trailer
Fallout Pip-Boy
August 19, 2015
Let's Talk About Fallout Shelter
Fallout Shelter is not like any other Fallout game.
Rather it is a simple management simulator. Instead of the usual exploration, combat, and interactions with a fabulous and imaginative post apocalypse, Fallout Shelter takes place in a single place: One of the Vaults. Sounds boring, doesn't it? The hook is that the Vault is actually YOUR Vault. Yes, my friends, Fallout Shelter thrusts players into the role of Overseer of an entire Vault. You are given (almost) free reign in construction, placement, and acceptance of Dwellers into your Vault, giving them jobs and even sending them out into the Wasteland. Accomplishing certain tasks will grant you currency with which you may expand the Vault further and further underground and upgrade your facilities. But this game is inherently deceptive; It looks like a little innocent mobile game, but in reality this thing is pure evil. And I'm not just talking about its ability to consume entire hours of your time.
For starters, you can't do anything you want, truly. The Vault needs to follow a certain layout or it's doomed to fail. Within this layout, you need to make sure there are rooms for gather the three core resources of water, energy, and food. Get too little electricity and other rooms lose power, becoming useless. Lose food, and your dwellers start to starve to death. Running out of water is easily the worst of them, as your Dwellers are forced to drink irradiated slop, and I don't think I should have to tell why that's bad. So you need to strike a balance between these three things, managing your population and allocating individuals with the right SPECIAL stats to the right stations to maximize efficiency. But then there's also the danger of Raiders, so you're going to need weapons. The only reliable way to get weapons is to send people out into the Wasteland, but without weapons in the first place there's a really good chance they'll die. Good SPECIAL stats help in this regard, but until you can build training rooms, the chances you'll get a real good Dweller are entirely on the Lunchboxes.
The Lunchboxes are the game's form of premium currency. While you can earn Lunchboxes occasionally by completing challenges, Lunchboxes can be purchased with real money. And the rewards you get from Lunchboxes are utterly tantalizing. First Lunchbox I ever opened had A STAR PALADIN CROSS AND A FAT MAN. I'm not saying the game is Pay2Win, and there's not like something you can pay for to increase your chances of success in finding stuff or reduce the time it takes for dwellers to complete tasks, but the temptation is still there, regardless. I for one have avoided the temptation so far, but who knows for how long? I might just go for it now that my Vault has been wiped out for the third damn time.
And that's what it really comes down too. This game is deceptively brutal. The Vault will randomly run into issues; If you're lucky, it will be an easily manageable low damage fire. Strangely, a fire is absolutely nothing compared to RADROACHES. Yes, radroaches. The weakest enemy in Fallout's history, and still technically the weakest here, are absolute bastards who will tear apart your young inexperienced Dwellers like they were Cazadores. At first it's not so bad, but the infestations scale with your population and room numbers, so if you're particularly unlucky, the Radroaches will strike in a room that has nobody with guns in it and you'll need to quickly and carefully shift everybody around to deal with the problem. Because if you don't contain the Radroaches to one room, they start to multiply exponentially in ALL YOUR OTHER ROOMS. I lost a Vault this way. TO RADROACHES. My next Vault got utterly wiped out by a glitch. all the Molerats but one got killed... And it just wouldn't die. So it kept multiplying. It is actually because of that damn Molerat that I am free from Fallout Shelter long enough to write this damn review.
In conclusion, I believe Fallout Shelter is an excellent Fallout flavored waiting tool for Fallout 4. However, I also maintain that it is not for people that don't like being leashed to the damn thing. Fallout Shelter is effectively Fallout Tamagotchis (Does anyone remember Tamagotchis?); You become obsessed, hard-wired, to constantly inspect and maintain the Vault, even when there's nothing at all to do. Play at your own risk, people. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go for a walk... With my phone.
See how-to Play Fallout Shelter on PC and MAC! You can see how it all looks below - the preview video of Fallout Shelter on PC
August 15, 2015
Play Fallout Shelter on Your PC and MAC
Since you don't want to mess with just any emulator that "emulates" the Android platform on your PC, there is this one that I highly recommend...
Of course, the answer to all your problems is the #1 Android Emulator - BlueStacks. BlueStacks is the Android Platform Emulator, which means that it kind of emulate the Android OS, but only for the gaming (app) part. And yes, you can download and play the most mobile apps and games that exist at the Google Play Store.
As I mentioned above, it's very simple; firstly - download and install BlueStacks Android Emulator, then create a Google account if you don't have one already. Use your Google account with Google Play Store in BlueStacks, and you're all set to download the one and only - Fallout Shelter!
