Showing posts with label screenshots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label screenshots. Show all posts

November 05, 2015

Fallout 4 Launch Trailer and Apps

Just a "few more days", as Bethesda Devs would say, until Fallout 4 release, and we got a beautiful Launch Trailer that contain spoilers to those who don't want to know anything about the story in Fallout 4. Bethesda is bombing us with lots of new information, screenshots, trailers and Apps lately and I love it. The marketing campaign for Fallout 4 is flawless from a day one!

Now, the trailer doesn't reveal the game story itself, but some of the aspects and game settings. If you ask me, I would watch it anyway, it is that good! Watch it, yeah. Below.

Fallout 4 Launch Trailer

Just a day before the Fallout 4 Launch Trailer, iOS and Android users got a new C.H.A.T. App, and now the Pip-Boy App also! I didn't check the C.H.A.T. App, but I got the chance to try the Pip-Boy App.

Fallout Pip-Boy

The Bip-Boy App is currently working in a demo mode until 11-10-15, and then you will have to connect it with your Fallout 4 game on PC, Xbox One, or PlayStation 4 to get it fully functional. Although in demo mode, you can actually see the Map with no landmarks, and also play the Atomic Command. 

Interesting about the Atomic Command is that it gives you the bonus landmark every 10000 points you collect. It is very challenging to collect 10000 points, I must say, so don't get your hopes too high. You can also view a few weapon and armor stats in demo mode. Get the Fallout Pip-Boy app at the App Store and Google Play. Windows app version will come later today.

Have you seen the latest Fallout 4 screens, launch trailer, or tried any of the new Apps?! Share your thoughts below!

June 07, 2015

Fallout 4: The 15 best Screenshots from Bethesda's Trailer

To celebrate the Fallout 4 announcement, we have a few of the best screens from Fallout 4's announcement trailer (check below so you can watch it a second, or a third, or even sixth time), which shows the title's post-apocalyptic world, game setting, creatures, and much more. Click on any one of them for a 1080p and 720p version. There's not necessarily anything new to glean from these images, but they're higher quality than grabbing screenshots of the paused video.

Fallout 4 1080p / 720p Screenshots

June 03, 2015

Let's Talk About Fallout 4's Trailer

So after a long long LONG wait, Fallout 4 is finally here! Now we just have to wait to actually PLAY it, but hey, taking pleasure in small victories is how I live my life. The next obvious progression for any Fallout fan is to watch the reveal trailer again and again, finding all manner of tidbits one can find in only 3 minutes of gloriously rendered game hype fuel.

For those of you who haven't actually SEEN the trailer, here you go:


The Opening Song
Critical to any Fallout-related trailer is the old-timey music playing at the start. Once again, the Ink Spots got us covered with "It's All Over but The Crying", a very fitting title considering the context.

Through the trailer, we have brief glimpses of the world before The War. This is especially fascinating to me, as the idea of a tutorial or game sequence in which you experience first hand what life was like before the bombs fell was always something I wanted to experience in the Fallout universe.

The dog that never seems to die while at the same time always dies makes a return of sorts. We have yet another canine companion for the series, and my money's on his name being the same as always.

Both Old and New
If one looks closely at the environment of the house, it seems to imply that this entry in the series doesn't take place very long after the War itself. This is actually evident throughout the trailer, as we follow a young boy running to the Vault in the pre-war sequences, and we then cut to Vault 111 opening with what we can assume is the young boy (The main character) stepping out for the first time. This would mean that the pre-war sequences will probably serve as a tutorial and character design part of the game!

It's Boston!
One can pick out from the various scenes that the game most definitely takes place in Boston, Massachusetts, as so many predicted before. I'm just glad it doesn't look exactly like DC did.

Enemies Returning
We get a few shots of enemies in the trailer, all of which appear revised in a way. There's a brief shot of what I assume are ghouls charging the player, what appears to be a Mirelurk scuttling along the sand, a much improved looking Protectron, and of course, everybody's favorite: The Deathclaw.

Zeppelins and Power Armor
One of the more striking shots of the trailer comes in with an honest to god Zeppelin, decked out all sci-fi-esque, looming over the famous Paul Revere statue in Boston's North End (Further solidifying the location). We also get a few shots of Power Armor clad individuals, but as others have already pointed out, it would seem one can make Power Armor out of spare parts, or even mod your own.

The New Megaton
Several times throughout we get shots of this post-war town, which, based on what one can see in the scenes, is called Diamond City. I would put money on it being the Megaton or New Vegas of Post-War Boston, the central hub for the player to rest in between hours of exploration and adventure.

Found his Words
So everybody's losing their shit over the main character (Or someone who may not even be the main character) speaking at the end of the trailer. While I highly doubt that your character will actually make verbal utterances other than the usual grunts and yells, I think it would be interesting to finally have one. Also, note how the jumpsuit for 111 is more akin to the original tight-fitting jumpsuits in the first 2 games as opposed to the looser baggy ones from Fallout 3 and NV.

There's a ton more little things to pick out from the trailer that I won't go into here, but, needless to say, this alone is a lot to take in. I for one will be watching with eyes glued to the screen for Bethesda's E3 outing, where we will undoubtedly learn more about this triumphant return. Feel free to share your thoughts on Facebook and Google+ post, and remember! War...War never changes.

Article by Henry Lombardi

Fallout 5, Fallout 76, Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout Shelter Online, Fallout Amazon, TV Show, Fallout Series, S1, S2, News, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout: Tactics