Showing posts with label part 1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label part 1. Show all posts

August 30, 2014

Fallout: Diaspora


A Fallout 3 based fan-movie series.

Disclaimer: This is not a high-end production, it is a fan-based movie, and all parts of this video (including audio parts, except voice acting) belongs to Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company, and are for entertainment purpose only. All rights go to the developers, IP owners, etc. credited below.

After we finish Fallout: Diaspora Ep.3, we'll then focus on re-creating the full movie Fallout: Diaspora, maybe even on a new engine since Fallout 4 release, and for that, we could use all the help we can get from devoted fans such is yourself! Visit Vault-Tec inc. Patreon page for more information.


Amata: Tiffany "Ladylonewanderer" Parker
Officer Matt: Ralph Streb
Officer Jeff Richards: Calvin Cook
Officer Steve Armstrong: Angelo "Wasteland Angel" Horvath
Officer Jim Wilkins: Ralph Streb
Sheriff Harden Simms: Calvin Cook
Stockholm: Henry Lombardi
Hannon, Chief Officer: Ralph Streb
Vault Resident Linda: Ivana "Antagoria Black" Horvath
Narrator: Tiffany "Ladylonewanderer" Parker

Story and Script Edit: Angelo "Wasteland Angel" Horvath and Henry Lombardi
Video, Music, SFX, Sound and Voice edit by: Angelo "Wasteland Angel" Horvath.

The Story

War... War Never Changes. The atomic flame that reset the Earth came with severe penalties. In the Capital Wasteland, that penalty was water. The Potomac ran thick with toxic runoff, and purifiers were scarce. It was truly a wild land, with only a few scant settlements  between vast expanses of ruins and danger. That was, until, Vault 101 opened. From the Vault came two strangers that would save the Wasteland. The stories of the two are well known but scattered, with some claiming things that seem almost impossible to be true. But what everyone does know is that they, with the help of The Brotherhood of Steel, brought pure drinking water to the wasteland...

That was over 20 years ago. The year is 2296. Vault 101 has been forcibly opened, the reactor rapidly failing. The Vault Dwellers have just a couple of months to find a new home before the  Vault's core becomes unstable and explodes. Vault 101 was never meant to be opened, and thus it does not contain the all-important G.E.C.K.

The few inhabitants capable of surviving outside are sent into the wasteland to learn all they can, and a place to settle. The events that follow will change the Capital Wasteland forever.For better or for worse, remains to be seen.

Fallout: Diaspora, Ep.1

Fallout: Diaspora, Ep.2

In this episode, officers Matt, Jeff, Steve and Jim are heading for the Megaton, the first stop of their epic journey. Megaton is relatively close to Vault 101, and it is a perfect place for equipment exchange and some useful info. After they decide to take a shortcut to Megaton, a whole hell broke loose..

Fallout: Diaspora Ep.3 - Teaser trailer

Teaser trailer for Fallout: Diaspora, Ep.3. Showing a long journey with some more action. After we finish Fallout: Diaspora Ep.3, we'll then focus on re-creating the full movie Fallout: Diaspora, maybe even on a new engine since Fallout 4 release, and for that, we could use all the help we can get from devoted fans such is yourself! Visit Vault-Tec inc. Patreon page for more information.

We encourage you to interact with us and other users by commenting and sharing posts and submitting related feedback to this post so that we can improve. Our question to you; Do you think that Amata and Matt will find the "Lone Wanderer", and is he actually able to help them with their problem? The more engagement this gets, the better next episode will be. Thank you, your VTi crew.

Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics, Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas are Copyright 2008-2014 by Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Bethesda Softworks and Bethesda Game Studios and their respective logos are registered trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. All rights reserved. The Video (including audio) posted on this FALLOUT FAN PAGE are for non-profit, educational or PERSONAL USE ONLY. We do not claim ownership of anything posted on this page. All rights go to the developers, IP owners, etc. credited above.

July 11, 2014

Fallout: Origins (Part 1)

Note: Click on image to enlarge it. See Fallout: Origins info here.

Note: Click on image to enlarge it. See Fallout: Origins info here.