Links (needed in order to play Fallout Shelter on PC and MAC):
Check out Fallout 4 Collectibles and Other Cool Deals from Amazon, and also our Fallout Shelter Portal and have fun!
June 18, 2015
Fallout Shelter is Coming to Android on August 13th!
The first thing that most of us realized while watching the #BE3 Showcase is that the game is released for iOS only. I knew that the game is going to be released for Android eventually, and now, it is official - Fallout Shelter is coming to Android!
It seems that Bethesda finally decided not to keep every information classified anymore, so they hinted over their Twitter - Yes, we're also working on Fallout Shelter for Android. Hopefully out in a few months. Thank you for that dear Bethesda, as for Fallout 4!
I understand that the Apple only launch could have been due to the company wanting to keep this game a secret until the big announcement at E3, I just thought they had everything ready to release the Android App some time sooner than a "few months" period after the E3, but, oh well... Bethesda will no doubt be delighted by Fallout Shelter's financial success on iOS, and who knows what we will see in the future of "Mobile Fallout".
I would highly recommend you to follow the devs if you wish to get nothing but first-hand, fresh news about your favorite games. Links are below, as is the Fallout Shelter #BE3 Showcase video. Be sure to check it if you haven't already and enjoy my dear Fallout fans!
Follow Bethesda on Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and also YouTube and Twitch channels.
Earlier today at QuakeCon, Todd Howard revealed to an enthusiastic crowd that Fallout Shelter will be available for FREE on Google Play for Android devices on August 13th!
Whether you’re playing on Android or on iOS, Fallout Shelter will feature new game updates, including Mr. Handy as an all new premium reward. Have him collect resources inside your Vault, send him into the wasteland to collect loot, and defend your Vault from creatures and disasters, including all new Deathclaw invasions and Molerat infestations.
To learn more about Fallout Shelter, visit the game’s official website, www.FalloutShelter.com
Check our portal Fallout 4, or read more:
- Beautiful Fallout 4 1080x1920 Mobile Wallpapers
- Todd Howard Talks about Fallout 4 Details
- Benefits of The Wasteland: Top Perks Wanted Back in Fallout 4
- What's New in The Wasteland (Fallout 4 E3 Highlights)
- Fallout 4: Map Size and Location Analysis
- Let's Talk About Fallout 4's Trailer
- Fallout 4: The 15 best Screenshots from Bethesda's Trailer
- Fallout 4 Wishlist
- Why the Next 10 Years of Fallout Will Smash the Last 10
May 25, 2014
Play Fallout Game on iOS Devices
This is an short quide on how to run the original Fallout game on your iPad or iPhone. You can do the same steps on any iOS device even on iPhone. To do this just follow the simple steps:
Jailbreak your iOS device (see for tutorials on how to do that on youtube), then install Fallout game on your PC and download files needed to run Fallout in MSDOS - follow this guide.
When all done, follow these instructions:
- Then open Cydia and add source: cydia.xsellize.com
- Install AppSync 5+ on your iOS device
- Download iDOS application version 2.0.1 (search iDos.ipa on Google)
- Install iDos application on your iOS device (Simply put it in iTunes and sync)
- Open cydia and install iFile to your iOS device
- Open installed iDOS application for the first time it will create dospad.cfg in the application folder.
- Download the program called iTools from their website (google it), this will allow you to access your iOS device file system from your PC or MAC and change it's files.
- Open iDOS application folder in the User/Applications/(your iDOS folder)/Documents
- Change the content of dospad.cfg to the content below:
After you've done changes in the content of dospad.cfg, then you simply:
- Upload FALLOUT folder to User/Applications/(your iDOS folder)/Documents
- Open iFile and give the Read/Write/Execute 777 permissions (see video on how to do that) to your FALLOUT folder.
- Open iDos and start the game.
Play Fallout 1 & 2 On Android
Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 are fully playable on Android with all the sounds and music from the original game. Play the best role-playing video games for PC on your mobile!
With the use of an Android X86 emulator QEMU, you will learn how to install and play your own copy of Fallout 1 or Fallout 2 on Android.
Guide+video How to Play PC Games on Android with DosBox Turbo
Download the DosBox Turbo Version 1.0
Recommended System Requirements:
- CPU Quad-Core, Dual-core 1.2Ghz+, equivalent or better.
- GPU Adreno 220+, Nvidia Tegra2/3/4, equivalent or better.