Special note: interact with us and other users by leaving comments and sharing this post! Hope you've enjoyed. I will make this series go on if it get a lot of feedback. You can also donate to the series (at the bottom of the page). Thank you.

See also: Fallout: Diaspora - a fan movie series project by VTi.

July 01, 2014

Fallout: New Vegas - Cut Content

 "You are a master of the outdoors. This Perk confers the ability to survive in hostile environments. You get a +20% bonus to Outdoorsman for survival purposes, for each level of this Perk." - in-game description in Fallout

Survivalist is a Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics perk and a cut perk in Fallout: New Vegas. This perk doesn't exist in the G.E.C.K. but an image of a Vault Boy named "perk_survivalist" can be found in the game files and proves that the perk was planned. Otherwise, benefit, prerequisites and description are unknown.

Fallout: New Vegas cut content refers to content in Fallout: New Vegas which was cut from the final version of the game. Most of it can still be found in the game files but is inaccessible within the game itself. Much of the equipment can only be obtained by use of console commands.
Some cut content is simply Fallout 3 content that was never removed from the game's resources.


Boomer's Pride
A cut achievement/trophy in Fallout: New Vegas which is awarded for causing 10,000 damage with Big Guns. This is due to the Big Guns skill not appearing in Fallout: New Vegas, instead being combined with the Small Guns skill into a single Guns skill.

Card Shark
A cut achievement/trophy in Fallout: New Vegas which is awarded for killing 5 people who you have beaten in Caravan.

General Custer
A cut achievement/trophy in Fallout: New Vegas which is awarded to the player for leading all of their companions to their deaths. As companions only become "unconscious" in regular play mode, this achievement would only be obtainable on Hardcore mode.

Mod Master
An early version of Mod Machine - an achievement/trophy in Fallout: New Vegas which is awarded for applying 20 modifications to various weapons. The cut version of the achievement was named Mod Master, and required the player to attach all the mods in the game.

Sore Loser
a cut achievement/trophy in Fallout: New Vegas which would have been awarded to the player for killing 5 people who you have lost to in Caravan.



Angel appeared in early versions of Fallout: New Vegas, but was cut from the game prior to release. Its game files hint that Angel was supposed to appear in Gomorrah, which suggests that they were either a guard or an "escort".

A veteran legionary within Caesar's Legion, stationed at The Fort in 2281. He was cut from the final version of Fallout: New Vegas but remains in the game's files. Not much is known about Atticus. His dialogue options appear to indicate that he is a goods runner.

Becky Bowen
The granddaughter of Lily Bowen. Becky lived in Vault 17 with her family until it was overrun by super mutants of the Master's Army. Becky Bowen is mentioned only in Fallout: New Vegas. She also appears in the game files of Fallout: New Vegas but should not be considered canon due to her being a test character.

The beggar is a cut non-player character still present in the game's files of Fallout: New Vegas. There are 3 beggars present in the GECK, all old-aged. One has gray hair. The other two have a similar appearance to each other, although they are of different race (Caucasian/Hispanic). The beggar was added during the development stages of Fallout: New Vegas, but was cut from the final retail release of the game.

Betsy the Brahmin
Betsy the Brahmin
Betsy the Brahmin appears to be a standard water brahmin associated with the cut character Kevin Hargrove. Although she is not placed anywhere in the game, a number of resources placed in the game indicate she was somehow tied to Freeside's north gate, in particular a disabled animal pen and gate internally referenced with her name. There are also indicators that Betsy would have served as some manner of companion, likely temporarily. An additional quest titled VDialogueBetsy (FormID 0015435e) contains two partially complete dialogue options: "Betsy, I need to go on by myself. Are you going to be okay, girl?", and "C'mon, girl. Let's get going." Both options are incomplete and lack any form of reply or script associated with it.

Bill the tax collector
a character placeholder used to narrate the ending sections of the game in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road. he serves a similar role to Ron the Narrator and can only be seen by using glitches or console commands.

Billy Bettis
Billy is a merchant that moves around the wasteland south of New Vegas Strip, the NCR Sharecropper Farms, and Aerotech Office Park. For unknown reasons, Billy Bettis will hold the sawed-off shotgun as if he is holding a two-handed shotgun, such as the caravan shotgun. It may be just a glitch the deleted character has, or it may be that he originally used a different weapon and still uses the animation for the old weapon. His character may have been cut before this could be fixed.

A Keely's protectron assistant and was to be found in Vault 22 in 2281, but he was cut from the final game. Bohr assists Keely with her research in Vault 22 and his duties include computing protein sequences. He was ordered to wait for her return by Keely before she went down to the lower levels and has been waiting for her return ever since.

Catty Clara
An old woman, given her name, as well as her alignment being with Maud's Muggers. She was meant to be a part of the Maud's Muggers encounter that the Courier could encounter if the Wild Wasteland trait had been chosen. Catty Clara was added during the development stages of Fallout: New Vegas, but was cut from the final retail release of the game.

There are three characters with this name, strangely enough, one is a female. She has the same appearance as Rose. The two men, also with same appearances, look like Alerio. He also wears the same hat. DrunkTestMale appears in the game files of Fallout: New Vegas but should not be considered canon because he is a test character.

Male and female versions, equipped with sexy sleepwear. They would have worked in the Atomic Wrangler casino, but at some point it was decided in order to hire a prostitute, the Courier would have to go on a quest to find them first. Escort was added during the development stages of Fallout: New Vegas, but was cut from the final retail release of the game.

Jimmy Bowen
Jimmy was the grandson of the nightkin, Lily Bowen, who lived in Vault 17 until it was attacked and raided by the Master's army and was presumably killed by either the ensuing fight between Vault 17's security and the super mutants or when they attempted to transform him into a super mutant or a nightkin. Jimmy is also one of Lily's hallucinations and is also part of a memory of what Lily used to be before she was a nightkin. Jimmy Bowen is mentioned only in Fallout: New Vegas. He also appears in the game files of Fallout: New Vegas but should not be considered canon due to him being a test character.

Gomez has a small bit of unique dialogue relating to Camp McCarran. These dialogue files tie her to the I Put a Spell on You quest as the monorail guard where she does or does not allow the Courier access to it. Ranger Gomez was set to appear in Fallout: New Vegas, but was cut from the game.

Kevin Hargrove
Kevin Hargrove is a "cut" non-player character still present in the games files of Fallout: New Vegas. A destitute-looking man that was to be located in Freeside.

A sentry bot who was to appear in Vault 22 at one point, broken. There are scripts relating to a cut mini-quest to repair it. It was supposed to be placed in the Vault 22 Common Areas, but disabled. By using the Placeleveledactoratme console commands, the player may spawn Koch, and repair it with a skill check, but it will not respond to anything.

Les Fretwell
A named NCR military policeman with some partially complete dialogue lines, he is placed behind the NCR Embassy, but disabled. He is linked to the cut quest Jailhouse Rock, along with trooper Willis and two unnamed NCR troopers. Les Fretwell was added during the development stages of Fallout: New Vegas, but was cut from the final retail release of the game.

Joseph B. Steyn
Joseph B. Steyn was the mayor of Nipton in or shortly prior to the events of Fallout: New Vegas. Josepth B. Steyn may be one of the skeletons ontop of the burning tires infront of the townhall. Although not included in the final version, at one point Joseph Steyn was to appear "in the flesh" in Fallout: New Vegas. It is unclear what expanded role, if any, he was to serve.

Marilyn was meant to be one of Mr. House's private securitrons, similar to Jane. She was cut from the game due to errors in her voice-over which could not be fixed in time. She is also mentioned when the Courier's companion Veronica Santangelo asks: "What did you think of Mr. House? I was surprised he only had the two robot sex slaves" when talking to her in the Lucky 38. Marilyn does not appear in any Fallout game; she is only found in the game files of Fallout: New Vegas.

Meg Reynolds
Meg Reynolds was the mayor of an area called the Underpass which does not exist in the game (though according to its cell name, Carlyle St. Clair's house is located there). She was likely the questgiver for a removed mini-quest which involved fixing a water purifier. While the quest exists in name only, the unused message for solving it is still around.