- 2GB, 1GB, 512MB. My Config asks for a min of 256MB & shouldn't be run on a device with less than 512MB. 8GB disk space
Minimum System Requirements:
- 1Ghz Single-Core CPU with 512MB of Ram
- GPU Adreno 220
- 4GB Disk Space
Tested Devices: Note2, HP TouchPad, Galaxy s3, Galaxy s1 i9000
How to install Fallout on your Android device:
- You will need Fallout 1 or 2 the game fully installed on a PC
- Download QEMU Emulator for Android:
Version 1.0 for Playing Fallout 2 Regular QEMU Download
Version 2.0 for Playing the Fallout 2 Restoration Project QEMU DownloadNote: Version 1.0 is more stable but will not work properly with the Restoration Project.
Getting Fallout 1 & 2 setup to Play on Android:
Fallout 2
If you wish to play Fallout 2, we recommend installing Killap’s unofficial fallout 2 patch.
- Download and Extract the Unofficial patch, open the folder.
- Open the "data" folder and copy and paste these files into your Fallout 2 install directory. (yes to overwrite the files)
- Open the "Windows 95-98-ME" folder and copy and paste these files into your Fallout 2 install directory. (yes to overwrite the files)
- Open the “Batch_work’ folder and copy and paste these files into your Fallout 2 install directory. Run the "master_dat_fix_up.exe" file (A window will popup, wait for it..)
- Next this is EXTREMELY important, in your Fallout 2 install directory delete a file called "patch000.dat"
- Download and install one of my custom Fallout cfg files by copying and pasting it into your Fallout directory. These config files correct the game path for the sound data files. Config With Video & Ambient sounds: This is the standard required config file the fixes the sound directory path. Config without Video & Ambient sounds: This increases performance by removing ambient and video sounds. If you experience crashing when the videos play then, you will need this file. Note*NPC conversations will still have spoken dialogue. This can also improve screen scroll performance with and increased art_cache_size=256. You can also manually open the fallout2.cfg and change the value. I recommend 256, 512, or 768 (default=8).
- (Optional) You can also install Mash’s resolution patch: to increase your screen size.
Fallout 2 Restoration Project
Note: The Fallout 2 Restoration Project requires a faster device to run than a regular install of Fallout 2. A fast Dual or Quad core device with 2GB+ is Recommended
If you wish to play Killaps Fallout 2 Restoration Project on Android then you must do the following.
- Download and Extract the manual Restoration patch, open the folder.
- Open the "main" folder and copy and paste these files into your Fallout 2 install directory. (yes to overwrite the files)
- Open the "Windows 95-98-ME" folder and copy and paste these files into your Fallout 2 install directory. (yes to overwrite the files)
- Open the “Batch_work’ folder and copy and paste these files into your Fallout 2 install directory. Run the "f2.bat" file (A window will popup, wait for it..)
- Next this is EXTREMELY important, in your Fallout 2 install directory delete a file called "patch000.dat" Fallout 2 Restoration Project Manual Version Download
- Download and install one of my custom Fallout cfg files by copying and pasting it into your Fallout directory. These config files correct the game path for the sound data files. Config With Video & Ambient sounds: This is the standard required config file the fixes the sound directory path. Config without Video & Ambient sounds: This increases performance by removing ambient and video sounds. If you experience crashing when the videos play then, you will need this file. Note*NPC conversations will still have spoken dialogue. This can also improve screen scroll performance with and increased art_cache_size=256. You can also manually open the fallout2.cfg and change the value. I recommend 256, 512, or 768 (default=8).
- Download the citylimit49_mapper here and place it into your Fallout 2 follder. Run the exe to extract the files. (yes to overwrite the files)
Fallout 1
If you wish to play Fallout 1, we recommend installing the Dos Patch and launching the game from the Dos exe file.
- Download and install Fallout 1 the game on your PC. I got it from a free promotion @ GOG
- Download and extract the Fallout 1 Dos files below. You will need to add these Dos files into the fallout 1 folder installed on your PC. Copy and paste them directly into that folder. fallout1.1+Dos Patch download
- Download and install one of my custom Fallout 1 cfg files by copying and pasting it into your Fallout 1 directory. These config files correct the game path for the sound data files. There are two different config files. The one without video & ambient noise is for slower devices that just meet the Min system requirements or have performance issues.
- I also installed this NPC patch from the no mutants allowed website. This allows you to edit your follows weapons and inventory, like Fallout 2. Download and extract these files into the Data folder in your fallout 1 directory.
- Download and Extract either the 2GB or 1GB empty HDD.img files to an easy to find location on your PC. Bigger is Better, for improved stability! Default is 2GB.
- Install the free 30 day trial of WinImage and run the application. Be sure to use it before 30 days passes.