New Vegas resident
New Vegas resident is a Vault dweller class character. They are faction North Vegas classified, so they were intended to live in North Vegas Square. New Vegas resident was added during the development stages of Fallout: New Vegas, but was cut from the final retail release of the game.

NCR mercenary
A cut non-player character still present in the game's files of Fallout: New Vegas.

Outer Vegas defender
Outer Vegas defender is a wasteland adventurer class cut character from Fallout: New Vegas. A male as well as a female character exist in the G.E.C.K. The male has black hair, the female brownish. Given the name, they may have been intended to keep a watch on safety in the outer area of New Vegas.

Three characters, with GECK editor ID Followers, and classified as NCR gambler. Patient was added during the development stages of Fallout: New Vegas, but was cut from the final retail release of the game.

Pablo Miller
A mercenary in the Mojave Wasteland.

Lily Bowen
Lillian Marie Bowen is a nightkin living in Jacobstown in 2281. In the GECK editor, there is a character model for Lily before she was made into a super mutant, as well as models for her grandchildren, Becky Bowen and Jimmy Bowen.

Press demo raider
'Press demo raiders' are templates used for some sort of presentation.

The GECK has listed two male and 1 female character. One male and the female are class soldier, the other male is a class adventurer. Being ranchers, they clearly were intended to have their place somewhere in Mojave Wasteland around New Vegas.

Ranger Chauncey
He was to be stationed at Station Foxtrot primarily because of its proximity to Jacobstown (much like ghoul rangers are stationed at Ranger station Echo because of its proximity to Camp Searchlight). He was also supposed to wear a normal-sized Ranger hat which would appear comically small on him. Ranger Chauncey appears in early versions of Fallout: New Vegas, but was cut from the final product at some point prior to release.

Red Lucy Face Holder
Red Lucy Face Holder is a clone of Red Lucy, but with a different name. Her Karma is evil, and she has no sexy sleepwear in her inventory, suggesting the developers had other plans with her in the early stages of creating the character.

Roy Gottlieb
a former resident of Vault 11 and was the head of the Justice Bloc and the Chairman of the Coalition of Vault 11 Voting Blocs. Although not included in the final version, at one point Roy Gottlieb was to appear "in the flesh" in Fallout: New Vegas. It is unclear what expanded role, if any, he was to serve.

One of the prostitutes that brought in revenue for Nipton from NCR troopers and travelers. She was killed in the "lottery" (along with many others) the Legion set up when they raided the town. Although not included in the final version, at one point Rose was to appear in Fallout: New Vegas, probably as a corpse based on the GECK ID "NiptonDeadRoseCF".

Sen Lin
Sen Lin was added during the development stages of Fallout: New Vegas, but was cut from the final retail release of the game. Three partially removed dialogue options remain in the game's resources which were in some way associated with Sen Lin. Although their content has been completely removed, the names of two of the options—VSenLinHaveEggs and VSenLinNoEggs—suggest that the character may have been involved in some form of "gathering" quest, similar to Bleed Me Dry or You Gotta Break Out a Few Eggs.

Before Nipton was raided by the Legion, Sylvia was one of mayor Joseph B. Steyn's prostitutes. Although not included in the final version, at one point Sylvia was to appear in Fallout: New Vegas, as a corpse based on the G.E.C.K. ID "NiptonDeadSylviaCF".

Testacles the Debug Centurion
A debug tool to test Fallout: New Vegas' functions in its development stages. Upon being spoken to he can: alter the Courier's Reputation with various factions of the Mojave Wasteland, spawn Rex, edit quest outcomes, etc.

Testing dummy
A raider Melee class character, belonging to the Fiends faction. Judging by the name of the character, it can be assumed that they were used by developers during the testing phases of Fallout: New Vegas, not actually intended to be used in-game.

TestFemaleNVPG is a VendorDrinks class character from Fallout: New Vegas. Two characters are listed in the GECK, fully named TestFemaleNVPGArmored and TestFemaleNVPGSimple. They are the only 2 female characters to be wearing a Powder Gang outfit.

TestMaleNVPG is a VendorDrinks class character from Fallout: New Vegas. Two males are listed in the GECK, fully named as TestMaleNVPGArmored and TestMaleNVPGSimple, referring to their different outfits.

Test Man
Test Man is a placeholder non-player character for some scripts relating to the REPCONN test site quest. Judging by the name he was never meant to be in the final cut of the game.

Tom Dooley
A cut non-player character still present in the game's files of Fallout: New Vegas. Tom Dooley has a script package denoting him as a merchant, placed in Freeside in the map cell with the bodyguards, but disabled.

Underpass citizen
Underpass citizen
Underpass citizen is a Wasteland Adventurer-class character. There are six characters listed in the GECK: four male and two female. Given the name, they were meant to live near the Highway underpass area around New Vegas. Underpass citizens were added during the development stages of Fallout: New Vegas, but they were cut from the final retail release of the game.

Vault 11 survivor
The Vault 11 survivor is, as the name suggests, the only survivor of the Vault-Tec Vault 11 social experiment. Vault 11 survivor was added during the development stages of Fallout: New Vegas, but was cut from the final retail release of the game. His existence is still alluded to as the first audio log in Vault 11 reveals that only four of the five remaining residents were killed by a gun. The fifth one's status is unknown.

Vertibird pilot
The Vertibird pilot is the ill-fated pilot of the crashed Vertibird in 2281. Vertibird pilot was added during the development stages of Fallout: New Vegas, but was cut from the final retail release of the game.

Warren Jacobs
Sgt. Warren Jacobs is an NCR sergeant. Warren Jacobs was added during the development stages of Fallout: New Vegas, but was cut from the final retail release of the game.

A named NCR trooper with some partially complete dialog lines. Linked to the cut quest Jailhouse Rock. There are also two unnamed NCR troopers with the same purpose.

Xa Mo
A white-haired Asian man living in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. He wears the clothes of Eulogy Jones, the slaver leader of Fallout 3. Xa Mo was added during the development stages of Fallout: New Vegas, but was cut from the final retail release of the game.

Wrench (character)
Wrench is referred to multiple times in the G.E.C.K. and was meant to be involved in The White Wash. The Courier would be required to buy Wrench's super tool kit back from Miguel's Pawn Shop, and then return it to Wrench. The Courier would then need to ask Wrench what he knows about the water shortage, as can be found in VMS10 in the G.E.C.K. The script for The White Wash shows that Wrench can repair things, which would explain why the Courier needs to retrieve Wrench's super tool kit.


Brahmin WaterSkins
A brahmin, named for the leather water sacks on its back, that is inside TestMap01 and the Mentats Test Level. Brahmin WaterSkins appears in the game files of Fallout: New Vegas but should not be considered canon due to being a test cell creature.

Alpha male lakelurk
Alpha male lakelurk
The alpha male lakelurk was a sub-species of lakelurk that was to appear in Fallout: New Vegas, but was cut from the game prior to release. It is a stronger form of the lakelurk that is visually identical to the lakelurk king.

Feral ghoul jumpsuit
A feral ghoul wearing a RobCo Industries jumpsuit, which was cut from the game.

Floater is a creature cut from the final version of Fallout: New Vegas. They appear in game files in name only, using the centaur's assets.

Glowing ghoul jumpsuit
A glowing one wearing a RobCo Industries jumpsuit. This type of ghoul was cut from the game.

Called simply gecko when spawned, Gojira is its editor ID. It is graphically identical to the fire gecko, but triple the size, making it roughly equal to a super mutant behemoth in height. It has its own unique embedded fire breath weapon called 'Gojira Flame' (baseid 0011324a) which has a base damage of 400 and an incredible damage per second of 3,200, and a staggering 8,000 HP. It will kill any creature if one is placed beside it. Not even the X-42 giant robo-scorpion, legendary deathclaw, or legendary bloatfly (the strongest creatures in the game) stand a chance against Gojira, making it the strongest creature in the game.

Ranch and Sheep Dog
Ranch and Sheep dogs are a variant of dogs in the mojave Mojave Wasteland in 2281. They were a type of dog cut from the final version of Fallout: New Vegas.