- Open the empty HDD.img by dragging it into the open Winimage program. Or navigating to it from file/open
- Locate your fully installed Fallout 1 or 2 game folder. Transfer the Fallout game folder into the HDD.img and save it. This should include Killaps Patches and Mash’s resolution patch. I would recommend playing at 640x480 if you have a dual core device. You can attempt 800x600 or 1024x768 if you have a quad core device. Single core devices should use my No Video or Ambient noise Fallout cfg. (Optional) You can install one of my custom Fallout cfg files by copying and pasting it into the Fallout directory. Config With Video & Ambient sounds: This is recommend to improve screen scroll performance and sound compatibility. Config without Video & Ambient sounds: This has the same sound tweaks but further increases performance by removing ambient and video noises. Note*NPC conversations will still have spoken dialogue.
- Save your new HDD.img and close the program.
- Copy and paste your new Fallout2 HDD.img into the SDL folder in your downloads.
- Transfer the sdl folder to your devices internal memory. This will be the location that opens when you plug in the USB cable.
- Transfer the libSDL.apk to your device and install it. Note* you may need to Enable 'Unknown Sources' from Settings/Security/Enable.
- Run the libSDL.apk and start windows. Skip scan disk if it comes up.
- Play Fallout2 on Android and wander the wasteland.
GameKeyboard app that lets you make onscreen buttons and choose the keys:
Get the free Hackers Keyboard from the Play Store. It has a better layout for playing games and includes directional keys.
Notes (Important):
SDL cfg file:
Located in the sdl folder you will find the sdl.cfg file. This allows you to edit the instructions given to the emulator. You can edit and save changes to this file using notepad.
Here is the default line for the sdl.cfg file:
/sdl -L . -m 256 -boot c -hda c.img -hdb HDD_2Gb.img -usb -usbdevice tablet -soundhw sb16
- You can increase or decrease the Memory –m 128 or 256 or 512+ (recommended) The Default is 256MB for compatibility.
- Set the emulated Memory size to half of your total system Memory size. So if your device has 1GB of DDR use the 512 setting.
- You can change the name of the HDD –hdb HDD_2Gb.img Note*It Must match the exact name in your sdl.cfg file.
- Add additional HDD’s by adding sequentially lettered –hd(x) Like so
- /sdl -L . -m 256 -boot c –hda c.img –hdb hdd_2Gb.img –hdc hdd_2Gb.img –hde hdd_2Gb.img… ect
- The default is HDD_2Gb.img but you can edit the file with notepad. Just change the 2 to a 1, to use the HDD_1Gb.img, save and exit.
- We would highly recommended attaching a 1/2GB HDD used only for virtual memory. You can use the Virtual Memory sdl cfg line below.
- Once you are running the emulator right click on the vault 13 desktop icon and choose properties, select the performance tab. Next select “virtual memory” at the bottom, click “Let me specify my own virtual memory settings” and select the HDD you attached. It will prompt you to reboot once you exit. Don’t reboot, choose no, and then shutdown and re-launch the emulator. This will help to keep System Resources between 98-99% free. This helps to optimize the performance and improve stability.
- You can check the performance by right clicking on the desktop vault computer and selecting properties. Navigate to the performance tab at the top and look for “System Resources:98%free”.
/sdl -L . -m 512 -boot c -hda c.img -hdb HDD_2Gb.img -hdc HDD_1Gb.img -usb -usbdevice tablet -soundhw sb16
- You will need to be rooted in order to Overclock your device. Increasing your CPU speed can have a large impact on performance and could make games playable on older devices.
- Get a free overclocking app from the Play Store such as AnTuTu's CPU Master (free). Open the app and increase the speed in small increments of 100-200Mhz and then run AnTuTu's Benchmark to check stability and performance. Once you've found a stable overclock start up QEMU and have fun.
- You must click the volume bottom before you can move the mouse.
- To help maintain stability try and minimize back ground app activity while running Fallout.
Tweaking the CPU Settings:
- Increasing the minimum CPU frequency may help to improve stability. You can use the free CPU Master App. Also set the CPU governor to Performance or on demand. Don’t forget to set it back to normal after your finished exploring the wasteland.
Fallout 1 and 2 Troubleshooting:
- Fallout1: If you have problems launching Fallout 1, then include the Patch and Dos files to your fallout 1 folder and launch the game from Dos. Fallout1.1+Dos Patch download
- Fallout2: If you have problems launching Fallout 2, manually install Killap's Unofficial Fallout 2 Patch (US/UK - manual install) Killap's Unofficial Fallout 2 Patch (US/UK - manual install) Download