Irradiated radroach
The irradiated radroach appears the same as a "normal" radroach but with the radioactive aura of a feral ghoul reaver and the ability to heal itself with a radiation blast similar to a glowing one.

Legion creature
A recruit legionary, classified as a feral ghoul. His ragdoll doesn't dismember or move around properly. The model also has some effect added to the hands.

Sunset Sarsaparilla eyebot
This cut content eyebot was intended to be a sentry alarm, within the Sunset Sarsaparilla factory and warehouse.

Super mutant rehab
Super mutant rehab
A super mutant character in Fallout: New Vegas. Looks like one of the unarmed, unarmored super mutants from Jacobstown. When spawned, he will be hostile. Super mutant rehab was cut from the game prior to release.

Nightkin base rehab
These look like the unarmed, unarmored super mutants and nightkin from Jacobstown. The 'rehab' may have something to do with Jacobstown's nightkin schizophrenia treatments. Nightkin base rehab was cut from the game prior to release.

Radioactive tumbleweed
A radioactive version of the tumbleweed exists within the resources of Fallout: New Vegas, but remains unused. Identified as Radioactive Tumbleweed, it emits radiation similar to a glowing one, is classified as a creature, consequently moves under its own power, and can be killed.


Damaged Mister Handy
The damaged Mister Handy was cut from the final version of Fallout: New Vegas.

NCR sentry bot
It is similar to the military sentry bot in appearance, but is differently colored, with orange eyes instead of the standard red. The NCR sentry bot was originally intended to be stationed in Camp McCarran, evident in its G.E.C.K. id McCarranFieldSentryBot, but was cut from the final version of Fallout: New Vegas.

Sentry bot toy
The sentry bot toy is a fully articulated miniature replica of the sentry bot. When picked up it has no effect, simply occupying the player's inventory. However, when dropped the sentry bot toy will follow the player around. Though it is mobile it lacks the ability to attack, and will flee if involved in combat. When not moving the sentry bot toy will periodically change poses, as though checking its equipment and functionality.
The sentry bot toy can be damaged and destroyed, most commonly if something attacks it. Once this happens it will no longer follow the player, though it can be picked up and dropped as normal. It is not possible to repair the sentry bot toy once broken. The sentry bot toy was cut from the final version of Fallout: New Vegas and is only available through the use of console commands.

Test dummy robobrain
The test dummy robobrain did not appear in the final version of the base game.


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June 03, 2014

Let's Talk About Fallout 3

Brotherhood of Steel happened, it's true, and I can't change that. The game did irreparable damage to the franchise. Hell, it very nearly DESTROYED the franchise. Interplay sold Fallout to Bethesda and closed Black Isle's doors. Van Buren, the game that was meant to be Fallout 3, never saw the light of day; It was 75 percent complete if reports are to be believed. Fortunately for all of us, Bethesda wasted no time setting to work on a brand new one. And thus I present our topic of discussion this time: Fallout 3.

The first thing I'd like to mention is that the game is not really a sequel to the Fallout stories currently in progress. In fact, Fallout 3 really feels like another Fallout spin-off to me. It's in a completely new location, a lot of features from previous games are gone, and the overall package feels slightly off. Now before you start sending me a bunch of angry e-mails, I want to make one thing really clear: Fallout 3 is really good, even great. I enjoy the hell outta this game, and I'll even break it open and play it to this day, some 6 years later. And I'm not the only who thinks so. Fallout 3 completely revitalized the Fallout community, and it seemed to have the effect Brotherhood of Steel might have had if it, you know, wasn't utter shit; It brought console gamers into the Fallout world. But just because I love the game does not mean I can tear it some new holes, which I totally intend to do. So here we go.

The game swaps out the traditional isometric turn-based style with that of third-person shooting and exploration. There was exploring in the originals, to be sure, but it felt rather impersonal. all movement between locations was done by a map screen, where you controlled a little red X. Here, you see everything, and it certainly makes the world feel more real. The world itself has been painstakingly crafted to look like the world of Fallout, with very similar architecture and retro-futuristic trappings. The Capital Wasteland is a really big place, and while it's mostly desolate, there is still plenty of interesting locations to just come across and promptly explore. It's that sort of organic feeling that Bethesda is really good at cultivating, that makes you want to just wander into the wastes looking for shit. Throw in some awesome ambient tracks, and even a radio that plays retro tunes (Including The Ink Spots "Maybe", which kicked off the first game.), and you've got a very Fallout-feeling adventure that will promptly obliterate about 10 hours of your life. Problem is, there is only a handful of actual useful locations. It is highly doubtful you will ever go out to the fringes of the world looking for things because there are roughly 3 locations that provide all your basic needs and quests.

I personally believe you are a sadist if you collected all these. 
The inventory is roughly the same, though they've given it some fine tuning. Finally, you can loot corpses for every single thing they have on them, including the clothes on their backs and the pencils in their pockets. You need to do this for your main gear too, since weapons and armor now have degrading values, and must be constantly repaired and maintained. The clutter, while useless (Unless you get a very particular weapon crafted), adds to the feeling of scrounging for every last bit of stuff you can use. Or it would if the game were difficult. The game has arbitrary difficulty by making enemies that aren't tougher, but just have more health. This kind of thing drives me up a wall, and I'd like the game much less if it weren't for one simple thing: VATS. Oh yes, VATS. The Vault Assisted Targeting System emulates the aiming system from the originals, allowing you to pick out specific body parts on an enemy and shoot those in particular. It doesn't work in melee or unarmed like it used to, but you can still make incredible use of your guns against enemies who otherwise are a total pain. Deathclaws too fast for you? Break their legs! Mirelurks too tough? Shoot them in their uncovered faces! Super Mutants doing too much damage with their miniguns? Blast 'em right out of their hands! This system, combined with the game's plentiful gore, makes combat way more fun than it has the right to be.

Moving on from praise into more hate, Fallout 3 royally fucked up on one of the franchise's most prominent and important aspects: Karma and Reputation. Karma basically dictated how you would be perceived, as either a good, bad, or neutral individual. In the originals, all it did was affect how NPCs and towns initial reacted to you. In this one however, there's a bunch of crap that's dictated by Karma. Certain companions are unattainable, hit squads will hunt you down if you dip too far in either direction, and ultimately the game's ending is changed. This is fucking dumb, and I will now explain everything I hate about this. First, how do people in the Wasteland know everything you do? The only form of communication over large areas is caravans, and word of mouth isn't that reliable, not to mention there are several instances where no one could POSSIBLY know what you did (Saving Butch's mom in the Vault, for example.), but you get Karma for it anyway. Second, why the fuck are there hit squads for if you are a good guy? Like seriously, some jackass put a hit out on you for being incredibly helpful. What the hell! Lastly, Karma is far too easy to manipulate. I can literally detonate a nuclear warhead, and kill an entire town, full of innocent people, but I can just unload 40 bottles of water on some guy asking for them and ALL IS FORGIVEN. But the worst sin Fallout 3 has committed is there is no Reputation system. Factions are just sorta there, and you can never really join them. It makes it feel like there's no real stake in anything you do, since the only way to piss off NPCs is shooting them or TELLING them you are going to shoot them first, ya know, to be polite.

But on a positive note, what other game lets you nuke a town?! 
Lastly, the leveling in the game is wonky. Percentages have been replaced by solid numbers, meaning you can no longer level your skills past 100. Whatever, no big deal. But now you get a perk every level. While this sounds awesome, it's not, because initially there are barely any actual perks, just small stat increases. To make things lamer still, there are certain skills that you absolutely HAVE to level, unlike previous games where you could do pretty much whatever you wanted. Repair and Medicine are pretty much required if you want to have a good time, since Repair is necessary to maintain your gear, and Medicine...somehow magically dictates how effective drugs are...Because...They removed self healing from the game.

I'm not done yet, but we'll have to wait until next time to discuss more. Next time, I delve into Fallout 3's story, the quests, the controversial ending, and the DLC's. Do you disagree with what I think? Think I'm being too harsh? Go ahead and speak your mind, and thanks for reading!

Let's Talk About Fallout 3 - PAGE 2

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